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How to Move Towards Student-Centered Classrooms. When we ask teachers for their lesson plans, we are asking what they plan on doing during a class period rather than what students will be asked to do. Our questions emphasize the teacher’s actions instead of the students’. We’re asking, “What will the teacher say? What will the teacher do? What standards will the teacher cover?” However, if the goal of an educator is to help students achieve success, the emphasis must be placed on the students’ actions in the classroom rather than the teachers.

Student-centered learning considers how students learn best and what they need to succeed. Ask for student learning plans rather than lesson plans. Lesson plans show what the teacher intends to do in class. If a plan essentially says that students will be sitting and listening for the duration of the class, it might be an indication that the teacher needs some fresh ideas for engaging students. Student plans should include non-content standards too. Discuss the purpose of teachers. TRC guide 4 making equity. 8 Business Books Every Teacher Should Read. When it comes to career and professional growth, your local bookstore is the best place for some much needed insight, inspiration and perspective. But, instead of always heading straight to the education section, we recommend browsing business books too.

Books that tackle leadership, teamwork and creativity are treasure troves of advice. And, all can easily be applied to your teaching life. We’ve compiled eight of the best business books for teachers. Some you can read in one sitting, others you can flip through when you need them the most. 1. Main takeaways: This classic, released in 1937, stands the test of time. 2. Main takeaways: Why do some succeed while others never reach their potential? 3. Main takeaways: The way the human mind works is fascinating. 4. Main takeaways: If someone asks what you do for a living, it’s one of the easiest questions to answer. 5. Main takeaways: Our achievements and our successes don’t just come from our talents and abilities. 6. 7. 8. Taxonomía de Bloom: una visión práctica. Estas son las mejores técnicas de estudio para un aprendizaje de éxito. Aprender es fácil, más de lo que pueda parecer, según afirma TopFormacion. Eso sí, siempre y cuando se empleen las técnicas de estudio apropiadas.

¿Sueles elegir el último minuto para repasar antes de un examen o estructuras la información y la lees una y otra vez para memorizarla? Si es así, lo más probable es que estudiar no te parezca en absoluto sencillo, sino todo lo contrario: difícil, tedioso, e incluso frustrante porque tus resultados no compensan el esfuerzo. Técnicas de estudio Elegir bien la técnica de estudio más adecuada para superar un examen y, más allá, para que los conocimientos se asienten y sean útiles para la vida diaria resulta clave.

Pero, ¿es que no resulta eficaz señalar ideas y releer los contenidos hasta que se quedan grabados en la memoria? Los peores métodos de estudio Sin embargo, los expertos sostienen que estas prácticas pueden ser incluso contraproducentes. Subrayar, releer y resumir: la ilusión de saber Pero, ¿por qué estos métodos no valen? 1. 2. 3. 4. MANUAL COMPLETO DE ESTILOS DE APRENDIZAJE. Protocolo de actuación en situaciones de bullying - PDF descargable.