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All-Natural Non-Toxic Cleaners

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Fluster Buster: Cornstarch Uses - 37 Unique Uses. Picture by: dbspecial Again this week my family and I have come up with with another long list of uses for a common household product, This week it's cornstarch. Other than the common use, as a thickener for gravies, it can be used on your skin, your hair, as a cleaner and even for some fun projects that will keep the kids entertained. 5 Ways To Naturally Remove Rust. How To Remove Grease Stains With One Natural Ingredient. 10 Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar » Healy Real Food Vegetarian. Welcome back to Healy Eats Real!

10 Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar » Healy Real Food Vegetarian

For FREE recipes, updates and articles subscribe to my newsletter! I’ve mentioned many times on my facebook page how great raw apple cider vinegar is for your health. However, almost every time I post about it, a reader asks how to use it. MYO Household Items. Homemade Dishwasher pellets. The following Content was Provided by "Digging yourself out of debt, when all you have is a spoon" Recently I started noticing how much money I was spending on dishwasher detergent, especially the pods or pellets.

Homemade Dishwasher pellets

Brand-name pellets ranged from a low of 2.98 to 6.29 for 20 pellets on a recent visit to the grocery store. That's when I decided to make my own. Materials and supplies: 2-gallon bucket measuring cup spoon large glass mixing bowl tablespoon 3 - 16 cube plastic ice cube trays 1 - 54-55 oz box of washing soda / detergent booster (3.89) 1 - 76 oz box of borax (4.49) 1 - 2 lb carton of epsom salts (.99) 1- bottle reconstituted lemon juice (32 oz for .99) $10.36 for over 300 pellets. Make your own Laundry Detergent. The following Content was Provided by "Digging yourself out of debt, when all you have is a spoon" Here is an amazingly simple Do It Yourself detergent that doesn't leave any residue on clothing, gets nearly every stain known to man out the first time around and smells clean and fresh- oh and did I mention that it costs about $1.76 for 128 loads of laundry?

Make your own Laundry Detergent

Since our teen son started working at a fast food restaurant, this has become our most-loved detergent recipe. His clothing was so saturated with heavy french fry and onion ring grease scent that even washing them in TIDE didn't take out the horrendous smell. How To Clean and Freshen Your Mattress. 51 Amazing Uses for Baking Soda. By Melissa Breyer - I don’t mean to sound seditious here, but I have a rebellious plan to combat the ills that many corporations are perpetrating in the name of fighting grime and germs.

51 Amazing Uses for Baking Soda

My main gripe is about the environmental pollutants from cleaning and personal care products that we wash down our drains and into our water systems, resulting in situations like the chemical triclosan (a pesticide added to many products as an antibacterial agent) being found in dolphins. So the simple plan is to encourage everyone to use baking soda in any of these 51 applications. Besides showing kindness to aquatic life, we can also protect ourselves from the array of toxins in household cleaning products. Finely Ground: The Best Way to Clean Your Bathtub. Period.

Finely Ground: The Best Way to Clean Your Bathtub.

Before I begin this story, let me show you the bottom of my shower. Don't look if you're squeamish. . . . I know, right? Nasty. How To Make All-Natural Non-Toxic Herbal Citrus Cleaners. Please Share This Page:

How To Make All-Natural Non-Toxic Herbal Citrus Cleaners

Unusual uses for baking soda. Over 70 Uses for Vinegar. 10 Ways to Use Orange Peels. I remember standing in my Grandmother’s Florida kitchen and as we chatted, she was squeezing lemons.

10 Ways to Use Orange Peels

She said that a neighbor gave her a bunch of lemons from her lemon tree and since they were getting soft she was going to squeeze the juice out of them, freeze it in one-cup containers to use whenever she needed a cup of lemon juice for cooking. That little instance was one of many, “We didn’t get where we are in this life by wasting things” lessons she taught me. 15 Surprising Uses For Eggshells. A couple of weeks ago I bought a composter for my garden.

15 Surprising Uses For Eggshells

It’s a pretty fancy contraption. It’s actually TWO composters in one. The idea being that you can have one batch “brewing” while another batch is being utilized. They even SPIN…which is apparently important because compost needs to be “stirred” as its’ “cooking”. Homemade Tick Repellent Recipe. 12 Great Ways To Use Castile Soap. Make sure you like Herbs & Oils World on Facebook to be updated every time we find a fantastic tutorial for exciting and innovative ways you can use herbs and essential oils.

12 Great Ways To Use Castile Soap

Castile soap is a fantastic natural product that can be used in so many different DIY beauty recipes and DIY cleaning products. Castile soap is a “true soap” and not merely a chemical detergent so it is biodegradable and earth friendly! Want to try castile soap? You can buy all sorts of different scents from this page on Amazon. It can be used to make all sorts of products, including: shampoo, laundry detergent, tub scrub, body wash, dog shampoo and much more. DIY Natural Room Scents. Don't miss my follow-up post to this one withNATURAL ROOM SCENTS FOR DIY GIFTS & CENTERPIECESCLICK HERE This post was featured in the April 2013 issue of Woman's Day magazine.

DIY Natural Room Scents

Here's the thing. * Maria's Self *: DIY Toilet Bombs - Deodorize & Kill Bacteria! Just Drop One in the Bowl;-))) Remember I told you in my previous post that the next product in my store will be an "outside the box" one? Well, you've been warned;-))) I came up with the idea of Toilet Bombs a few months ago. At first I thought it would be embarrassing to make a post about them but I fell so much in love with these toilet bombs that I just HAD to share the idea with you - I'm seriously addicted! When I drop them in the toilet bowl they start fizzing (= exploding;-) and not only do they smell amazing they also deodorize, kill the bacteria (including the odor-causing ones!)

And keep the bowl clean. 9 Natural Ways To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Home. Want to be notified each time we publish a new blog post? Then make sure you like Natural Living Ideas on Facebook here where we share not only our blog posts, but the best natural living ideas from around the web. Image Credit: cheetah100 @ Flickr Let’s be completely honest. Nobody REALLY likes spiders. 3 Ways to Kill Mold Naturally. A proliferation of mold and mildew can be the hallmark of hot and humid summers. I have a friend who has green mold growing on the shoes in her closet! A humidifier might be the best help for her, but there are also three natural materials that can be used as a spray to kill mold and mildew. They are all an excellent substitute for less environmentally safe bleach.

Learn these three tricks for killing mold and mildew. One of these you most likely already have in your kitchen cupboard. Over the years I have found three natural ingredients that kill mold: Tea tree oil (an essential oil found in most health food stores), grapefruit seed extract and vinegar. Mold can be dangerous to your health, even if you aren’t allergic. Homemade Dishwasher Detergent. 6 Insect Repellent Plants To Grow – repel: mosquitoes, gnats, ticks, fleas & more… Six insect repellent plants to grow – includes plants that repel biting insects such as: mosquitoes, gnats, ticks & fleas; and plants that protect other plants from aphids & mites etc.

Planting and growing insect repellent plants provide a great opportunity to get out in the garden and plant some plants which are a perfect mix of beauty and functionality. Some people are sceptical about using plants to repel insects, whilst others are 100% convinced of the insect repelling properties of many garden plants. The thing is – if you take natural plant based insect repellents out of the equation; the only really option is DEET based products. There are serious health concerns about the toxic effects of DEET as it is absorbed into the body through your skin.

Children are thought to be most at risk from side effects, as children’s skin absorbs more DEET than an adult’s. Feverfew is great for repelling mosquitoes and other flying biting insects. Natural Insect Pest Control: Safe, Non-Toxic Methods & Solutions. Wasps Eartheasy has a separate page about natural wasp control. DIY Naturally Scented All-Purpose Citrus Vinegar Cleaners.

I've been on a quest to rid our home of toxic chemicals for both health and environmental reasons. Easy, Non-Toxic Shower Spray. Homemade Liquid Dish Soap. Extensive List of Organic Pest Control Remedies. By Australian Organic Gardening. Make Your Own Reusable Peppermint Kitchen Wipes.