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Pierre Rabhi. Activist writers. Mind explorers. Auteurs Fr. Edgar Morin. Jason Silva. Auteurs / authors. Howard Zinn. Pionniers - ils préparent le futur. Jacque Fresco. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Jacque Fresco

Enfance[modifier | modifier le code] Né le 13 mars 1916[14], Jacque Fresco a grandi dans le quartier de Bensonhurst, à Brooklyn, dans la ville de New York[8],[15]. Désintéressé par l'École[16],[17], Fresco est sorti du système scolaire avant le collège et a choisi d'apprendre de manière informelle et autonome à l'âge de la préadolescence et adolescence[18]. Il passa son temps libre à la bibliothèque du coin où il a étudié des sujets liés à ses intérêts[15]. Fresco Biography by Wilson Hawthorne. Do you ever wonder about the future?

Fresco Biography by Wilson Hawthorne

Will it be a fantastic world of amazing human ingenuity? Or more of the same human stupidity we allow around us today? If our present, and our past, are any indication, man'’s future will stay the course. The-Best-That-Money-Cant-Buy.pdf. Looking-Forward-v2.pdf. RIP Albert Jacquard. Chers Lecteurs, Le 11 septembre 2013, un grand homme nous a quitté, nous avons essayé de regrouper différentes vidéos d’Albert Jacquard afin que son message et ses idées puissent lui survivre sur la toile.

RIP Albert Jacquard

Voici un extrait issue de Wikipédia : « Albert Jacquard, né à Lyon le 23 décembre 1925 et mort le 11 septembre 2013 à Paris, est un chercheur et essayiste français. Spécialiste de génétique des populations, il a été directeur de recherches à l’INED et membre du Comité consultatif national d’éthique. Arthur C. Clarke. The Colors of Infinity - Arthur C.

Arthur C. Clarke

Clarke The Mandelbrot set -- someone has called it the thumb-print of God -- is one of the most beautiful and remarkable discoveries in the entire history of mathematics. With Arthur C. Clarke as narrator and interviews with a number of notable mathematicians, including Benoît Mandelbrot, this program graphically illustrates how simple formulas can lead to complicated results: it explains the set, what it means, its internal consistency, and the revolutions in thought resulting from its discovery.

Asked if the real universe goes on forever, Stephen Hawking defines its limit of smallness; the Mandelbrot set, on the other hand, may go on forever.

Ervin Laszlo

Tim Berners-Lee. Don Tapscott. Howard Rheingold. Francis Heylighen. P Levy IEML. Nova Spivack. Cogitacteurs 21e siècle. Douglas Rushkoff. The Smart List 2012: 50 people who will change the world. Welcome to the first Wired Smart List.

The Smart List 2012: 50 people who will change the world

We set out to discover the people who are going to make an impact on our future --by asking today's top achievers who, emerging in their field, they'd most like to have a leisurely lunch or dinner with. So we approached some of the world's brightest minds -- from Melinda Gates to Ai Weiwei -- to nominate one fresh, exciting thinker who is influencing them, someone whose ideas or experience they feel are transformative. Some suggested names you may be aware of, others might be new. World's Most Influential Thinkers Revealed. Who are the most influential thinkers on the planet?

World's Most Influential Thinkers Revealed

That’s a question that you might imagine ought to be straightforward to determine, given the recent advances in the study of social networks and how information flows around the globe. And yet, while this network approach has been widely used to rank websites, successful sports stars, business leaders and so on, there has been little work on influential thinkers. “The most important thought leaders and trends shaping our society have not been subjected so far to any truly systematic analysis,” say Karin Frick at the GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute in Switzerland and a couple of pals.

10 new gurus you should know - BJ Fogg (1) - FORTUNE. Founder and director, Persuasive Technology Lab, Stanford Univ., Palo Alto Big Idea: Mobile technology will be the most powerful way to influence consumers in the next 15 years.

10 new gurus you should know - BJ Fogg (1) - FORTUNE

Clients: Procter & Gamble, Nike, AARP When Fogg began studying how technology could influence behavior back in 1992, he faced some resistance to his ideas. But today he's one of the most sought-after thinkers in Silicon Valley. In his lab at Stanford, Fogg, 45, researches how Web site or cell-phone design can impact consumers. NEXT: Patrick Lencioni. Ralph Abraham.

Ralph H.

Ralph Abraham

Abraham (b. July 4, 1936, Burlington, Vermont) is an American mathematician.

Slavoj Zizek

Naomi Klein. Jean Ziegler. Hervé Kempf. André Gorz. André Gorz. Michael Moore. Joël de Rosnay. Michel Collon. Pierre Carles. Lawrence Lessig. Aaron Swartz. Eric S. Raymond. Paul Ariès. Étienne Chouard. Howard Bloom Official. The Official Home Page for Marshall Brain. Charles Eisenstein. Interesting People. Next trees... Building an Archive of ALL Documented Human Languages. - The Rosetta Project.

Personnalités REMARQUABLES & Lanceurs d'alerte. Front Page - The Long Now. The Arena for Accountable Predictions - Long Bets. Hugo Chávez. Trialogues_at_the_Edge_of_the_Millenium_1of3_-_Sheldrake_McKenna_Abraham.avi. Library : The Erowid Review » An Interesting Format, But the Content Could Have Been Better. Have you ever had a friend introduce you to someone because he or she felt that, given your mutually obscure interests, you had a lot to talk about?

Library : The Erowid Review » An Interesting Format, But the Content Could Have Been Better

Have you ever had one of those conversations that inspire more and more thoughts as it goes on and on? This book reads like just such a conversation. Ralph Abraham, Terence McKenna and Rupert Sheldrake were introduced to each other through friends that felt they would have a lot to talk about with each other, and indeed they did. As the authors note, “Ever since Plato, dialogues have been recognized as a uniquely effective way of exploring the realm of thought: they are the basis of the dialectical method.

But insofar as the dialectic of two points of view can result in a synthesis, it presupposes a third point of view that includes the two starting positions. Thomas Sankara.

Buffy Sainte-Marie

Timothy Leary. Carl Gustav JUNG 1875-1961. Jiddu Krishnamurti. Gandhi. Hildegard of Bingen.