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How to set up a VPN in 10 minutes for free (and why you urgently need one) Zera™ Food Recycler. The Best Kitchen Gear Gifts of 2016. ‘Tis the season to give and get gifts.

The Best Kitchen Gear Gifts of 2016

But why stick to stale candy canes stuck in a stained mug that says “World’s #2 Dad” when you could get something that, well, doesn’t suck? To wit, we here at MUNCHIES have tirelessly racked our greasy brains to compile the best food-related gifts on planet Earth, and quite possibly the universe. Behold, The MUNCHIES Holiday Gift Guide. Sugru. Bespoke Post. 10 Obscure Sci-Fi Films Worth Seeking Out. Not all science fiction films are blockbusters.

10 Obscure Sci-Fi Films Worth Seeking Out

In fact, some of the very best sci-fi films are smaller, independent movies made by first time directors who have to prove themselves before being entrusted by movie studios with big budgets and an A-list cast. Many filmmakers have done some of their best work early in their careers and on a shoe string budget. For these sci-fi movies, it is more about the concept, story, and themes than the special effects and action. Archeological discoveries that are still a mystery (18 Photos) Rubblebucket. 25 Words That Are Their Own Opposites. Watch a Short Film Adam Curtis Made for VICE About Your Life. Screenshot from 'Living in an Unreal World: A Film By Adam Curtis For Readers of VICE' This article originally appeared on VICE UK.

Watch a Short Film Adam Curtis Made for VICE About Your Life

How to encrypt your entire life in less than an hour. “Only the paranoid survive.” — Andy Grove Andy Grove was a Hungarian refugee who escaped communism, studied engineering, and ultimately lead the personal computer revolution as the CEO of Intel.

How to encrypt your entire life in less than an hour

He died earlier this year in Silicon Valley after a long fight with Parkinson’s disease. When one of the most powerful people in the world encourages us to be paranoid, maybe we should listen. And Grove isn’t the only powerful person urging caution. Even the director of the FBI — the same official who recently paid hackers a million dollars to unlock a shooter’s iPhone — is encouraging everyone to cover their webcams. 15 Overlooked Sci-Fi Movies You Need To See. Why Does Our Society Celebrate Sociopathic, Narcissistic and Toxic Masculine Traits? Photo Credit: DonkeyHotey / Flickr For the most part I’ve chosen to ignore the day-to-day coverage of this election, to spare myself the pain and frustration of rubbernecking our train wreck democracy.

Why Does Our Society Celebrate Sociopathic, Narcissistic and Toxic Masculine Traits?

When I do tune in however, I’m always disappointed at the level of social commentary on the Donald, the superficial humor about his hair or hand size or mannerisms, with the frequent pieces on him being a lying conman and rampant xenophobe, or even slightly more sophisticated coverage on the dumbing down of the electorate and the media’s complicity in his candidacy. Psychological perspectives on Trump interest me more—I tend to agree with the psychologists who have written articles claiming Donald Trump exhibits strong signs of sociopathy.

I’ve known enough sociopaths to recognize the patterns myself: the ability to repeat lies over and over – and then contradict them shamelessly five minutes later. Constant impulsive statements and actions. Suffering From Rampant Individualism? — ART + marketing. How Political Mind Control Works. The Best Bargain Ebooks for Christian ReadersThrifty Christian Reader. The 49 best free websites and apps to learn something new — The Mission. The 49 best free websites and apps to learn something new Once upon a time, if you wanted to learn something, you had to a) pay a bunch of money, and b) go to a school or classroom, a place specifically dedicated to learning.

The 49 best free websites and apps to learn something new — The Mission

Those days are over. Now, a profusion of apps, websites and institutions offer us a wider variety of (often superior) educational experiences than ever before- and we can access them from anywhere in the world, often for free. What k-pop can teach us about design — Free Code Camp. A Neuroscientist Explains How He Found Out Meth Is Almost Identical to Adderall. This piece was published in partnership with The Influence.

A Neuroscientist Explains How He Found Out Meth Is Almost Identical to Adderall

The long subway ride from DC's airport to Silver Spring was unusually pleasant. It had been about an hour since I had taken a low dose of methamphetamine. It was my 40th birthday—October 30, 2006—and I was headed to a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)-sponsored meeting. Yumpu - Publishing digital magazines worldwide. There's More to Life Than Being Happy.

"It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness.

There's More to Life Than Being Happy

" In September 1942, Viktor Frankl, a prominent Jewish psychiatrist and neurologist in Vienna, was arrested and transported to a Nazi concentration camp with his wife and parents. Three years later, when his camp was liberated, most of his family, including his pregnant wife, had perished -- but he, prisoner number 119104, had lived. In his bestselling 1946 book, Man's Search for Meaning, which he wrote in nine days about his experiences in the camps, Frankl concluded that the difference between those who had lived and those who had died came down to one thing: Meaning, an insight he came to early in life.

9 'Star Wars' cocktails to celebrate 'The Force Awakens' Hoth Toddies.

9 'Star Wars' cocktails to celebrate 'The Force Awakens'

Dark and Stormy Troopers. Yoda Sodas. It's no surprise that some Star Wars nerds are also cocktail nerds, given the wealth of material for punny cocktail names in a galaxy far, far, away. If you've been driving yourself mad counting down the days until Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theaters, it's finally time to celebrate the release with an intergalactic libation.

The Forgotten Virtue of Not Caring — Life Learning. Off the Grid. How Lockpicking Works. This is a repository of the most up-to-date versions of Deviant's lock diagrams and animations.

How Lockpicking Works

Seen in all of the TOOOL educational materials and slide decks, these files are all released under the Creative Commons license. You are free to use any of them for non-commercial purposes, as long as they are properly attributed and the same freedom for others is maintained in all derivative works. Please note that these diagrams have evolved and developed over time.

While Deviant is still proud of the older versions of his images, if you still have copies of legacy material they should all be replaced with the latest versions available here. Each image shown below in thumbnail form can be accessed in high resolution individually, or you can obtain the full set from the zip archive at the bottom of this page. Lock Basics and Mechanical Operation. How to crack a Masterlock.