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Inspiration Gallery #173 ? Various quotations ? From up North. Writing prompts. 500themes: The Dragon. Updated 6/12/2011.

500themes: The Dragon

Note: If you spot any duplicates, please let me know. 10 Personal Writing Ideas. Stuck for an idea?

10 Personal Writing Ideas

Use the suggestions below to spark personal writing with help from New York Times features. Illustration by Jeffrey Fisher 1. If you’re preparing to write a traditional personal essay or creative nonfiction, you might try modeling your piece on a past installment of the Lives or Modern Love columns. Of the Lives columns, you might try Finding That Song, Disco Papa or Forbidden Nonfruit. 2. Modeled on one of these features, write about your favorite local place or about the qualities of your town or neighborhood. 3. Creative Writing Games.


How to Generate Hundreds of Writing Ideas. By Ali Hale Do you ever feel completely out of ideas?

How to Generate Hundreds of Writing Ideas

Sometimes, I’ve got time to write – but I’m just not feeling inspired. I might want to write an article for one of my blogs, or work on a short story. I may just want to write something personal, perhaps a letter to a friend, or a journal piece, but for some reason I can’t think up a topic. Inspiration doesn’t always come easily. Brain-Storm or Spider-Chart I like to brainstorm ideas on paper, though there are lots of pieces of software available – these might be useful if you want to develop an idea into a full article, as they allow you to move things around. For the low-tech method, though, just grab a bit of paper – a full blank sheet of computer paper works well, as it’s good to give yourself plenty of room! Write to Done. Arouse your creativity Electric flesh-arrows … traversing the body.

Write to Done

A rainbow of color strikes the eyelids. A foam of music falls over the ears. It is the gong of the orgasm. ~ Anais Nin Creativity is like sex. I know, I know. How to Get Inspired to Write in 10 Minutes or Less. EmailEmail Worries, problems, fears and thoughts of strange things are constantly spinning around inside your head, and you just can’t seem to stop them.

How to Get Inspired to Write in 10 Minutes or Less

Does this sound familiar? More often than not, when I can’t write, it is because I am blocking myself. Does anyone know where to find good writing prompts? - writing writingprompts. 40 Writing Topics - Descriptions - Topic Prompts and Suggestions for Descriptive Paragraphs, Essays, and Speeches. Inspired, But No Inspiration. Have you ever felt like there are a million and one things on your mind you wish you could express in words? That you want to write it all down, and feel that inspiration of a beautiful picture you could create out of how you feel? But when it comes down to writing it all down, you blank out? All that creativity you can think of just wants to rush out, and the words and sentences come out in flood, then you realize that what you have writen doesn’t actually make sense at all.

The trick to settle your mind and put in words what you feel, is to literally write it down. Use a notebook, where you can scribble everything that is in your mind. If writing is your passion, then don’t let what others who do not write tell you otherwise. You hear stories and not so inspirational feedbacks from other writers, friends or relatives, who look down on writers. Keeping a Writer's Journal: 21 Ideas to Keep You Writing. 501 Writing Prompts. Dragon Writing Prompts. As of today, that’s how many posts there are at Dragon Writing Prompts :-) I had vague thoughts of a prompt inspired by 1000 as I saw the number approaching. Well, no great original ideas popped into my head. No not-great original ones, either. ;-) So, since a picture’s worth 1000 words, I browsed through the writing area of for a picture prompt.

(Click for larger view at the artist’s Worth1000 page.) Write a 1000 words inspired by the picture. Does the skeleton have something to do with death? Why a cat and an octopus? Some other stuff that doesn’t have to do with the prompt, but does have to do with the picture and Worth1000. marymagdalyne created and posted the picture that inspired the The Quatrains of Nostradamworth writing contest at Worth1000. Pretty cool! Writing Ideas. Short Story Ideas - Random. Random Words.

Short Story Ideas - Random

33 Excellent "OUT OF THE BOX" Ways for Creatives to find Inspiration. Feeling uninspired?

33 Excellent "OUT OF THE BOX" Ways for Creatives to find Inspiration

Running dry on inspiration is normal. We all get there at some point and none of us feel very comfortable being there. Every one gets tensed when having no inspiration. Story Starters. 1000 Quick Writing Ideas and writing forms - sample 3. TIRED OF HEARING: “I can’t think of anything to write”?

1000 Quick Writing Ideas and writing forms - sample 3

“I have used the 1000 Writing Ideas straight away, and they have been a great hit with the substitute teacher and students alike. What a find!” — Helen,(UK) Creative writing prompts . com ideas for writers. English Language Arts: Writing Prompts/Journal Topics. What is...

English Language Arts: Writing Prompts/Journal Topics

What is something you dislike about yourself? What is something you do well? What is your favourite room in your home and why? Random Writing Prompt Generators. 10 Outstanding Picture Writing Prompts. Some folks just need a smidgen of a push to get their creative writing juices flowing.

10 Outstanding Picture Writing Prompts

A word, concept or idea get’s them moving. For others, a visual cue is what they need to get the writing moving. I fall into the latter group. Writing Prompt: Get Into Character « Novel Novice. Welcome to Novel Novice’s Writing Prompts! Reading and writing go hand-in-hand: reading makes you a better writer, and writing makes you a better reader.

Whether you’re aspiring to be a novelist, just having fun, or interested in trying your hand at writing, we welcome you to join in. Here’s how it will work: Prompts will be posted on the 1st of the month, every other month, Feb-Oct.Stories will be due 6 weeks later, on the 14th of the following month.Stories will be posted on the website for everyone to read, so that we can learn from each other.Each prompt will focus on a writing technique to help you sharpen your skills.Prompts are open-ended so that they may be used for fan fiction for any book/series. There is no judging, voting, or winners. 80 Journal Writing Prompts.