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Over 100 Ideas to Help Organize Your Home and Your Life

Over 100 Ideas to Help Organize Your Home and Your Life
665.5K Flares Twitter 57 Facebook 2.1K Pin It Share 663.2K Google+ 70 Email -- Email to a friend 665.5K Flares × I love to organize!! Okay, that may be overstating things a bit. Let’s rephrase: I love to be organized. I think all of us love to be organized, whether we admit it or not. Sometimes I really have my act together on that front, and other times–not so much. With four kids, I always seem to have a hard time getting out the door. Anyhow, if this time of year also makes you feel the need to get more organized, this post is for you! This post is massive–there are over 110 ideas here–and it took me almost two months to write it. May 2013 be your best–and most organized–year yet! (And as always, please share any of your own favorite tips in the comments below… I’d love to know what works for you!) Please note that Organize-It, a company whose products I often mention in this post, is currently extending an exclusive offer to my readers to save 10% on your entire order–woohoo!

Sew Much Crafting: {Projects in Progress}: Kitchen Organization Welcome to Week One of my {Projects in Progress} series! I am so excited to write my first series here in blogland and even more excited that you have joined me! If you missed the intro or list of projects, be sure to check them out! This week's project to complete deals with kitchen organization. Here's the before shot: See all that clutter? I bought these lovelies at Wal*Mart for almost nothing. And an after shot: I split things up a little bit and now have two drawers for all that stuff. Here's an up close view. Thanks for joining me for week one of {Projects in Progress}! Here's a quick list of all of my {Projects in Progress} posts: Week One: Kitchen Organization {Drawers & Utensils} Week Two: Simple Mending {Buttons and Hems} Week Four: The Pull*It*Together Dress {Mixing Patterns} Week Five: Chap*Stick Holder {Practice Quilting} Week Six: Table Runner & Centerpiece {Machine Quilting} Week Nine: Freezer Organization {Chest Freezer}

Chocolate Dessert Tacos Can I interest you in a taco? How about a dessert taco? A chocolate dessert taco? Yes, I think that sounds like a good idea. A quick and easy homemade chocolate taco shell that you can load up with your favorite fillings! This issue was full of fabulous taco ideas (and yay, they have them online as well!). I melted some chocolate coating and piped a bit along the edges of our tacos and then dipped them in sprinkles. Mix your dry ingredients, then add your wet ingredients. The batter reminds me of a very sticky brownie batter. The recipe says it makes eight, but I did six – which worked out perfectly. You bake them for about six minutes, and the moment you pull them out you need to carefully get them off of your baking sheet and onto something – a wooden spoon over a bowl works well, in order to create your taco shape. While they are a bit delicate, I’m happy to report that none of mine broke, they held together very well. Heck, for a healthier version, fill them with bananas or berries!

Darling Doodles 2 Keys to Pondering About Your Child2 Keys to Pondering About Your Child | Susan Merrill Blog Pondering takes selflessness, and selflessness takes self control. Those are the two keys to pondering that will help you overcome the 9 things that get in the way of pondering. Self-Control It takes self-control to put down a good book when a child comes in bored and wants to play a game. It takes self control to look up from Pinterest when your son walks in the door from school, or to get off the phone when your daughter needs help with homework. And it takes self-control to give up a party to help one of your kids with a school project or to cancel a tennis match to comfort a daughter who didn’t get asked to the prom. The great benefit of learning to exercise self-control is this: if you learn self-control, you will be better able to model it to your child. Selflessness It takes self-control to be selfless. In the moment we want to indulge ourselves and use our spare time selfishly, but many moments later when our children are grown we will wish we had not.

13 Ways to Honor Your Child's Memory Online - Still Standing Magazine We have a lot of newly bereaved moms and dads that find their way to us everyday, and I hope this list will be a comforting reminder that their children will always be remembered. There are so many generous and loving families who have gone through the loss of a child before you that dedicate their precious time to helping other loss families. If you know of any others, please mention them in the comments and I will be sure to update this list. Christian’s Beach have your child’s name handwritten by the talented and inspiring CarlyMarie on the seashores of Perth, Western Australia. Wall of Remembrance a free way to remember your child by including their name, a picture and a message on this page. White Signs of Grief a beautiful way to send a message to your child. Pledge to see the movie Return to Zero Treasure Beans Pebble Works painted rocks with your baby’s name and beautiful artwork. Butterfly Footprints this artist can create a printable keepsake using your baby’s footprints. update:
