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Twelve Tribe Rasta ~Overview - The Positive. '3' KeyThings 12 Tribe Rasta Has Right Understanding of what Mount Zion Is Understanding Of The Hebrew Name of God Understanding God's Kingdom on Earth as It IS In Heaven The name 'Jah' is by far the most frequently occurring form of God's name found in Rasta Reggae lyrics, and often replaces the words 'God' or 'LORD' when they appear in biblical quotations.

Twelve Tribe Rasta ~Overview - The Positive

The form taken by God's sacred name in scripture has a complicated history. In the original Hebrew text, written without vowels, God's name appears as a series of four Hebrew consonants, usually transliterated as YHWH or JHVH. Hence, JAH is used in many Reggae song lyrics as the name of God. Many Protestants do not feel comfortable using the term [name] Jah due to it's present day reference to Rastafari.However, we must remember that it was GOD's NAME FIRST, LONG BEFORE Haile Selassie ever walked the earth! I don't really understand "Rasta"... Basically it's an Afrocentric offshoot of Christianity.

I don't really understand "Rasta"...

Rastafarians belive that the Emperor Halie Selassie of Ethiopia, the oldest Christian nation and the only African nation which managed to resist European Imperialism, is the last prophet of God (some believe he is God Incarnate). Rastafarians basically assert the spiritual heritage of Africa in contrast to the imperial lies and deceit of Europe (babylon). Rastaman dem are typically peaceful, nonviolent, vegetarians. They dont usually engage in warfare in the name of sovereign states, only acknowledging the sovereignty of God, and are not typically engaged in the political systems of nations.

They dont drink alcohol, they do use marijuana for spiritual purposes, and believe a great deal in the spiritual teachings of the old testament. Septon explains the Iniverse. Septon The Buddha Rasta. KRucialReggae's Blog. You’ve heard: “underneath our skin, we all bleed the same red” (or words to that effect).

KRucialReggae's Blog

How about the song: “Don’t have to be Dread to be Rasta.” Some would vehemently object to that idea, or the possibility of being Rasta if you’re not of explicitly African origin (ie. sub-Saharan). of the band Culture's lesser known album covers Scientifically (if you go in for that sort of thing), it’s been verified that we all hail from Africa – genetically – and geographically. But does this mean the later, disparate traditions of Europe and Asia – the native Americas (or Australia) – have nothing to contribute to our overstanding? In fact, many non-Afro traditions (and individuals) have both contributed to, and played an important role in magnifying the reach of Reggae and Rasta philosophies. When will we (as Rasta/Reggae lovers – and human beings) realize that we have more in common than separating us (especially in our so-called “community”)? The Itals' album: Rasta Philosophy Like this:

Rastafari movement. The Rastafari movement is an Abrahamic religion which developed in Jamaica in the 1930s, following the coronation of Haile Selassie I as King of Ethiopia in 1930.

Rastafari movement

Its adherents worship Haile Selassie I, emperor of Ethiopia (ruled 1930–1974), some as Jesus in his Second Advent, or as God the Father.[1] Members of the Rastafari way of life are known as Rastas, or the Rastafari. The way of life is sometimes referred to as "Rastafarianism", but this term is considered offensive by most Rastafari, who, being critical of "isms" (which they see as a typical part of "Babylon culture"), dislike being labelled as an "ism" themselves.[2] The name Rastafari is taken from Ras Tafari, the title (Ras) and first name (Tafari Makonnen) of Haile Selassie I before his coronation.

In Amharic, Ras, literally "head", is an Ethiopian title equivalent to prince or chief, while the personal given name Täfäri (teferi) means one who is respected or feared. World-views and doctrines[edit] Jah[edit] What is Rasta? - mobile wiseGEEK. Who is Rasta?

What is Rasta? - mobile wiseGEEK

Anyone? Jah (or God) can always hear I(you) even if I(we) can't always hear Jah. There are no real rules or guidelines except having honor (being good and not purposely making others lives harder). Jah tells us to bring peace to all four corners of the Earth, basically everywhere, not just Africa. Freedom is not doing what you want to do, it is being able to make a choice on what to do with one's I man (one's innerself). Ask yourself this about Jesus first, if Jesus appeared to you and was this almighty force that so many believe to be. Is it entirely impossible to have an "incarnation" of God on Earth?