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Aile de raie au sambal comme à Singapour. Ailes de poulet au tamarin. Aubergine en papillote. Lorsque j’ai vu ces appétissantes aubergines dans mon feed instagram, je me suis sentie obligée de les tester à la maison! C’est chez Meera Sodha que j’ai découvert cette jolie recette indienne, inspirée par le pollichathu, un classique du Kerala. Dans la version originale on utilise plus communément du poisson, qui est cuit dans des feuilles de bananier. On reprend ici les codes de la papillote dans cette variante végétarienne, en enveloppant une aubergine dans du papier sulfurisé, avant de la glisser au four.

La farce, à base de tomate, tamarin et crème de coco est vraiment bonne, ça donne envie de voyager en Inde! D’après la recette de Meera Sodha (pour 4 personnes) Si vous utilisez des feuilles de curry, faites-les rissoler à la poêle avec un peu d’huile végétale. Aubergines farcies à l'agneau et aux pignons. Ces aubergines farcies font partie aujourd'hui des recettes "adoptées pour la vie". Depuis que je les ai découvertes, je les ai faites 6 fois tellement elles sont délicieuses, et tout le monde en redemande ! Dans le livre il est expliqué que cette recette leur a été inspirée par Elran Shrefler, fils d'Ezra et Rachela Shrefler, qui dirigent LE RESTAURANT AZURA, au coeur du marché de Machné Yéhuda à Jérusalem.

Ce restaurant propose des recettes kurdes traditionnelles de Jérusalem, avec de fortes influences turques, car Erza est originaire de Turquie. Elran est membre du mouvement "Slow food", et commence son travail tous les matins à 4h pour cuire ses plats pendant des heures dans d'énormes casseroles posées sur des petits poêles à mazout.

C'est Elran qui a donné cette recette d'aubergines farcies à la turque à Yotam Ottolenghi et Sami Tamimi, qui l'ont réinterprétée ici. Je ne pense pas que l'on s'en rende compte devant les photos, mais elles sont vraiment hyper fondantes. 10g de paprika. Aubergines frites en sauce relevée à l'indonésienne. Aubergines grillées sauce tamari cacahuètes. Note: I have edited and updated this recipe to add that while I originally called the sauce here as “Peanut Butter Teriyaki,” I’ve realized that this is a total misrepresentation and appropriation. Yes, teriyaki can and does refer to a style of cooking—a grilled protein basted in a salty and sweet sauce. All traditional recipes I have looked up for teriyaki sauce contain sake and mirin, which are missing here.

If you are looking for a traditional teriyaki sauce recipe, I would check out this one from Just One Cookbook. Grilling season is here and I could not be happier about it. Cooking outside with a cold beverage is pretty much the greatest thing, and I just love the simplicity of a grilled meal. We usually do a bunch of grilled vegetables, make one really great sauce, cook up a grain, toss up some greens, garnish with our backyard herbs, and then we just throw it all together. Prep Time: 20 minutes mins Cook Time: 10 minutes mins RESTING TIME: 20 minutes mins Total Time: 50 minutes mins. Ayam Kalio : Curry de poulet à l'indonésienne. As mentioned in our rendang recipe, three dishes can be produced during the process of cooking rendang, namely: gulai, kalio, and rendang.

Each dish is characterised by the amount of liquid or gravy it contains. Gulai is the most soupy, and rendang being the driest. Kalio lies in the middle, in between gulai and rendang. When making kalio, the cooking process ends when the coconut-based gravy has partly evaporated, and the spices and the oil start to separate, making the gravy thicker. Some people refer to it as wet rendang as it’s just a wetter version of rendang. Kalio can be made from beef, buffalo, duck, chicken, seafood or egg. Kalio ayam (ayam means ‘chicken’ in Indonesian) is the most common and pretty much available in every Padang restaurant. Sambals & Sauces e-Cookbook Sign up for our newsletter and receive our Sambals & Sauces recipe e-book for free in your inbox.

Thank you! You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Print Description Notes. Bar poêlé au rasam et purée au curcuma. Tamarind is one of our favourite ingredients. Its taste is hard to describe – it has a sweet-sour flavour that adds a completely distinct tartness to sauces, soups, marinades, pastes and dressings. It’s an ingredient we use lots throughout the book in a number of savoury fish and vegetarian dishes, as well in the sweet dish of Roasted pineapple (page 260).

Here, its tartness is a key part of the rasam soup which is often served in South Indian cooking to balance the heat of other dishes. Rasam translates as ‘essence’. The soup can be made in many ways – with varying contributions from tomato, pepper, lemon, cumin, chilli and tamarind water – but the result will always be food that comforts and restores. We use five different spices when making rasam at NOPI, instead of the garam masala mix here.

Place the potatoes in a medium saucepan and cover with salted water. Bhajia (Beignets de pomme de terre), sauce miel et tamarin (Kenya) I can very well call myself madam potatoes. I love potatoes so so so much. Potatoes are my favorite starch, because they are very delicious (duhh!!!) , but beyond that, they take up flavor really well. There are a billion ways to have them without ever ever getting bored. And with all the anti-carb rage all over the world, potatoes can count on me to love then today and forever more!! For today, we are making some cumin maru bhajia with my honey ukwaju bbq sauce. I made a dope vid to accompany the blog post. Ingredients For the honey ukwaju bbq sauce 1 red onion, diced 1 tablespoon of minced garlic Handful of dania Stems 1 cup of ketchup 3 tablespoons of honey ¼ cup of ukwaju (tamarind) paste 1/2 a teaspoon of coriander spice 1/2 a teaspoon of pepper For the bhajia 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric 3/4 teaspoon of cumin ½ teaspoon of garlic powder 1 cup of gram flour Water 6 potatoes, sliced 1 tablespoon of rosemary leaves 1 cup of finely chopped dania Method In your pan, add some oil and salt.

Cheers! Bœuf braisé en sauce sucrée-salée à la javanaise. Boisson au tamarin. Bolitas de Tamarindo. Our bolitas de tamarindo recipe (tamarind candy balls) combines sour and sweet in a candy that brings memories of my childhood. Why we ❤️ it It is somewhat fitting that this post is about Tamarind Candy Balls, a treat that brings me so many good memories.

Bolitas de Tamarindo was one of my favorite childhood treats bought from local colmados, inexpensive and popular. And if you like tamarind, well, I have this recipe for you, one for tamarind popsicles, and of course, tamarind juice for you to enjoy. Tamarind candy balls. About this recipe Believe it or not, I developed, wrote, and shot this recipe nearly 2 years ago, right in the middle of another redesign, brought by a previous bout of boredom. But here we are. Buen provecho! Recipe This awesome free recipe contains Amazon affiliate links, we receive a small commission from any purchase you make at no extra cost to you.

[Recipe] Bolitas de Tamarindo (Easy Tamarind Candy Balls) By: Clara Gonzalez Prep Time 5 minutes mins Cook Time 7 minutes mins. Boulettes de porc au curry vert de Goa. Quand on pense curry vert, on pense tout de suite à l'emblématique curry vert thaï, mais il n'est pas le seul. Un de mes currys préférés est un curry vert de Pondychéry, à la coriandre et à la menthe par exemple.Aujourd'hui je vous propose une adaptation d'un curry de Goa, avec un fond à la noix de coco et la coriandre, dans lequel nagent de petites boulettes de viande hachée. Ces boulettes sont doublement hachées pour obtenir une texture toute douce, différente de nos classiques boulettes, mais tout également délicieuses.A Goa, la préparation se ferait forcément avec de la coco fraîchement râpé: j'ai un peu triché en utilisant de la coco rapée congelée (qu'on trouve en épicerie asiatique) mais vous pouvez aussi tenter le coup en réhydratant de la coco râpée sèche si vous le voulez.

Ingrédients: 500g de viande hachée (porc/veau pour moi)2 tranches de pain sec1 cuill à café de cumin en poudre1 cuill à café de sel 2 beaux oignons, finement hachée2 cuill à soupe d'huile Préparation: Brochettes de poulet sauce Satay. Des brochettes de poulet mariné que l'on trempe dans une délicieuse sauce satay maison à base de lait de coco, cacahuètes et tamarin. J'ai en effet trouvé cette recette il y a longtemps, bien avant de commencer ce blog et je ne sais plus où je l'ai trouvée, alors merci de vous faire connaitre pour que je mette le lien vers le blog d'origine! ;-) Recette des "brochettes de poulet sauce satay" pour 6 personnes (24 brochettes): Pour la sauce Satay: -250ml de lait de coco (pour la cuisine) -15g de pâte de curry rouge -50g de sucre roux -15g de nuoc nam (sauce de poisson) -30g de sauce de pulpe de tamarin -70g de cacahuètes grillées, non salées réduites en poudre Pour le poulet mariné: -6 blancs de poulets -1 cuillerée à café de curcuma -1 cuillerée à café de cumin en poudre -1 cuillerée à café de cannelle en poudre -2 cuillerées à café de sucre roux -180ml de lait de coco Commencer par préparer la sauce satay.

Mettre le sucre, la pâte de curry rouge, le nuoc nam et le tamarin dans un bol et bien mélanger. Champola de tamarindo (République Dominicaine) Refresh your summer days with this sour and sweet, cooling Champola de tamarindo or Jugo de tamarindo, our favorite tamarind drink. Easy to make, with only three ingredients, and a favorite with kids and adults, it's perfect with your meals or as the afternoon merienda.

Why we ❤️ it One of the things I love the most about living in a tropical climate is that we have many Dominican fruits available year-round. And we have figured out how to make delectable fruit juices from nearly all of them. Grab a pitcher of our amazing tamarind drink, and enjoy one of our favorite tropical drinks. What's tamarindo? Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is a large tree related to beans. In the Dominican Republic, Tamarind is used to make this Champola de tamarindo (about the name), Tamarind balls (tamarind candy), and Paletas de tamarindo (tamarind popsicles).

Jugo de tamarindo (tamarind juice) and tamarind pods Serving suggestions Top tip Recipe Tamarind Drink [Recipe + Video] Jugo de Tamarindo By: Clara Gonzalez Strain. Chou grillé nam prik. Serves two as a main course alongside some bread and a peppery rocket salad Thanks to Calvin Von Niebel, our well-travelled dinner chef at Ottolenghi, for coming up with the recipe that inspired this. First make the nam prik. Put the galangal and garlic in the small bowl of a food processor and blitz.

Add the fish sauce, chilli, tamarind, sugar, tomatoes and lime juice, blitz again, then tip into a small bowl and stir in a teaspoon and a half of the oil.Toss the cabbage quarters in the remaining oil and a teaspoon of salt, then lay them on a very hot barbecue or griddle pan, and grill for four to five minutes on each side (ie, 12-15 minutes in total), until it has clear grill marks all over, and has softened on the outside but still has a crunch. Transfer to a platter, overlapping the cabbage quarters in places.

Cocotte de boeuf à la malaisienne. Crevettes au tamarin (Thaïlande) Pound garlic, shallots, cilantro roots and Thai chilies in a mortar and pestle into a rough paste. Alternatively, process into a rough paste in a small food processor. In a wok or a sauté pan, heat 2 tablespoon vegetable oil over medium high heat (if you’re making fried shallots, you can use the leftover shallot oil). When oil is hot, add shrimp and sear until browned. Flip and sear the other side. Turn off the heat, remove the shrimp from pan and set aside. If the oil has darkened in colour, start the next step with a fresh wok and fresh vegetable oil, otherwise, you can use the same wok. Add the shrimp and toss to coat in the sauce; if shrimp are not fully cooked at this point, let them cook until done.

Join us on Patreon for bonus content and rewards! Cuisses de poulet sauce BBQ au miel et tamarin. What a brilliant year 2018 has been!! For me, it has been the year of becoming, settling into myself and growing into my full potential. It has been a year of self growth, coming face to face with uncomfortable truths about myself, learning and unlearning those that are malleable, and becoming an overall better person. It has been a year where I have become deliberately present for my friends, and finding time to catch up in the midst of work, starting families and travel. It has been a year of delicious financial gain and tangible growth of my brand.

There has been plenty of self-assertion and no taking of bullshit especially from twitter trolls. It has been a wild, thrilling ride of self discovery that I am thankful for- because it has set the stage for the incredible person I am blossoming into in the years to come! To send off this brilliant year is an equally brilliant recipe- my lemon pepper chicken thighs in my honey ukwaju bbq sauce.

Check out the YouTube video too here: Method. Curry de crabe Kerala. Another Crab recipe famously known as Kerala Boatman’s Crab Curry / Yellow Crab Curry, made with the flavours of spices in an aromatic coconut based curry. Kerala, a state in the Southern part of India is famous for its natural beauty and of course it’s authentic traditional style seafood dishes. Being a coastal state with a lot of backwaters, lakes, and rivers; this dish is believed to have originated from the homes of the fishermen with the fresh catch they bring daily, and prepared in its entire authenticity.

Kerala tourism offers a lot of activities for the tourists and among them the houseboats are one of their best attractions. The food prepared by the chefs in these houseboats is well sought after; they offer wonderful delicacies like spicy Kerala style fish and prawn dishes, and you can surely find this crab curry dish here which is an all-time favorite. There are different variations to the preparation of this dish.

Prep time : 30-35 minutesServes : 2 -3 servings Note: Related. Curry de sardines du Kerala au tamarin. For the sardine lovers! A deliciously tangy sardine curry, simple to prepare and best enjoyed with a bowl of steaming hot rice. It’s been a while since you heard from me here, right? Let’s just say, I have been a tad bit lazy and not too motivated to create anything new for the blog. I have been quite active on social media sharing my food and travel stories, especially on Insta. But somehow uninspired to pen anything here. But one of my resolutions for 2023 is to get out of my comfort zone, learn new techniques, try out different cuisines and create more recipes for all of you.

Do you love sardines? I do. While we do get sardines here in Australia, I do miss the variety that is native to Kerala, India especially the fatty ones that are available only during the monsoon season. Both fresh and frozen sardines are available here. This is a simple, rustic style fish curry that’s simple and quick to prepare. Tamarind and Tomatoes: Print Recipe Course: Side Dish Cuisine: Indian, Kerala Ingredients. Curry doux de cabillaud entre Goa et le Kerala. Curry keralais de poisson au tamarin et lait de coco. Curry rouge de poisson. Curry thaï au tamarin de Chiang Mai.

Egg pulusu : Curry indien d'oeufs au tamarin. Fish and chips créole sauce tamarin. Gai Yang : Poulet mariné au barbecue à la thaïe. Gambas grillées tamarin, piment, maïs et pancetta. Green fish sénégalais. Jus de tamarin. Jus de tamarin à la sénégalaise. Larmes du Tigre. Magret de canard au wok à l'indonésienne. Magrets de canard sauce au tamarin. Mee Rebus (Malaisie) Meen Kulambu : Curry de poisson du Sud de l'Inde. Nasi Lemak : Plat malais de riz à la sauce sambal. Oeufs au plat, au curcuma et au tamarin. Pad thai - ma version. Pad Thai poulet-crevettes.

Pad thaï traditionnel. Pempek de poisson et bouillon aigre-doux comme à Sumatra. Perche au tamarin, miel, coco et herbes fraîches. Pois chiches aux tomates rôties et au tamarin. Poisson à la noix de coco et au tamarin. Poisson au tamarin. Pot-au-feu philippin de poitrine de porc. Poulet au curry Massaman. Poulet au curry Massaman : la recette thaïlandaise. Poulet massaman. Ragoût d'herbes iranien au tamarin et aux crevettes. Saumon au tamarin et mangue verte aux herbes.

Seco de carne con tamarindo : Ragoût de boeuf au tamarin. Sinigang na Baboy : Soupe de porc au tamarin. Soupe aigre-douce au poisson. Soupe de mérou au tamarin et à l'ananas. Soupe pimentée de légumes aux pois cassés. Tilapia entier au tamarin. Tonic indien au curcuma et tamarin. Varutharacha Sambar.