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MYP Resources

Our teacher sites include INTEGRATED STUDENT ACCESS which enables you to set tasks and give feedback online. Student access is easy to set up; you can set reading, writing, discussion, and multiple choice tasks; and you can track student progress. To sign up, go to: L’art dans l’urgence climatique. Q ue penser de l’intervention des artistes dans le débat qui secoue la planète sur sa propre destruction?

L’art dans l’urgence climatique

Deux projets récents en Suisse romande nous donnent des indices. Comment l'art et la créativité défient le changement climatique - - Culture. "Nous jouons avec une bête furieuse", disait en 1975 le géophysicien et climatologue Wallace Smith Broecker, décédé le 18 février dernier à New York, à l’âge de 87 ans.

Comment l'art et la créativité défient le changement climatique - - Culture

La bête furieuse dont il parlait n’était autre que le système climatique. STEM Inventions. Hydraulic Bridge - Engineering & STEM Project for Kids. Why do we have museums? - J. V. Maranto. About Babble Dabble Do. Carrelage portugais: le patrimoine mondial et la source de l'inspiration pour les artistes et les designers modernes. La nouvelle série des dessins par l'artiste Charis Tsevis est dédiée à Cristiano Ronaldo, un des meilleurs et des plus célèbres footballeurs du monde.

Carrelage portugais: le patrimoine mondial et la source de l'inspiration pour les artistes et les designers modernes

Cet artiste grec saisissait les secrtes de l'art mosaïque et de azulejos, les traditionnels carreaux portugais. L'histoire de azulejos a cinq siècles. Les dessins qui ornent ces carreaux artisanaux ont subi des multiples influences extérieurs. Peu à peu plusieurs artistes se sont rendus maîtres de la technique d'azulejos et cet art du carreau de faïence décoré s'est développée partout au Portugal. En dehors des bâtiments historiques, monastères, gares, palais, marchés, azulejos est très commun dans le revêtement intérieur et les façades des immeubles d'habitation. Les arts modernes expérimentaux fusionnent les techniques numériques et cet élément traditionnel de la culture et la vie quotidienne du Portugal. Media Lab Learning. How the MIT Media Lab LearnsAnd How Everyone Else Can Learn This Way Too Create | krēˈāt |: bring (something) into existence We live in a world that is changing more rapidly than ever before.

Media Lab Learning

Much of what we learn today will be obsolete tomorrow. Success depends on our ability to think and act creatively. To thrive, we must learn to imagine creatively, reason systematically, work collaboratively and learn continuously. News + Updates — MIT Media Lab. TeachEngineering. Mobile Forces - Activity. Summary The application of engineering principles is explored in the creation of mobiles.

Mobile Forces - Activity

Emerson Exchange 365. Art of Science - Home. Collectif Bam. Design Thinking for Teachers. What Is Design Thinking?

Design Thinking for Teachers

Every day, I ask my kids, “What did you make in school today?” Too often, they can’t give me an answer. ‎Shapes 3D - Geometry Learning on the App Store. Discover a fascinating world of 3D shapes like prisms, pyramids, solids of revolution and Platonic solids.

‎Shapes 3D - Geometry Learning on the App Store

Start from the simplest and gradually explore the most complex ones. Build solids from scratch with a new Nets Creator mode and discover hundreds of unique net combinations. Shapes use the power of mobile devices to enhance teacher capabilities and provide possibilities to show things that cannot be shown with physical tools. It can help to create interest and enthusiasm in school mathematics classes at all levels. The app was verified and approved by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan. 'Shapes' features: Airconductor ™ Science Crafts For Kids - Oversized Portable Floor Piano. SpaceLab.Case Study.Fin 1.

Teaching Strategies. Manifeste pour un urbanisme circulaire - Sylvain Grisot. Future of Jobs 2018. The Impacts of Productive and Unproductive Collaboration. Collaboration is often touted as an inherent virtue in the modern world, whether in business, education, product development, or product design (instructional design or otherwise).

The Impacts of Productive and Unproductive Collaboration

It is important, however, to distinguish between productive collaboration and unproductive collaboration (or, even worse, counterproductive collaboration). Unquestionably collaboration has many benefits, such as inclusiveness, the sharing of a plurality of ideas, avoiding tunnel vision, and so on. Instructional Design. Whittle School and Studios. Learning occurs beyond the four walls of a classroom—everything in a school is a lesson, and the campus should reflect that.

Whittle School and Studios

If there is a school on the planet that has received as much design attention as Whittle School & Studios, we don’t know of it. When our first campuses open in 2019—in Shenzhen, China and Washington, DC—more than five years of effort will have been invested in their creation. Get making with cardboard artist Lottie Smith! : Little Inventors. Take inspiration from Little Inventors Magnificent Maker and cardboard artist Lottie Smith as she shows you how to work with cardboard and recyclable materials. Do try this at home, take care with scissors and get some adult help! In this series of 12 short videos, we’re going to show you some great hints and tips about making your own invention models. Dominic Wilcox portfolio, news and videos. La Grande Laverie : Washing au second degré - La Grande Laverie.

Design & Human : atelier de design à Paris. Creativity Is The Skill Of The Future. When we look at the world we live in today, it is easy to see how the technological advances have completely redefined the way we live and communicate. With the influx of social media apps, we are now able to talk to virtually any person on any corner of the earth. Instagram, as an example, has allowed users to see live video streams of their friends in faraway places, as well as get a glimpse of the lifestyle of their favorite celebrities. Through social media have become more connected.