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Use vinegar to kill weeds naturally and give Monsanto's Roundup the heave ho. (NaturalNews) There's been lots written recently about the toxicity of Monsanto's poster child product Roundup, exposing how harmful it is for the earth and how poisonous it is on exposure for both animals and humans.

Use vinegar to kill weeds naturally and give Monsanto's Roundup the heave ho

However, what is not common knowledge to most organic gardeners and back yard enthusiasts is how they can manage weed control safely without the need for dangerous pesticides. Use vinegar to kill weeds naturally and safely, with no side effects to you, your pets, wildlife and mother earth. Killing weeds naturally with vinegar allows you to target exactly what weeds to eradicate, and it's cheap and easy to use.

Using Milk as a Natural, Homemade Pesticide - Organic Gardening. Spraying your plants with milk won't drive bugs away from your garden, but the dairy product can be used to culture Bacillus thuriugiensis Berliner, a well-known bacterial pesticide sold under such brand names as Dipel, Thuricide and Biotrol.

Using Milk as a Natural, Homemade Pesticide - Organic Gardening

The agent is quite effective in controlling — among a number of insect problems — infestations of loopers, which are those pesky little worms (they're actually moth larvae) that attack broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and other members of the cole family. Once eaten, the bacteria paralyze the larvae's intestinal tracts and bring about their death in two to four days.Before you spray your garden with thuringiensis, though, be aware that this bacterial-warfare weapon is fatal to the caterpillars of all Lepidoptera (an order of insects that includes many lovely, and relatively harmless, moths and butterflies) . . . so please don't employ the remedy in cases where simply handpicking the loopers off your plants will do the job.

Gutter Gardens Grow Produce Without Taking Up Space. 66 Things You Can Grow At Home: In Containers, Without a Garden" Growing your own food is exciting, not only because you get to see things grow from nothing into ready-to-eat fruits and veggies, but you also don't have to worry about the pesticides they might contain, and you definitely cut down on the miles they—and you—have to travel.

66 Things You Can Grow At Home: In Containers, Without a Garden"

As it turns out, with pretty minimal effort, anyone can be a gardener. My boyfriend and I are essentially first-timers this season and so far have the beginnings of strawberries peeking out, tomatoes are on their way, the basil's about ready for a big batch of pesto, and once the last frost hits, the peppers, kale, spinach, chard, and mesclun will be on their way, too. All on a tiiiny little terrace (with the help of a little DIY carpentry). WATCH VIDEO: World's Greenest Homes: Rooftop Garden If you're up to the challenge—and it really isn't much of one—growing your own food can be so rewarding.

Comment élever des poules ? Peu contraignant, rentable, ludique et écologique, l’élevage des poules est sans doute l’un des premiers pas vers le retour à la nature.

Comment élever des poules ?

Traditionnel s’il en est puisque 70 % des familles françaises avaient un poulailler avant l’exode rural, cet élevage vous apportera d’énormes satisfactions pour bien peu d’investissements en temps ou en argent. Aubonsens se propose de donner les fondamentaux pour conduire un petit élevage familial avec succès. Pourquoi élever des poules ? Fabriquez votre insecticide maison bio ! Les insecticides répulsifs naturels pour diffuseur et vapo..

Fabriquez votre insecticide maison bio !

Voici les huiles essentielles à mettre dans votre diffuseur ou à vaporiser dans la maison et dans vos placards : action répulsif. Windowfarms - Vertical Garden for Growing Herbs and Vegetables at Home. DIY IKEA Shelf In-Home Aquaponics - Planted Space. Dubbed "Malthus," this Ikea-hacked project by Conceptual Devices pieces together a 100g fish tank, plastic grow beds, a pump and piping onto an IKEA Broder shelf, with wheels.

DIY IKEA Shelf In-Home Aquaponics - Planted Space

Malthus is designed to be an in-home unit, and to grow one meal a day, a portion of fish with a side of salad. If you don't know yet, aquaponics is basically hydroponics + fish in a sustainable loop. The fish provides nutrients and CO2 to the plants, and the plants in turn purifies the water and returns O2 to the fish. Check out our introduction to aquaponics. Forming the width of two small refrigerators, this in-home aquaponics system is designed for "the next generation kitchen or living room," hoping to grow food right next to where you cook it.

Wine Bottle Plant Watering System DIY Project. Self-Watering Veggie Table. A Brief History of Gardening in Containers: Do you like gardening but digging in the dirt is too painful, messy, or time consuming?

Self-Watering Veggie Table

Container gardening is your answer. For many years now, container gardeners have been using pots, tubs, and boxes of all sizes to garden in. While raised bed gardens have also gained in popularity, so have "bucket gardens" or tubs become an economical way to garden with more control over your soil and more success with hard to grow vegetables. Elevage_poissons_livret_ressources__i.pdf. Construire en terre paille : un poulailler-serre en torchis - Permaculture - Auto EcoConstruction. Les broyeurs déchiqueteurs JEAN PAIN valorisation compost bois énergie. Bienvenue. Les Jardins du Gué. Très jeune j’ai appris à bêcher le jardin en retournant la terre.

Les Jardins du Gué

Nous en savions beaucoup moins à l’époque sur la vie microbienne dans le sol. C’est pourquoi, depuis quelques années, j’ai totalement délaissé la bêche au profit de la grelinette, la fourche à bêcher par excellence. C’est Monsieur Grelin André qui a inventé la grelinette en 1963. Depuis de nombreux autres outils sur le même principe ont été créés. Leur point commun c’est de permettre d’ameublir la terre sans la retourner. La grelinette (ou un outil similaire) présente un double intérêt : Respecter la vie du sol La vie dans un sol de bonne qualité est intense. Des machines pour nourir. Fiche technique : Fabriquer un silo de conservation de racines. Avertissement : Certains détails paraîtront simplistes aux initiés, mais seront utiles aux débutants.

Fiche technique : Fabriquer un silo de conservation de racines

Fabrication du silo Forme : four à pain. Dotcoms Elevage : le leader d'Internet, informatiques, multimédia et NTIC. Clucked Up: 13 Creative Chicken Coop Designs. Urban chickens have never had it so good.

Clucked Up: 13 Creative Chicken Coop Designs

Not only is backyard chicken farming increasing in popularity, but chicken digs are getting cooler and fancier, with coop designs that rival those of the owners’ houses. These 13 poultry palaces range from ultramodern egg-shaped coops for a trio of birds up to larger wind-powered enclosures that could revolutionize the livestock industry. Chicktopia (images via: studio h) A faire mois par mois. Calendrier du potager, travaux du mois semis et récoltes sur Jardin à manger. Calendrier de semis, repiquage et récolte pour les espèces potagères en jardinage amateur.

Foros Salud Natural - DESCARGA libros Agricultura Natural. Masanobu Fukuoka : La Ecología. Le Manuel des jardiniers sans moyens - PDF - Online. S’initier à l’agroécologie : mode d'emploi - Transition. Palladius, de l'économie rurale, livre I. Avant-propos. I. LA première règle de goût est de proportionner ses leçons à la nature des esprits. Voulez-vous former un agriculteur, ne recourez pas, comme quelques-uns l'ont fait, aux fleurs de rhétorique et aux artifices oratoires.

A quoi leur a servi d'étaler leur science devant des villageois ? Ils n'ont même pas été compris des savants. Fabriquer son desherbant écolo. Réagissez : Partagez : Vous voulez désherber votre jardin en faisant des économies et en préservant l’environnement? N’hésitez plus à fabriquer vous-même votre produit écolo avec les astuces et recettes suivantes… Les 10 bonnes raisons d'acheter la SCIE GUIDEX.