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Interactive Infographic with SVG and CSS Animations. Learn how to build an interactive animated infographic using SVG, CSS and JavaScript.

Interactive Infographic with SVG and CSS Animations

Editor. Hey! I’m your first Markdown document in StackEdit. Don’t delete me, I’m very helpful! I can be recovered anyway in the Utils tab of the Settings dialog. Documents StackEdit stores your documents in your browser, which means all your documents are automatically saved locally and are accessible offline! Fa-building: Font Awesome Icons.

Fonticons. 4 The elements of HTML. 4.2.1 The head element Categories: None.

4 The elements of HTML

CSS Design Awards - Website Awards & Inspiration - CSS Gallery - CSSDA. Front End Developer Playground & Code Editor in the Browser. Web vtt texte timer comme sous titre ou com developer.mozilla. WebVTT is a format for displaying timed text tracks (e.g. subtitles) with the <track> element.

web vtt texte timer comme sous titre ou com developer.mozilla

The primary purpose of WebVTT files is to add subtitles to a <video>. WebVTT is a text based format. A WebVTT file must be encoded in UTF-8 format. Where you can use spaces you can also use tabs.

W3C Standarts

MozillaDev. Release pandoc 1.15.2 · jgm/pandoc. Travailler avec IPython notebook. Si l'environnement que R proposait était il y a encore quelques temps le meilleur compromis pour quiconque voulait faire des statistiques ou du machine learning, de mon point de vue, IPython a changé la donne.

Travailler avec IPython notebook

On peut toujours travailler avec un éditeur texte classique, ou avec une ligne de commande similaire à celle de R ou encore utiliser les notebook. Un notebook, c'est un peu comme une page blanche ou on mélange à la fois du texte, du code, des graphiques, des équations et même du javascript.

Balises key

Librairies JS. Framework. Tutorial. Templates. 7 ressources Javascript pour créer un site full-page ou parallax - ressource-javascript. Aujourd'hui sur le Blog du Webdesign, découvrez 7 ressources javascript et jQuery pour créer des sites fullpage ou parallax.

7 ressources Javascript pour créer un site full-page ou parallax - ressource-javascript

Une des grosses difficultés à gérer sur les sites de type full page, ou en construction au scroll est que tous les utilisateurs n'ont pas tous la même résolution d'écran. Comment, dans ces conditions-là, faire en sorte que les sections de pages ressemblent toutes exactement à la maquette, fournis dans une seule taille, évidemment ? En utilisant les bonnes ressources pardi ! Pour vous simplifier la tâche sur votre prochain projet de ce type, le Blog du Webdesign a déniché pour vous 7 ressources vous permettant de faire divers types de sites full-page ou parallax. 5 sites majeurs d'e-learning/dev, graphisme, webdesign. [Total : 1 Moyenne : 5/5]

5 sites majeurs d'e-learning/dev, graphisme, webdesign

Web Developer Checklist. Le guide ultime pour accélérer son développement frontend. Il existe deux types de développeurs : ceux qui développent vite (et bien) et les autres.

Le guide ultime pour accélérer son développement frontend

En tant que développeur frontend vous vous êtes sûrement déjà rendu compte que certaines parties de votre travail/passion était redondantes et qu'il était souvent possible d'aller plus vite. Bref, je vais vous apprendre à passer au niveau supérieur de productivité à travers une (longue) liste de conseils et d'astuces glanées sur le web. HTML Tags. Zoom sur l'effet parallaxe. Après avoir abordé les arrière-plans extensibles (full background) nous allons continuer avec l'effet parallaxe.

Zoom sur l'effet parallaxe

Cet effet graphique étant facile à comprendre et à mettre en place, vous allez pouvoir créer rapidement un site original. HTML. ECMAScript 6 compatibility table. HTML5 Presentation. Combine both technologies to allow direct image access + manipulation Putting it together for local image reading + manipulation.

HTML5 Presentation

Playing With HTML5 Video & getUserMedia Support. You may have seen the impressive HTML5 experiment created by Sean Christmann involving a video that explodes at the click of a mouse.

Playing With HTML5 Video & getUserMedia Support

If not, we'd recommend that you have a look: HTML5 exploding video demo. 11 Free jQuery CSS3 Navigation Menu Plugins. These days, jQuery Navigation menus are more than plain texts with links on it. With the command of jQuery, it can transform the menu of a web site into a dynamic menu. Despite the fact that CSS3 can now be utilized to make dynamic menu, still, the query includes more functionality to the menus. Off-Canvas Menu Effects - Side Slide. jQuery Popup Overlay.

Dottoro Slider Demo. Compositing and clipping - Web APIs. In all of our previous examples, shapes were always drawn one on top of the other. This is more than adequate for most situations, but it limits the order in which composite shapes are built. We can, however, change this behaviour by setting the globalCompositeOperation property. Liste complète des balises HTML5. The Most Advanced Responsive Front-end Framework from ZURB.

3 animation techniques UX designers need to know. If you look five years back, the use of animation and motion in user interfaces was considered a crime rather than a best practice. It was associated with flashy websites, jumping popups and blinking buttons. But this has changed tremendously over the last year – for three reasons.

Hardware is ready: Mobile devices are equipped with strong processors and GPUs Software is ready: Browsers are way more powerful than ever before with animations working across them (more or less). Front-end frameworks allow for some heavy lifting, along with HTML5 and CSS3 catering for dynamic animations. There's also been a rise in JavaScript animation libraries. Subscription offer. What Is Web 2.0. What Is Web 2.0 Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 DoubleClick vs. Overture and AdSense. How to Use “animateTransform” for Inline SVG Animation. Today we’ll be stepping you through the basics of using animateTransform to generate inline animations with SVG (scalable vector graphics).

If you’re brand new to SVG I recommend checking out Getting Started With Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to bring you up to speed. The techniques you’ll be learning will allow you to create sophisticated icon and image animations without a single GIF, JPEG or PNG, with zero JavaScript, and without the faintest whisper of Flash. The animations you create will be easy to edit later because they’re pure code, and the results will only take up a couple of KB of precious bandwidth when they’re viewed. Comprendre l'UX Design en 10 images.

Ca fait quelques temps qu’on parle de plus en plus d’UX Designer et de design d’expérience. Ces notions peuvent te sembler assez floues au premier abord, ce qui est normal au vu des confusions qui se font régulièrement sur les réseaux sociaux et portfolios, sans parler des offres d’emploi. En effet, tu vois souvent sur Twitter ou Dribbble des gens qui se définissent comme UX/UI Designer ou User Experience Designer. HTML5. Structures esthétiques (HTML, CSS, Jquery...) HTML5 Video Player Comparison. Html5, css3, et web. 20 Free Web UI Element Kits and Stencils. No doubt every web designer has spent many endless hours mocking up web pages, and as such every designer should have a good set of re-usable and uniform Web UI elements that they can rely upon to save them precious time and spare headaches when they are in the initial stages of a web project. In this article we have 20 completely free Web UI element kits and stencils that are perfect for the initial mockup or wireframe stage of a web design project.

Tous les gabarits — Gabarits HTML-CSS. Les plus beaux sites d'internet, tutoriaux PHOTOSHOP, dossiers, astuces, Jolies Pages web. 50 Free PSD UI Kits and Templates. For every web designer, having a selection of pre-designed and editable web UI elements is key to organizing and optimizing work-flow. Not only do web UIs allow you to rapidly prototype multiple web pages with uniformity, they also aid your personal creativity by having each elements basic structure in-place allowing you to give each your own personal design touches. In this post we have 50 beautifully designed and editable pre-designed PSD UI kits, covering all of the major UI requirements of the modern web designer. You will find some basic kits that are perfect for small projects and we also have a huge selection of individual elements covering the more specialized areas of web design, including: Galleries, lightboxes, audio/video controls and players, calendars, specialized forms (contact, search, login…), progress bars, alert boxes… and much, much more.

Complete GUI Templates Simple UI Elements. Chart Gallery - Google Charts. Cours5-Bootstrap.pdf. 16 Top Tools for Responsive Web Design. Créer une application de bureau native avec NW.js. Google's Guide To Designing With Empathy. With a price tag that's already set records by being $1.6 billion over-budget, mass outbreaks of the Zika virus, and water-sport venues that are allegedly teeming with human excrement, the Rio 2016 Olympic Games are already looking like the biggest planning disaster in IOC history—and this, just two years after Sochi.

Bosonic Web Component. Flash message Display an info message that automatically disappears after 2 secs: Show message Modal. Ressources pour développeurs Open Web HTML5. Articles sur le Design tout chaud traduits de l'anglais. Méthode Daisy : les CSS feuille à feuille. Bienvenue chez vous ! C’est le bazar, n’est-ce pas, dans votre code CSS ? Blog de Stéphanie Walter : Design web et mobile, UX et UI design. BOUTONS. Les services et outils d'OpenStreetMap France. OpenStreetMap. Where is this? Static Maps API V2 Developer Guide  

Maps API. Reverse Geocoding - Google Maps JavaScript API v3. A Simple Trip Meter using the Geolocation API. Google Maps API Tutorial. Data URL Maker, Data URL CSS Optimizer and the Data URL Toolkit. Reading local files in JavaScript. Hya-Wave. Box Properties. Building HTML5 Form Validation Bubble Replacements -Telerik Developer Network. Bring Your Forms Up to Date With CSS3 and HTML5 Validation. The HTML5 meter Element. HTML5Pattern. My sliders - a Collection by Ana Tudor on CodePen. HTML Standard. Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc. HTML5 Forms: Search Type Demo. Microdata - Dive Into HTML5. Notes on accessible CSS image sprites. HTML5 Doctor, helping you implement HTML5 today. MusicRecording. Live Microdata. Promote Your Content with Structured Data Markup   Training Direct from W3C. HTML5 new structuring elements and Microdata: validators, online tools, browser extensions.

Microdata Parser. Schema Creator. HTML5 Microdata Format Generator. WEBBEM - Home. Controlling Media with JavaScript. Media formats supported by the HTML audio and video elements - HTML (HyperText Markup Language) Test Drive : MSEdge Dev. W3DEVCAMPUS W3DevCampus. All Standards and Drafts. The problem with the poster attribute. WAI Web Accessibility Tutorials. How to structure an HTML form - Web developer guide. Guillaume [ 85 amazing HTML examples. Bibliothèque Universitaire Paris 8.