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Pin-Up Hair Do - Rosie the Riveter Bandana. Ducklings In A Row - Hair + DIY Tutorials: Hair Tutorial: Get Curly Hair Using an Old Pillowcase. If there's one thing I've gathered from my girlfriends when it comes to hair, it's that you always want what you don't have.

Ducklings In A Row - Hair + DIY Tutorials: Hair Tutorial: Get Curly Hair Using an Old Pillowcase

This rule of thumb also generally applies to boob size too, but that's a post for another day. Being one who falls squarely in the category of naturally wavy hair (in the ugly, frizzy way), I've always lusted after big, bouncy, bodacious curls. Funnily enough, my husband also lusts after big, bouncy and bodacious, but we're not talking about curls (wokka wokka). Since I was little I've been obsessed with curls. I even managed to somehow talk my mom into taking me to get a perm when I was in elementary school, and whenever we had one of those biography projects where you dress up like a famous person and speak in famous-person-first person to your class, I always picked Shirley Temple just so my mom had no excuse not to put my hair in ringlets using this pillowcase method.

P.s. Bohemian Side Braid Festival Hair Tutorial. Hey Guys!

Bohemian Side Braid Festival Hair Tutorial

I’m Emily and I blog over at The Freckled Fox. I’m eager to share this easy tutorial to achieve this beautiful and romantic side braid, because it’s absolutely perfect for this time of year especially and can be worn for so many different types of occasions. It’s also one of those neat styles that looks way more complicated than it actually is while still being easy and effortless looking, so you’re sure to get tons of compliments:) Lets get started! Firstly the supplies you may want to have on hand are: – a hair-tie of course, and then optional other things: – some hairspray – some dry shampoo – a teasing comb Notes: If you already have texture in your hair then leave out the dry shampoo otherwise spray a bit on for some grip.

Steps 4-6: (4) Continue your french braid down as you remember to add in a little more hair from each side before you send that section over and under (it helps to say “Add, over, under. Need blog topic ideas? 5 Simple Updo’s for Medium Hair. Hi everyone!

5 Simple Updo’s for Medium Hair

Having long hair, which can be styled in many ways, is every girl’s dream. But having long hair is sometimes not possible, due to various reasons like heredity, health, climate, hormonal status, and also deu to the changing and different modern working lifestyles. Ask an Expert: How Do I Fix My Hair After Working Out? Tips to Grow Out Bangs. Share This LinkCopy We get it.

Tips to Grow Out Bangs

We've all looked at photos of Alexa Chung/Katy Perry/Brigitte Bardot and thought we could rock bangs too...until the day we decided we couldn't live with them one more day. But never fear, the great thing about hair is that it grows so here are our tips on how to make the best of a growing out situation. 1. First off, take a look at your bangs. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Front Page Image Source: Ian Gavan/Getty Images. Growing Out Bangs? 10 Ways to Pin Them Back. 27 Gorgeously Dreamy Vintage-Inspired Hair Tutorials. How To Braid Your Hair - Fast Easy Simple Styles. All Natural Summer Hair Care. It feels like summer is already here in Philly.

All Natural Summer Hair Care

That familiar humidity has crept back into the air and the sun is showing off its strength as we move into the season of longer days. The importance of hydration can’t be stressed enough, both inside and out – and that includes your hair! There are three all-natural, homemade products I’ll be using all summer long – read on to find out what they are and how to make them! This magical concoction is my new favorite thing. It took me a while to make the switch to natural shampoo, but I am SO glad I did. I mixed 4 ounces of brewed dandelion root tea with 4 ounces of Castile soap, and finished it off with a tablespoon of coconut oil. Grow Longer & Stronger Hair With Argan Oil.

If hair could grow at the snap of our fingers, that would be a miracle…

Grow Longer & Stronger Hair With Argan Oil

WHICH BRUSH DOES WHAT? 29 Hairstyling Hacks Every Girl Should Know. 20 Messy-Chic Casual Hairstyles. Break Up with your Build Up. Hard water minerals, shampoos, conditioning masks, hair styling products and the environment can all cause build up to gather on your hair.

Break Up with your Build Up

Build up can reek all sorts of havoc like making your hair dry, brittle, unmanageable, static-y, curl resistant, dull, heavy and probably other stuff I can’t think of right now. It’s bad. 23 Five-Minute Hairstyles For Busy Mornings. Beauty Secret: How to Get Goddess-Like Skin & Hair. It seems that my whole life I’ve been searching for a beauty miracle; that magic product that will suddenly – and drastically – transform my skin and hair into that of a goddess.

Beauty Secret: How to Get Goddess-Like Skin & Hair

Just as I was beginning to think that maybe such a product did not actually exist, I found it. As it turns out, it’s not really a product at all. As I’ve been learning throughout my journey through the world of natural beauty, it all starts on the inside. In this case, the magic comes from omega-3 fatty acids. My naturopathic doctor recently prescribed me a high quality omega-3-6-7-9 supplement to help support skin health. Omega-3 fatty acids control the health of the cell membrane – and a healthy cell membrane can hold lots of water, which means incredibly soft, moisturized skin, hair, and nails.

There are multiple ways to get your daily dose of this healthy fat, too.