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Mapy archiwalne Polski i Europy Środkowej. Archiwum Map Zachodniej Polski. Skorowidz - styczeń 1924 ze zbiorów Marka Zielińskiego Skorowidz - październik 1924 Skorowidz - styczeń 1929 Skorowidz - kwiecień 1940 Stara i nowa numeracja arkuszy! Skorowidz na mapie współczesnej: Elektroniczny katalog części: wyszukiwarka oryginalnych akcesoriów BMW i oryginalnych części BMW. JAMES C. The Feynman Lectures on Physics Original Course Handouts. Plasma TV Logo Removing DVD - fix burn-in pixels. Introduction To remove burn-in on Plasma TV screens, panels, monitors cause the TV channels logos is a constantly placed on the same position, you will need to demonstrate "digital noise" video to erase burn-in effects from your Plasma screen. Burn-in is the Plasma screens technology feature. Modern plasma panels have good panel structure to avoid the burn-in dramatically, but it still have such kind of problem.

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Starting up... You might also try:MISSILEMAP 1. Drag the marker to wherever you'd like to target. Or type in the name of a city: 2. Choose a warhead yield: [?] Kilotons [?] 3. Advanced options: 4. Note that you can drag the target marker after you have detonated the nuke. Created by Alex Wellerstein, 2012-2024. Other options: [?] Interested in nuclear history? Alex Wellerstein, Restricted Data: The History of Nuclear Secrecy in the United States (2021) NUKEMAP's fees and development are sponsored by: Ploughshares Fund Stevens Institute of Technology,School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Export to Google Earth (KMZ) (beta) No detonations to export!

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JFreeWebSearch — Knowledge Engineering Group. Introduction JFreeWebSearch is a free Java library to perform searches on the web. It performs keyword searches and returns a set of objects, containing, e.g., the website title and URL, and a text snippet around the term found on the web page. JFreeWebSearch is a Java interface to the open source web search engine FAROO. Requests are limited to one request per second and one million queries per month. To use the JFreeWebSearch API, you have to register for an API key here. So far, the JFreeWebSearch API only supports the most commonly used plain web search, no news search etc.

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Fun. Robocode Home. POLSKI SPOJ: test your programming skills on-line. Strings of Pearls. We are surrounded by strings. Strings of bits make integers and floating-point numbers. Strings of digits make telephone numbers, and strings of characters make words. Long strings of characters make web pages, and longer strings yet make books. Extremely long strings represented by the letters A, C, G and T are in geneticists' databases and deep inside the cells of many readers of this book. Programs perform a dazzling variety of operations on such strings.

They sort them, count them, search them, and analyze them to discern patterns. This column introduces those topics by examining a few classic problems on strings. The Rest of the Column These are the remaining sections in the column. 15.1 Words15.2 Phrases15.3 Generating Text15.4 Principles15.5 Problems15.6 Further Reading Related Content The teaching material contains overhead transparencies based on Sections 15.2 and 15.3; the slides are available in both Postscript and Acrobat. Programming Pearls. My favourite programming language by far is Haskell. Sometimes, when I have a big need for speed, I might fall back on C (or C++ for better data structures and saner memory management while putting up with all its ugly warts).

After my very first programming language, Sinclair BASIC, Z80 assembly next, and Pascal as freshman in University, C made a refreshing change. Behold the Ten Commandments for C Programmers. Also see Frans Faase's list of signature programs. compiles with -DN=1, -DN=3, -DN=7, or -DN=15 (powers of two minus one) to produce outputs This improved version (inspired by nu's codegolf entry) produces prettier output (with N=3,7,15,31): This is my favourite programming pearl, a 237 character program that generates mazes of arbitrary length. Note that the constant 27 assumes a 31-bit random number generator, and needs to be replaced with 11 if rand() produces 15-bit numbers instead. Char M[3],A,Z,E=40,J[40],T[40];main(C){for(*J=A=scanf("%d",&C); Code from Programming Pearls. JUnit Cookbook. Kent Beck, Erich Gamma Here is a short cookbook showing you the steps you can follow in writing and organizing your own tests using JUnit.

Simple Test Case How do you write testing code? The simplest way is as an expression in a debugger. You can change debug expressions without recompiling, and you can wait to decide what to write until you have seen the running objects. JUnit tests do not require human judgment to interpret, and it is easy to run many of them at the same time. Annotate a method with @org.junit.Test When you want to check a value, import org.junit.Assert.* statically, call assertTrue() and pass a boolean that is true if the test succeeds For example, to test that the sum of two Moneys with the same currency contains a value which is the sum of the values of the two Moneys, write: If you want to write a test similar to one you have already written, write a Fixture instead.

Fixture What if you have two or more tests that operate on the same or similar sets of objects? Version Control with Subversion. Metasploit Unleashed. BNF and EBNF: What are they and how do they work? By: Lars Marius Garshol Contents Introduction What is this? This is a short article that attempts to explain what BNF is, based on message <> posted to comp.text.sgml on 16.Jun.98.

Because of this it is a little rough, so if it leaves you with any unanswered questions, email me and I'll try to explain as best I can. It has been filled out substantially since then and has grown quite large. What is BNF? Backus-Naur notation (more commonly known as BNF or Backus-Naur Form) is a formal mathematical way to describe a language, which was developed by John Backus (and possibly Peter Naur as well) to describe the syntax of the Algol 60 programming language. (Legend has it that it was primarily developed by John Backus (based on earlier work by the mathematician Emil Post), but adopted and slightly improved by Peter Naur for Algol 60, which made it well-known.

Programs that do this are commonly called "compiler compilers". How it works The principles A real example ? Common uses. BNF and EBNF: What are they and how do they work? Grammars and Parsers. (Back to Molly Pages) [Author: Hursh Jain] This page contains a small subset of my own parsing-related notes that I find handy (and otherwise tend to forget often). However, the section (below) on LL(1) recursive descent parsing is rather comprehensive and complete. For the best (by far) overall reference on this topic, see: Parsing Techniques - A Practical Guide by Dick Grune and Ceriel J.H.

Jacobs. Note 1: Keep in mind that a lot of theory-of-computation literature takes a pseudo-mathematical approach with "sets", which is the last refuge of the untalented and uninspired. Note 2: The best approach, as always, is to both write and examine as much real code and real programs as possible. Grammars Grammars describe hierarchical structures. These structures can be self-similar or nested at various levels. One such way is Lindenmayer-systems (L-systems). Here's a simple Grammar: X -> a X b The structure X is composed of a X b ...which contains X itself ! -> a (X -> a X b) b -> a a X b b and so on: Information Optimization – InfoSphere Data Explorer.

Home : Dataset Information. The ClueWeb09 dataset was created by the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University to support research on information retrieval and related human language technologies. The dataset consists of 1 billion web pages, in ten languages, collected in January and February 2009. This page describes the dataset organization and format. Dataset Organization The dataset is organized into segments. Each segment contains approximately 50 million records (web pages). Each segment is stored in a directory named: ClueWeb09_<language>_<segment #> where Each segment contains a set of directories named: Each directory contains up to 100 files named: <file #>.warc.gz Each file contains approximately 40,000 web pages in WARC file format, as described below.

For example, the first English pages downloaded by the crawler are stored in: ClueWeb09_English_1/en0000/00.warc.gz There is one exception to this format. Enwp<wikipedia directory #> where Dataset Format clueweb09-<directory>-<file>-<record> *. Bfbf/ at master · canoon/bfbf. Witamy! | LinkedIn. Hudson Continuous Integration. JAMES C. The Feynman Lectures on Physics Original Course Handouts.