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40 Tiny Web-Based Apps & Tools for Web Designers. In this post we have collected a varied assortment of tiny web-based apps and tools that have been built with the purpose of solving a specific solution and act as precious time-savers for web designers.

40 Tiny Web-Based Apps & Tools for Web Designers

They are those tools that may not be very well known, are not the most powerful of apps, but are really useful and do serve their purpose extremely well. You will find apps that will help you to create icon-fonts, calculators for working out an elements width in % from PXs, apps that will allow you to create beautiful typography, tools for validating and sorting your CSS, super-simple editors, resources for quick reference, sprite generators, PSD validators, Base64 converters… and much, much more. Get ready to start bookmarking… Daturi – An app for converting images to Base64. px-em – A PX to EM calculator. PSD Validator – Tool to find out how well your PSD files are structured.

Create CSS3 – A super-simple CSS3 generator. SassMe – An app for visualizing SASS color functions. SVGeneration. Private group chat, video chat, instant messaging for teams – HipChat. ZorroSVG - Put a Mask on it. Zenphoto - The simpler media website CMS. 10 Useful Online CSS Tools You Must Use – You The Designer. Resources February 12, 2013 If you are a web developer then you might be aware of Cascading Style Sheets or CSS.

10 Useful Online CSS Tools You Must Use – You The Designer

However, for beginners, I won’t be describing it in detail here, but yes, in short, CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is basically something that can be used to beautify elements of a website. It empowers you to define specific properties for HTML tags in one go. For example; Prefixr Writing a Cross-Browser Compatible CSS can be tough, unless you have complete expertise in Cascading Style Sheets. In today’s time almost all web browsers support CSS3. Clean CSS To make a website perfect, a Clean CSS file is pretty much required, as it makes editing very easy and reduces the time taken in editing. CSS3 Generator If you really don’t want to waste your time writing CSS3 Styles and Properties on your own, then this is the right tool for you.

CSS Menu Maker CSS based menus are always good for websites, as they can efficiently decrease the page loading time. Quick Form Builder IE6 CSS Fixer. Create custom css radial-gradients dragging your mouse. DraGGradients is as a simple tool to generate and customize multiple css3 radial gradients.

create custom css radial-gradients dragging your mouse

I get back an old project that uses a multiple gradient jpg image as a background and started to generate the same image in css-only. Instead of code only this image I finished doing this little stuff. Hope you enjoy it! Toggle main controls (also pressing ESC key) to customize, add and arrange each point generator. Basically the tool works generating radial-gradients from each draggable point, and you could control: - The main color. You could also add, delete and arrange each point from the same section. In the bottom left menu, you could: - Toggle points. You could also create a pen with the generated gradient, clicking on the Codepen logo.

This simple and little tool was made with ❤ by @elrumordelaluz. Image Map Tool - On-line Image Map Creator - HTML & CSS. HTTrack Website Copier - Free Software Offline Browser (GNU GPL) Responsive design testing tool – Viewport Resizer – Emulate various screen resolutions - Best developer device testing toolbar.

Redefining PSD to HTML/CSS service through interactive components - Webby Monks. Plain Pattern. Grav - A Modern Flat-File CMS. TinyPNG – Compress PNG images while preserving transparency. Software - Portable Programme für Internet, Systemsicherheit, Datenwiederherstellung und Computerforensik. Inhalt Internet & Netzwerk Sicherheit System Sonstiges Computer-Forensik The Bat!

Software - Portable Programme für Internet, Systemsicherheit, Datenwiederherstellung und Computerforensik

OpenSearch Suchmaschinen-Plugins Internet & Netzwerk Programme für die Arbeit im und rund um das Internet. Sicherheit Programme für die Sicherheit von Passwörtern und Dateien. System Programme zur Administration und Konfiguration. Sonstiges Anwendungen für diverse Aufgaben. Computer-Forensik Diese Programme sind speziell für den Einsatz im forensichen Bereich ausgelegt. The Bat! Plugins und sonstige Dateien für den Mail-Client "The Bat! ".