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Business Administration Program. List of Over 150 Free Online Courses/MOOCs Starting in January 2015 - EdTechReview™ (ETR)


5 Free Educational Technology MOOCs for the New Year. MOOCs, or Massively Open Online Courses are the next generation of online courses.

5 Free Educational Technology MOOCs for the New Year

Completely free, MOOCs are hosted by universities who guide learners through a wide range of different subjects. MOOCs allow you to interact with other individuals to talk about the course, and some universities often give a certificate of participation at the end of the course. In the New Year, there are some great courses that you can choose from to improve your online teaching and educational technology skills. Here are the best of the bunch: 1. This Canvas MOOC, hosted by the University of Hull looks at using Minecraft in education, and helps teachers gamify learning experiences using the popular game. 2.

Blended learning has been a popular way of moving instruction from the traditional chalk and talk style teaching, to a more reflexive, discursive way of teaching. 3.


Formative Assessment of Collaborative Teams (FACT) Development of a Grade-Level Instructional Team Checklist Matthew J.

Formative Assessment of Collaborative Teams (FACT)

Taylor, Center for the School of the Future, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-6505, USA. Email: Abstract Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) have become increasingly popular in schools. Article Notes Declaration of Conflicting Interests The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. . © 2013 SAGE Publications.

Professional Readings - Visual Arts. ANZAAE - NZ Art Educators' Journal (PDF 456KB) This shows a cover of the ANZAAE journal and the contents page.

Professional Readings - Visual Arts

Anyone wishing to purchase a journal can become a member of the ANZAAE and will get two journals per year. Art Becomes the Next R This paper provides an interesting perspective on the vital place of the visual arts in the internet revolution. Art Dictionary Art Dictionary has definitions for more than 3,600 terms used in discussing art/visual culture. Effective PD - 21st Century Schools Professional Development.


E-Learning: Professional Learning. Being Pretty Isn’t Enough: Using the 5 Cs for eLearning Visuals. Being Pretty Isn’t Enough: Using the 5 Cs for eLearning Visuals Although infographics, charts, illustrations, and other visuals for eLearning will never replace quality content, they can often do a better job at explaining content easily.

Being Pretty Isn’t Enough: Using the 5 Cs for eLearning Visuals

However, in order to become effective teaching tools, visuals must reflect the user’s cognitive architecture and add something meaningful to the learning experience. It is important that eLearning professionals decide, during the planning stage, whether an image should be supplementary or act as a substitution for content. This enables developers to design and use visuals in a way that will help students select, organize, and integrate relevant information while avoiding cognitive overload. This post looks at a simple approach to creating effective visuals for eLearning by considering the 5 Cs. 1. Once the eLearning developer has decided on what content to include in a module, it is time to plan how to convey this information. 2. 3. 4. 5. If You're Designing eLearning for Adults Take Advantage of These 4 Tactics. If You're Designing eLearning for Adults Take Advantage of These 4 Tactics Most of adult learning strategies are based on the idea that adults learn differently from non-adults.

If You're Designing eLearning for Adults Take Advantage of These 4 Tactics

The term that often comes up is “androgogy,” which Malcolm Knowles coined to describe how adults learn in contrast to “pedagogy” or on how children learn. The fact is, we already know a lot of theories surrounding adult learning. The problem is, many courses still don't take into account what these theories entail—and often don't successfully apply androgogy strategies for maximum performance. Understanding how adults learn, is the first step to crafting an eLearning material adults will actually want to start and finish. 1) Hook Them Early—and Often. Make that first, strong impression a positive one. Tell them a good story: The best political speeches and the greatest graduation speeches share a common element: a good, human interest story. 2) Make Use of Their Experiences Learning goals are good. 9 Places To Find High-Quality Online Professional Development. The beginning of the school year for many teachers includes something that many are grumbling about.

Do you hear those low-pitched rumbles? That’s right, I’m talking about your school’s required professional development. While nearly all teachers are required to complete continuing education credits in order to keep a current certification (and by extension, a job!) , the school-mandated and offered ‘training’ days are often broad in scope, and many report that they’re not that helpful. Other schools don’t have the funding or time to support teacher training, leaving those teachers to manage their own professional development.