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How To Deploy Odoo/OpenERP Using mod_proxy and mod_wsgi On Ubuntu/Linux Servers. In last blog I explained “How To Install Openerp” In this blog I will describe “How to deploy OpenERP” using mod_proxy and mod_wsgi hand in hand with Apache2 on Linux/Ubuntu Server.

How To Deploy Odoo/OpenERP Using mod_proxy and mod_wsgi On Ubuntu/Linux Servers

While installing OpenERP you might came across a requirement to rid out the 8069 port from OpenERP URL. So here is the solution deploy OpenERP using any one of these method. Install ‘apache2’ on Ubuntu Server: To deploy OpenERP the major component we need is web server we are using apache2 as web server which is the most widely used web server in the world. Use following command to install apache2 on any Ubuntu server. sudo apt-get install apache2.

Webkit Reports for all modules in OpenERP v7 by SerpentCS. Hello Community, Serpent Consulting Services Pvt.

Webkit Reports for all modules in OpenERP v7 by SerpentCS

Ltd., a ready partner of OpenERP feels proud to announce that we are contributing 62 webkit reports of core/offiicial modules of OpenERP v7. A big thanks to Camptocamp for this wonderful reporting engine. After a huge effort and investing almost 1 month with 3 fulltime developers, we have been able to complete all webkit reports. Our next target is to make them fully v7 compatible as per the code quality and standard. We invite you to download, use and comment so we can improve them and gift better things to community. Here is the branch from where you will see them : How do I start using WebKit reports?

I recommend that you start out with some simple community module that utilizes webkit reports.

How do I start using WebKit reports?

I personally like the sale_order_webkit by camptocamp, it's downloadable at Here's a quick rundown of the basics of the module contents. Webkit Report Engine. Custom Reports in OpenERP. I get a lot of questions about creating your own reports in OpenERP.

Custom Reports in OpenERP

Most people find this hard to do in OpenERP and have tried I get a lot of questions about creating your own reports in OpenERP. Most people find this hard to do in OpenERP and have tried either Reportlab (default openerp) or OpenOffice report designer. Basicly you have 6 options if you want to play with custom reports in OpenERP. 1. More information: How to add custom fonts in RML: Working with Webkit Report on OpenERP. OpenERP have many methods for creating reports, on which webkit reports have some special features which makes an enviornment for easy and faster creation of reports, particularly for a web developer.

Working with Webkit Report on OpenERP

The main features are: Full OpenERP Compliance (translation, formatLang, pdf/html output) Super fast printing (thousands of pages in a second) HTML & CSS-3 Reports definition Multi-plateform (Windows, Linux, OS X) Multi-header support with full image support (per report and/or per company) Multi-company compliant Full JavaScript support Easy paper-size, margin and format selection And more : easy to use, raw HTML debugger, full featured integrated WYSIWYG editor, Installation In the OpenERP (v6), open the module list and install the module report_webkit. The module creates two new menu.

OpenERP Backup and Point-in-time Recovery. OpenERP backup is one of the main things to do when installing OpenERP on a production server.

OpenERP Backup and Point-in-time Recovery

But for many of us, simple daily backup won’t do the job. We need to utilize PostgreSQL Point-in-time Recovery to reduce the downtime when disaster happens. PostgreSQL server records all transaction like insert, update or delete and write it into a file called write-ahead (WAL) log file. This mechanism use the history records stored in WAL file to do roll-forward changes made since last full database backup. This backups are important to critical systems that can not afford even a minute of downtime. For this purpose I’ll be using barman which is (backup and recovery manager) administration tool for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL servers written in Python. I’m going to use dedicated backup server where the barman will be installed and will pull the backups from the main PostgreSQL server. Installing barman. Openerp-server.conf for OpenERP 7 explained - VION Technology Blog.

Here are the options that you can use in your openerp-server.conf file to tweak your OpenERP 7 installation.

openerp-server.conf for OpenERP 7 explained - VION Technology Blog

In one of my previous posts Install OpenERP 7.0 from trunk I’ve written how to start your server with a start scrip just changing the ports and all other default settings. You can also start your server with a specified config file with -c command. . /server/openerp-server -c /path/to/openerp-server.conf Here is the config file spitted into parts for easy understanding. Server startup config – Common options. Nginx. Reverse SSL Proxy using NGINX with OpenERP v7. Start with the installation of NGINX sudo apt-get install nginx Create your cert and key First create a temporary directory and move the files to their final resting Start with the installation of NGINX sudo apt-get install nginx Create your cert and key First create a temporary directory and move the files to their final resting place once they have been built (the first cd is just to make sure we are in our home directory to start with): cd mkdir temp cd temp Generate a new key, you will be asked to enter a passphrase and confirm:

Reverse SSL Proxy using NGINX with OpenERP v7

Reverse Proxy et IIS7 - mise en place du module Application Request Routing (ARR) , Atteint de JavaScriptite Aiguë [Cyril Durand] Reverse Proxy et IIS7 - mise en place du module Application Request Routing (ARR) J’ai récemment eu besoin de rendre visible des sites hébergés sur deux serveurs différents de mon réseau local vers l’extérieur.

Reverse Proxy et IIS7 - mise en place du module Application Request Routing (ARR) , Atteint de JavaScriptite Aiguë [Cyril Durand]

Ayant qu’une seule IP publique et plusieurs serveurs Web locaux, je ne peux pas rediriger toutes les requêtes du port 80 vers une IP locale précise. How to: OpenERP 6.1, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, nginx SSL Reverse Proxy. This article follows on (hopefully not unsurprisingly) from the basic 6.1 installation howto.

How to: OpenERP 6.1, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, nginx SSL Reverse Proxy

In this post I’ll describe one way of providing SSL encrypted access to your shiny new OpenERP 6.1 server running on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. This time I thought I’d use the nginx (pronounced like “Engine X”) webserver to act as a reverse proxy and do SSL termination for web, GTK client and WebDAV/CalDAV access. nginx is gaining in popularity and is now the second most popular web server in the world according to some figures. It has a reputation for being fast and lean – so it seemed like a good choice for a relatively simple job like this. OpenSSL: comment créer un certificat SSL (auto-signé) et créer son autorité de certification (CA)

Steps for How to create simple webkit report Demo Module in Openerp. Sample module for webkit report on purchase Order (OpenERP- 7.0) Module Name : webkit_report_purchase_order Requrired things to implement Webkit report 1) Download webkit to pdf library file from below link and set the system parameter. The file is for linux and 32 bit. Click here to Download for Linux 32 bits. Click here to Download for Linux 64 bits. If you have another system configuration than you can find your specific file from below link. MaxMakeDesign. On Tue Aug 27th, 2013 at 00:00 This guide will help you prepare your OpenERP instance to use the Webkit reporting engine - a reporting engine rendered by webkit and powered by HTML and Python mako templates. It assumes you are using OpenERP version 6.1, but the steps won't be too different for newer versions. If you are successful with other versions please let me know with a comment so I can update these notes for future users :)

Dive Into Python. Sous Mac OS X, vous avez deux possibilités, garder la version préinstallée ou installer une nouvelle version. Vous préfèrerez sans doute cette dernière solution. Mac OS X 10.2 et les version ultérieures contiennent une version en ligne de commande de Python. Si vous êtes à l'aise avec la ligne de commande, vous pouvez utiliser cette version pour le premier tiers du livre. Par contre, la version préinstallée ne contient pas d'analyseur pour le XML, vous devrez donc installer la version complète lorsque vous arriverez au chapitre traitant du XML. Installer la dernière version présente également l'avantage d'une interface graphique interactive. Procédure 1.3. Pour utiliser la version préinstallée de Python, suivez ces étapes :

Comment installer OpenERP 7 sous Mac OS X ? - MarginWeb. Automated Backup on Windows. Automated Backup on Windows Below are 2 set of instructions to automate backing up of PostgreSQL Server in Windows Environment. The First method uses pg_dump.exe along with batch file to call it. This batch file will create a new file for each day it is run. The Second method backups uses PgPass, pg_dumpall.exe, and a batch file to backup the entire server and over write the file every time it is run. Using pgdump, new file for each day Go to Server create a Directory called Drive:\PostgresqlBack then create a sub directory called "bin" in the Drive:\PostgresqlBack Instead of compiling pg_dump.exe the pgAdmin III install has the pg_dump ready to go.

Stockage des pièces jointes. OpenERP propose de stocker des fichiers. Par exemple, lorsqu'on génère un rendu de facture, celle ci est stockée et n'est pas générée à chaque fois qu'on cherche à l'imprimer. Par défaut, ces fichiers sont stockés en base de données. Le stockage en base de données peut s'avérer périlleux : une fois que vous aurez atteint 10000 factures clients, à coup de 50 ko par facture, cela nous fait un total 500 Mo.

Et c'est sans compter les devis, les factures fournisseurs, les fichiers de la base de connaissances, et tout un tas de pièces jointe (en effet, une fois que le module document est installé, OpenERP vous propose de stocker des pièces jointes partout...) ! Setting up automatic backups for OpenERP 7. Asked May 22 '13 Laurens 369 ● 8 ● 13 ● 23 I am very interested in setting up an automatic backup, so I don't have to manually backup the database multiple times a day. After taking a look at this and this post, I'm not sure whether I can use such a solution on my platform.