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Charts Gallery - Google Chart Tools

Tab Navigation with Smooth Horizontal Sliding Using jQuery In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a navigation menu that slides horizontally. It begins with a set of "tabs" on the right side of a containing element. When clicked, a tab slides to the left to reveal a group of links. Click the tab again, and it slides back. Download You can now download a .zip of complete, working demos featured in this post. The Styles For the navigation items, I used a simple unordered list wrapped in a <div class="nav">. Most of the relevant CSS here has to do with positioning the nav items. The wrapper's overflow declaration is significant, as it hides the list items when they're sticking out to the right, but the rest is "window dressing." Sliding the Nav With the nav looking the way I want it at its initial state, it's time to make it do something. For this basic behavior, everything can be done inside a click handler for the top-level links. The first thing to do is set a few variables. JavaScript: Notice the use of $(this). Give it a try: One at a Time

Permissões do Google Diretrizes de Uso por Terceiros das Características da Marca Google. Uso das características da marca Google Informações gerais Embora gostaríamos de atender a todas as solicitações que recebemos de usuários que desejam deixar seus sites com um toque do Google, preferimos proteger a reputação da nossa marca como um provedor de resultados de pesquisa objetivo e justo. Como conseqüência, é preciso obter a permissão explícita por escrito do Google antes de usar quaisquer características da marca Google. Quando você usar qualquer uma das características da marca, deve sempre seguir as Regras de Uso Adequado incluídas nestas Diretrizes. Processo de aprovação Para solicitar a aprovação, preencha o Formulário de solicitação de permissão e nos envie com as informações especificadas. A aprovação para usar as características da marca Google é limitada às informações fornecidas na solicitação. Observe que só podemos autorizar o uso das características da marca Google. Fundamentos da marca registrada

Seven things I learned about data visualization Last week, the World Bank Data team descended on New York City for Visualized - a two day event exploring the “evolution of communication at the intersection of big data, storytelling and design.” It was awesome. Here are seven things I learned: 1) Iteration is the path to perfection By now you’ve heard of Nate Silver - the statistician behind FiveThirtyEight and a near-perfect prediction of the 2012 US elections. Shan Carter from the NYT graphics team showed how newspapers have struggled to represent the potential scenarios and actual outcomes of US elections ever since the late 19th century. That’s 257 revisions. 2) Competitions can waste creative talent Scott Belsky of Behance - an online showcase of creative work talked about “the future of creative careers.” I paraphrase, but Scott gave the example of a company’s logo design contest that had a prize of EUR 1,500. But wait Tariq! Johan and Amparo (my economist colleagues...) point out that “life is a trade-off problem.”

jQuery Carousel 2 Sides Slider Plugin Features Carousel style navigation with 2 sides support. Auto delay slideshow. Recommendations For You jQuery OneByOne Slider Plugin: Ajudar os usuários a encontrar páginas mobile-friendly Webmaster level: All Have you ever tapped on a Google Search result on your mobile phone, only to find yourself looking at a page where the text was too small, the links were tiny, and you had to scroll sideways to see all the content? This usually happens when the website has not been optimized to be viewed on a mobile phone. This can be a frustrating experience for our mobile searchers. Starting today, to make it easier for people to find the information that they’re looking for, we’re adding a “mobile-friendly” label to our mobile search results. This change will be rolling out globally over the next few weeks. Avoids software that is not common on mobile devices, like FlashUses text that is readable without zoomingSizes content to the screen so users don't have to scroll horizontally or zoomPlaces links far enough apart so that the correct one can be easily tapped If you want to make sure that your page meets the mobile-friendly criteria:

ExtraCare Rewards Program - ExtraBucks - CVS pharmacy You are using an Internet browser with an outdated version of Transport Layer Security (TLS). In order to view and use our website, you must enable TLS 1.1 in your current browser, and/or update to a newer browser version that offers TLS 1.1 or higher. We apologize for any inconvenience, but this is essential part of keeping our customers’ information secure and private. Choose a browser that TLS 1.1 or higher. Customize Your Website Software — Webmaster's Mobile Guide There are many ways to manage your website’s content. Some site owners completely build their own website from scratch. Others may use an existing software package from a company like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla, which can provide a theme, design, and templates. When using existing website software, the site owner doesn’t build the whole site by creating code, style sheets and scripts, but only provides the content (such as photos, images, and text). How do I create a new site? If you are interested in creating an entirely new site and would like to use an existing software package, take a look some of the software packages listed below for some good starting points. How do I make my site mobile friendly? If you know the software your website is built with, go directly to the dedicated guide: If your website software isn’t listed or you have any feedback, feel free to fill in this form. To get you started, we have put together the following general guidelines: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report Apresentação da Academia de webmasters - Ajuda do Webmasters/Proprietários de sites Vous envisagez de créer un site Web ? Formidable ! La Webmaster Academy vous fournit les informations et les outils pour apprendre à créer un site et à le rendre visible dans les résultats de recherche Google. À qui s'adresse la Webmaster Academy ? Que contiennent les modules ? Des conseils pour créer un site de qualité Des leçons pour comprendre comment fonctionnent la recherche Google et les outils pour les webmasters Des questionnaires, des vidéos, des exemples (à l'aide d'un site fictif et des ressources Combien de temps dure la formation ?

Khan Academy Dentro do AdSense About Pattern Tap Designers don’t design in a vacuum. They find inspiration and influence from the world around them. They collect other designs besides their own. But what designers are really doing is continuing their education and improving their design literacy. The Secret Origins of Pattern Tap A long time ago, in an Internet far, far away … or 2008, Matthew Smith saw that there wasn’t any place on the Web that inspired other designers to be better at their craft. Four years later, Pattern Tap has more than 25,000 registered users from around the world and across the galaxy. But your design education and literacy doesn’t stop at Pattern Tap. If you have feedback or suggestions, our door is always open and you can reach us at the feedback form.

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