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Charles Eisenstein

Charles Eisenstein

GreenPod (greenpod): ses vidéos sur Dailymotion Les véhicules les plus polluants se verront interdire ou fortement limiter l’accès à 8 de nos agglomérations françaises à partir de 2012. A Londres, cela a permis d’améliorer la qualité de l’air. Aie !... « Low Emission Zone » non ce n’est pas le titre d’une nouvelle série américaine, mais bien une idée de leurs cousins Londoniens pour réduire la pollution des particules fines émises par les poids lourds qui roulent au diésel. Une camionnette de livraison pèse plus d’une tonne, elle livre en moyenne moins de 100 kg de marchandises et elle parcourt environ 15 km sur la zone à livrer. The Evolver Network C. Eisenstein: "We are entering the moment where anything is possible" The crisis has just unveiled the core of a long process of awakening and re-exploration of old ideas and values, Charles Eisenstein explains in this interview. His answer is the magic of the gift and a new story for a new world. Charles is probably one of the most advanced author in the domain of global vision, human relations with a specific focus on money and gift economy. His last book ‘Sacred Economy‘ is a bible about value & money in our society and tomorrow, in which he explains and decrypt the use of money and how it comes into our society with integrated always-growing debts. It’s been 5 years since the subprime crisis started and crashed the financial system… And it looks like nothing has changed since then! Charles Eisenstein: You are right. You can mine the pensions funds, mine teachers’ salaries, privatize assets… There are lots of ways that you can do this, but you have to to get it from people’s pockets, almost out of their flesh. Which ideas are gaining momentum now?

Conheça a Peepoople, a empresa mais inovadora do mundo! Estamos na era do facebook. É super legal querer ser o próximo Mark Z., ficar milionário em poucos anos, ter fama, mulher e dinheiro. A ideia é “porrar” (desculpem o termo) em poucos anos e o resto é só alegria. Assine nossa newsletter Receba ferramentas de gestão gratuitas toda semana! Senhoras e senhores, é um prazer apresentar-lhes a Peepoople! O que é a Peepoople? A idéia da Peepoople nasceu em 2005, e hoje vende um banheiro pessoal descartável biodegradável chamado Pee Poo. É amigo, e muito! Qual a relevância deles? Como toda boa iniciativa, a Peepoople começou definindo um problema/oportunidade clara a ser explorada. a. 1 criança a cada 15 segundos morre devido a água contaminada por excreções humanas b. c. Bom chega de notícia ruim, já deu para entender que o problema é grande, certo? Mas por que são inovadores?! A equipe Peepoople entendeu o problema e as pessoas que vivem nessas condições e propôs uma solução. 1. 2. 3a. 3b. 4. E você, conhece uma empresa tão inovadora quanto essa?

Durée de vie des produits... la faute à qui ? Publié par Damien Ravé - Le 21 Avr 2013 - 09h39 Nos appareils durent moins longtemps, la faute à qui ? les fabricants qui rendent leurs produits fragiles et irréparables les médias qui nous assomment de publicité les politiques qui nous incitent à consommer pour relancer la croissance et l'emploi les vendeurs qui nous incitent à racheter au lieu de réparer nos appareils cassés et nous qui voulons des produits pas chers sans nous soucier de leur durée de vie. L'économie est une belle machine très efficace quand tous les rouages vont dans le même sens.

What I Like about Making Maps: Visual Super Powers are Required No Better Time to Claim Our Superpowers I have always loved the world of superheroes and have passed untold hours amid the vivid art and fantastical story lines of my favorite comic books. Naturally, I’ve developed a lifelong fascination with superpowers, and in my work life, I wield the superpower of mapmaking to confront the true nemesis of organizations everywhere: complexity. In today’s world, it is increasingly difficult to attain the clarity needed for organizational decision-making. What is so special about maps? We call visual information mapping a “lite” methodology. We have found that single-page maps can be useful learning tools for complex scenarios such as installing new IT platforms, launching new products, or even explaining how missions get formed at National Geographic. What We’ve Learned by Making Maps ● Maps are tactile ● Maps are persistent ● Maps lead to outcomes Mapmaking Is Inherently a Collaborative, Risk-Reducing, Problem-Solving Process Maga's 2011 Strategy Placemat

SixthSense - a wearable gestural interface (MIT Media Lab) 'SixthSense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information. We've evolved over millions of years to sense the world around us. When we encounter something, someone or some place, we use our five natural senses to perceive information about it; that information helps us make decisions and chose the right actions to take. The SixthSense prototype is comprised of a pocket projector, a mirror and a camera. The SixthSense prototype implements several applications that demonstrate the usefulness, viability and flexibility of the system. The current prototype system costs approximate $350 to build. . . . some more pictures are coming soon. . . . more videos are coming soon, too. P.

« Réparer c’est bien, mais avoir des produits qui ne tombent jamais en panne, c’est mieux ! » | L’obsolescence programmée est un sujet proche de la consommation collaborative. Comment réparer nos appareils électroménagers ? C’est la question à laquelle Damien Ravé souhaitait répondre avec le site Aujourd’hui, il souhaite nous aider à mieux connaître les produits que nous achetons et lance qu’est ce que c’est ?, c’est un guide d’achat collaboratif consacré à la durée de vie des produits. Le site a été lancé mi-mai 2013, et compte déjà plus de 700 avis de consommateurs, pour des produits aussi variés que les téléphones portables, les machines à laver, les jeans ou les ustensiles de cuisine. D’où vient l’idée ? Ce site est le petit frère de, le site collaboratif consacré à la réparation, qui rencontre un beau succès depuis que je l’ai lancé il y a deux ans. Ce que je pense aussi, c’est qu’il n’y a pas encore de demande forte de la société civile. A propos de Edwin Mootoosamy

University - The effective collective: Grouping could ensure animals find their way in a changing environment Posted January 31, 2013; 03:30 p.m. by Morgan Kelly, Office of Communications For social animals such as schooling fish, the loss of their numbers to human activity could eventually threaten entire populations, according to a finding that such animals rely heavily on grouping to effectively navigate their environment. Princeton University researchers report in the journal Science that collective intelligence is vital to certain animals' ability to evaluate and respond to their environment. Conducted on fish, the research demonstrated that small groups and individuals become disoriented in complex, changing environments. These results should prompt a close examination of how endangered group or herd animals are preserved and managed, said senior researcher Iain Couzin, a Princeton professor of ecology and evolutionary biology. The work is among the first to experimentally explain the extent to which collective intelligence improves awareness of complex environments, the researchers write.
