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New Computerish. COMPUTERs. Computer History. Raspberry Pi. TreeHugger. The Best Raspberry Pi Accessories. Credit card-sized Raspberry Pi computer gets a video cam! Just when you thought you can no longer squeeze anything else into the tiny Raspberry Pi computer, think again: the puny device is getting a video camera.

Credit card-sized Raspberry Pi computer gets a video cam!

A report on PC World said developers expect to make the HD camera available by early spring, though the camera's specifications have yet to be finalized. "The first cameras are expected to come with a 15-centimeter (just under 6 inches) flat cable and sell for around $25. The lens on the camera is similar to those found on many camera phones and is expected to provide 5 megapixels," PC World said.

It quoted Raspberry Pi developers as saying the camera board is an alternative to using USB cameras with the Raspberry Pi. They said a camera board may give a better-quality resolution at a lower price, compared to USB-based counterparts. Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into a TV and a keyboard. Getting Started With The Raspberry Pi Is Not As Easy As Pie. The super low cost computer called the Raspberry Pi is mind-blowing and awesome.

Getting Started With The Raspberry Pi Is Not As Easy As Pie

As TechCrunch recently reported, the $25 to $35 mini computer on a circuit board is designed to give kids around the globe an easy way to learn computer programming. But the Raspberry Pi is not like a computer you get from Apple or pickup at the local Best Buy. Open Source Project. The Past, Present, and Future of Data Storage. As we approach the end of 2011 and look forward to another year, we pause to reflect on the long history of data storage.

The Past, Present, and Future of Data Storage

Mankind's ability to create, process, store, and recall information is light years ahead of the days of cave paintings and engravings on stone tablets. Programming. Quantum Computing: Will It Be a Leap in Human Evolution? Quantum computers have the potential to solve problems that would take a classical computer longer than the age of the universe.

Quantum Computing: Will It Be a Leap in Human Evolution?

Oxford Professor David Deutsch, quantum-computing pioneer, who wrote in his controversial masterpiece, Fabric of Reality says: "quantum computers can efficiently render every physically possible quantum environment, even when vast numbers of universes are interacting. Quantum computers can also efficiently solve certain mathematical problems, such as factorization, which are classically intractable, and can implement types of cryptography which are classically impossible.

Quantum computation is a qualitatively new way of harnessing nature. " Quantum computing sounds like science fiction -as satellites, moon shots, and the original microprocessor once were. But the age of computing in not even at the end of the beginning. Quantum memory 'world record' smashed. A fragile quantum memory state has been held stable at room temperature for a "world record" 39 minutes - overcoming a key barrier to ultrafast computers.

Quantum memory 'world record' smashed

"Qubits" of information encoded in a silicon system persisted for almost 100 times longer than ever before. Quantum systems are notoriously fickle to measure and manipulate, but if harnessed could transform computing. The new benchmark was set by an international team led by Mike Thewalt of Simon Fraser University, Canada. Solid-state drive. DDR SDRAM based SSD. Max 128 GB and 3072 MB/s. PCIe, DRAM and NAND-based SSD. World's Smallest Hard Drive Built of Atoms.

Just 96 atoms make up one byte of magnetic storage space. - Scientists have built a magnetic storage device made of 96 atoms.

World's Smallest Hard Drive Built of Atoms

Top 10 Ways to Teach Yourself to Code. Fonts. What Font is. Create a rainbow coloured eyeball using Gimp. In Gimp there are a wide variety of tools at the user’s disposal for colouring an area.

Create a rainbow coloured eyeball using Gimp

Here we are going to learn how to use the gradient tool to selectively colour an area, in this case the iris of an eye, and to make the colour appear more a part of the image than if we dropped the colour straight into the image and left it. 35 Inspiring Color Palettes from Master Painters. Putting together a great color palette for your design work can be one of the most challenging aspects of any project.

35 Inspiring Color Palettes from Master Painters

And many times, color palettes are built from some source of inspiration. So why not be inspired by some of history’s greatest master artists? Colour Lovers has a lot of great tools including the ability to create color palettes auto-magically from pics you find around the web. DAZ 3D Home. 60 Excellent Free 3D Model Websites. 3D printers have immensely revolutionized the art and manufacturing industry.

60 Excellent Free 3D Model Websites

With advancements in the 3D printer technology, it is now not very difficult to own one, even in your home or office. Moreover, you don’t have to be an AutoCAD engineer to design a 3D model for your needs, as this job is taken up by numerous 3D model websites. Hacking. Learn about Hacking, Cracking, JavaScript, PHP, Cryptology and Password security. 7 Most Notorious Computer Hacker Groups of All Time. With the recent attack on PlayStation Network and a bunch of high-profile websites, computer hackers are back in the limelight again.

7 Most Notorious Computer Hacker Groups of All Time

How To Become A Hacker. Copyright © 2001 Eric S. In a Big Network of Computers, Evidence of Machine Learning. Top 10 Supercomputers. Like this story? Get the latest data center news by e-mail or RSS, or follow us on Twitter or Facebook. The twice-a-year list of the Top 500 supercomputers documents the most powerful systems on the planet.

Many of these supercomputers are striking not just for their processing power, but for their design and appearance as well. Here’s a look at the top finishers in the latest Top 500 list, which was released Monday, June 20, 2011 at the ISC 11 conference in Germany. K SUPERCOMPUTER, RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS), Japan. Astuces et Bricolage Informatique. Web Code How To. Backgrounds, Icons, Stationary. Computers. Computing. Memcomputing NP-complete problems in polynomial time using polynomial resources and collective states.