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50 best PD Blogs, stevenaichson

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Michael Hyatt | Intentional Leadership. Deliberate Receiving Blog | Where the Law of Attraction Finally Makes Some Freakin’ Sense. The 30 Year Old Ninja - » I Can Achieve The Impossible. Personal Excellence - For people passionate about achieving excellence in life. The only limits we have in life are those we set ourselves. Welcome to Personal Excellence — a personal development site for people who are passionate about achieving excellence in life! I’m Celestine Chua, the founder of this site. If you want to achieve your highest potential and live your best life, this is THE place for you. The mission of Personal Excellence is: “To touch others’ lives, help them achieve their highest potential and live their best lives”.

Today, we have over 1.1 million pageviews a month at the site, making PE one of the top personal development sites online. If you are new here, here is your navigation guide: The Main Site Blog — Latest updates at Personal Excellence. Premium Courses Here are my premium courses targeting different areas of personal development. Live a Better Life in 30 Days Program (Guidebook & Workbook) — #1 Life transformation program that will help you to live a better life in just 30 days. Books Others Here’s to living our best lives yet! Personal Excellence | To achieve our highest potential in life. Inspired gift giving blog. Soul Speak by Jodi Chapman - What does your soul want you to know? Vidya Sury | Going A-Musing, Inspiring Happiness, Collecting Smiles. Life Coach Tim Brownson. Life Coach Tim Brownson. Home - Live Purposefully Now. Small Steps Big Changes - turning life's mountains into molehills.

Blog - Sandi Amorim. Change is what most of us want, and whether or not we admit it, we’ve got a list of things we’d like to change about ourselves. The problem isn’t that we want to change. Change is natural and inevitable. “Every single thing changes and is changing always in this world.” – Saigyo The problem with change is that we beat ourselves up when we fail to change in the way we want, and we do it so often it becomes a cycle that creates the future; an endless loop of disappointment and self-recrimination.

When we really want to make a change, but feel defeated before we begin, is it possible to succeed? It’s unlikely, as the vicious cycle is too ingrained and the negative feelings too strong. This is in spite of the fact that you may still have a strong desire to change. Desire is the important first step in the process. Think of all the times you tried to change, and the promises you’ve made to yourself. How many of those promises did you keep? Fact or Fiction? Do the Work implement – verb. *Positive Provocations* | ~Healing with Positivity, Love & Happiness!~ Arianna's Random Thoughts by Arianna Merritt, M.Ed.

Simple Mindfulness: Simple Steps to a Happier Life. Positively present. Personal Success Factors - Discover, Plan, Brand, Lead. Meant to be Happy | Discovering Joy ... one day at a time. Powered by Intuition | Intuitive Wisdom to Live Your Purpose & Prosper. Powered by Intuition | Intuitive Wisdom to Live Your Purpose & Prosper. Life Change Coaching that Ignites Your Personal Power to Change | Ignite Change. Mazzastick|Personal Growth|New Age Blog — Where personal development meets the New Age of Awareness! The Zen Mama's Blog | Stop Worrying, Let Go and Get Closer. Victor Schueller - Helping you learn how to deal with life's difficult problems and find inner peace | Have a problem? I'll help you through it! Anne-Sophie | Body Image Coach, Emotional Eating Coach, Self-Love Coach. Blog | Let ME Out!! Leave your email to become a subscriber #LMOKindness Nomination Do you know someone in the Greater Vancouver area or Fraser Valley who totally deserves to be surprised by a random act of kindness?

Nominate him or her by filling out the form below! We will match this lucky person up with a gift donated by one of our amazing sponsors, and then with your help, we'll make his/her day that much brighter. Thanks for participating! 10 Steps to Finding Your Happy Place (and Staying There) The Bold Life — inspiration for fearless living. Blog - Make It Happen. How is your life going?

What’s missing in your life? And what are you doing about it? If you are like most people, you are having another day of challenges, deadlines and being overwhelmed. Or worse still, you are having another day of boredom. And despair. Just what happened to all your childhood dreams? Pause for a moment and look around the world you live in today. The world seems to face so many challenges that you might despair and feel completely hapless as to just what one individual like you can do.

Just where do you begin to create the sort of life you want, and to live in the type of world you want? Where does one begin from this point? The answer is actually quite simple – you begin exactly where you are at right now. Your future and all the things you desire, dream of, wish for and want to create don’t exist anywhere other than here, right now. That future is created here and now – not just for yourself but for those around you.

That time is here now.The time to rock your world. Abundance Tapestry — Align with Love. Tap into Abundance. Blog. Ready To Bloom with Holly Worton. Evolving Beings. Otiti Jasmine | for sassy women and audacious bombshells. Home - Tamarisk Saunders-Davies. Sarupa Shah - The Soul Agent. Life Advice the Coaching Way! Infinite Evolution Center for Personal Growth, Motivation and Self Improvement. Unlimited Choice - The ultimate guide to living consciously - Amit Sodha. Miz Meliz. MMotivate — Motivation for Fitness. Lucid Dreaming Experiments. Down to earth personal development for women; The Mothering Revolution; Blethers. Six Simple Rules | Home of "Six Simple Rules for a Better Life"

Optimistic Life | Tips to Help You with Positive Living. Find Your Paradigm: The Art of Living with Grace and Ease | Leap Fearlessly! Live life on your terms.