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To The Girl Who Has Never Been In Love… It’s Okay. You spent years watching friends fall head over heels in love. You’re also surrounded by others claiming to be in love, with their gushy Instagram posts and sappy Snapchat stories. You watched your best friend break up with her boyfriend; she cried and mourned for days and you bought her chocolate and ice cream. You have seen the highs and lows and everything in-between. You’ve heard all the songs, watched all the movies, read all the tales about how falling in love is easy. And on those alone time moments, you sat and thought, “I have never felt this way.” You have never been in love before. Yes, you might have been in relationships but there was always something detached, or maybe something there but you don’t feel like you need it. The whole can’t eat can’t sleep, butterflies in the stomach, can’t stop thinking about that one person and let’s not forget the heart ache after fights and break-ups, all don’t ring any bells to you.

Here is what you need to tell to yourself. Related. Egypt: Stay Or Leave? Whenever something goes wrong or I miss an important meeting because I’m stuck in traffic, I find myself filled with an anger and rage so strong towards Egypt, the easiest party to blame. I find myself facing a dilemma every single day about whether to stay or leave, wishing for a chance to flee the country and never return. Yet, I still have certain things engraved in my heart that make me unable to just pack up and go, because we’re talking about Egypt, you know? My Egypt! Why have you left me feeling this way, beloved Egypt? I’m becoming quite schizophrenic; sometimes feeling like a ticking bomb waiting to explode, while other times I find myself feeling the love, loyalty and gratefulness of being exactly where I want to be (in that specific moment). Let me start off with some of the main reasons that, in my opinion, would get me on the next plane out of here and then tell you why I’ve (so far) decided to stay.

The incompetence of the health care system The inadequate educational system. Things that change forever when you live abroad. I originally wrote and published this article in Spanish. As we brace ourselves to move abroad for the third time in a few years, I look back and I know that squeezing our lives into a suitcase and leaving our native Barcelona was the best decision that we could have possibly made. Because when you move away, when you turn your life into a journey filled with uncertainty, you grow up in unexpected ways. You face new challenges, you get to know parts of you you didn’t know existed, you’re amazed at yourself and at the world. You learn, you broaden your horizons. 1. From the moment you decide to move abroad, your life turns into a powerful mix of emotions – learning, improvising, dealing with the unexpected… All your senses sharpen up, and for a while the word “routine” is dismissed from your vocabulary to make space for an ever rising adrenalin thrill ride. 2.

That’s why, when you get a few days off and fly back home, it strikes you how little everything has changed. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hardest Part of Travelling that No One Talks About. This piece was not written by myself but I couldn’t have said it better. The words epitomise a strong undercurrent I have been feeling for a while.

I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, that yearning I still feel five months after completing my trip. If you’ve ever traveled extensively or taken a journey into the unknown, welcome to the group of lost individuals who will never be truly understood. Read below… You can stay up to date with my adventures right here – Twitter or Instagram @sharkydillon or see my videos of Africa on YouTube The Hardest Part of Travelling that No One Talks About by Kellie Donnelley You see the world, try new things, meet new people, fall in love, visit amazing places, learn about other cultures – then it’s all over. We talk about the hard parts while we’re away – finding jobs, making real friends, staying safe, learning social norms, misreading people you think you can trust – but these are all parts you get through.

You Have To Choose Her Everyday (Or Leave Her) I spent five years hurting a good woman by staying with her, but never fully choosing her. I did want to be with this one. I really wanted to choose her. She was an exquisite woman, brilliant and funny and sexy and sensual. She could make my whole body laugh with her quick, dark wit and short-circuit my brain with her exotic beauty. Waking up every morning with her snuggled in my arms was my happy place. I loved her wildly. Unfortunately, as happens with many young couples, our ignorance of how to do love well quickly created stressful challenges in our relationship. As the months passed and that thought reverberated more and more through my head, I chose her less and less. I stayed with her. Choosing her would have meant focusing every day on the gifts she was bringing into my life that I could be grateful for: her laughter, beauty, sensuality, playfulness, companionship, and so much more.

Thus did our nasty death spiral play itself out over five years. Actually, I did abandon her. Something Extraordinary Is Happening in the World, And Most People Haven't Notice. Most of us haven’t quite realized there is something extraordinary happening. A few months ago, I freed myself from standard-procedure society. I broke the chains of fear that kept me locked up into the system. Since then, I see the world from a different perspective: the one that everything is going through change and that most of us are unaware of that.

Why is the world changing? 1. We are reaching our limits. People want out. 2. Over the past few years, with the explosion of startups, thousands of entrepreneurs turned their garages into offices to bring their billion-dollar ideas to life. But what happens after you get funded? “Isn’t it absurd that we, 7 billion of us living in the same planet, have grown further apart from each other?” You get back to being an employee. People are suffering with it. A new way to endeavor is needed. 3. Many people have figured out that it doesn’t make any sense to go on by yourself. Stop, take a step back, and think. Fortunately, things are changing. I'm Only 22. I Don't Want Someone Else to Be My Whole World. | Unwritten. I am a firm believer in true love. I do believe that there is someone out there for me who will eventually sweep me off my feet and make me wonder why I ever settled for anybody else.

There is a man out there for me, with whom I will celebrate countless anniversaries, Valentine's Days and birthdays. There is a man with whom I will be able to get through any fight, distance or hardship, knowing that nothing will ever change. There is a man out there with whom I will share an unbreakable bond, held together by the deep desires of love. But not today.

I don't want someone I "won't be able to imagine my life without. " I want to feel whole. That's why I don't want to find the man I will love forever today. For those who know me, you know that when I fall, I fall fast and I fall hard. Too many women depend on men to make them happy, and I would be lying if I said I haven't done that myself. I have dreams. I want to imagine my own life. Many of you may read this and view me as a loner. I'm 22. To The “Bestfriend” I Decided I Couldn’t Be Friends With Anymore. Dear Old Friend, I decided we aren’t friends anymore and you may not fully understand why. I recently read To The Bestfriend Who Decided We Aren't Friends Anymore and it struck a chord with me. I realized that I was that friend who walked away, who gave up. I hurt you and that hurts me. But, the reality is, I decided we aren’t friends anymore because… we just weren’t. I think about all of the memories we shared, too.

I haven’t forgotten all of the years we were never without each other. But we aren’t together. My heart is broken when I see you post pictures with other friends tagged #bestfriend #rideordie #girlfriend, when I hear one of our songs and you’re not there to sing horribly with me, when I am alone or scared and you aren’t there like you’re supposed to be. You’re just not there anymore and you haven’t been for over a year. I moved away. Maybe I am the one who officially decided we aren’t friends anymore, but you decided too. Now, I know that when you love someone, you fight. Love, I Didn't Love My Wife When We Got Married | Huffington Post. I’m a ridiculous, emotional, over-sentimental sap. I guess that’s why I told my wife I loved her on our second date. I had tried really hard up to that point to hold it back, honestly. I wanted to tell her on the first date, but I knew that would probably be weird.

I still remember her reaction. She kind of gave me this half-shy, half-amused smile. Then she nodded and looked off into the sky. I wasn’t heartbroken by the response. But as time has gone on, I also realized that she knew something that I didn’t. Like most Hasidic Jews (we both became religious later in life), our dating period lasted a very short time. And that whole time I was swooning.

But then we got married, and everything changed. Marriage, quicker than I was ready for, did this thing: It started sucking away that emotion. I tried so hard to keep that fire going, to keep that emotion alight, but it got harder and harder. How can you feel it when you get into an argument? And at first, it drove me nuts. How a TV Sitcom Triggered the Downfall of Western Civilization.

How a TV Sitcom Triggered the Downfall of Western Civilization I want to discuss a popular TV show my wife and I have been binge-watching on Netflix. It’s the story of a family man, a man of science, a genius who fell in with the wrong crowd. He slowly descends into madness and desperation, lead by his own egotism. With one mishap after another, he becomes a monster. I’m talking, of course, about Friends and its tragic hero, Ross Geller.

You may see it as a comedy, but I cannot laugh with you. The theme song itself is filled with foreboding, telling us that life is inherently deceptive, career pursuits are laughable, poverty is right around the corner, and oh yeah, your love life’s D.O.A. Don’t I feel better? Maybe I should unpack this, for the uninitiated. Eventually, the Friends audience — roughly 52.5 million people — turned on Ross. And like a Greek tragedy, our hero is caught in a prophecy that cannot be avoided. Why such sympathy for Ross? The show ended in 2004. Why I’ll leave the UK if Britain votes no to Europe | Oliver Imhof | Opinion. I came to London 18 months ago, with the intention of studying here and going back to Germany when I got my degree.

In the blink of an eye I fell in love with the British capital, its cultural diversity, its intellectual capacity and – of course – its amazing nightlife. After six months I was certain that I would stay as long as I could. I paid for my education, I paid the horrendous rents in London, I paid £4.95 for a pint, all of it with foreign currency from my family. When I was not able to make a living off my income as a freelancer after graduating, I did not sign up for benefits but took work I am overqualified for because I was embarrassed to take money out of a system that I had not paid into.

Now I can finally live off what I make. It is not much, but enough to enjoy life in London and pay a bit of tax by the end of the year. That’s one of the reasons I like the UK so much. This does not only apply to the labour market, but also in your private life. » دينا نجم تكتب : اربطيها إسبانِش! كُتب في: 7 2014 , ( 48 : 10 ) | عدد تعليقات 17 سمعت قصة من كام يوم تندرج تحت بند الكوميديا السوداء!

عن عيلة بيشتروا بيت في إحدى قرى الساحل الشمالي، فأثناء إمضاء العقد، إتقال لهم بوضوح وكل صراحة إن في حالة إرتداء أي من بنات الأسرة الحجاب في المستقبل، ها يتم إلزامهم بدفع شرط جزائي لأن القرية لا تسمح بوجود المحجبات! لسه يادوب حبتدي أستغرب، سمعت القصة الأجمل من دي؛ إن فيه أماكن بتطلب إن لو فيه محجبات داخلينها فيايلبسوا “تيربون” أو يربطوه ” إسبانِش” عشان المنظر وكده… و الحجاب ليس إلا مثال صغير على أمثلة كتير قوي بتثبت قد إيه المظاهر بقت عنصر أساسي في الحكم على الناس والتعامل معاهم.

فكتير من الأماكن بقت بتعمل لك كشف هيئة و إنت داخل المكان عشان تتأكد إن مظهرك ومنظرك ملائمين للـ”جنّة” اللي إنت على وَشَك دخولها.. وأحيانا لو نجحت إنك تدخل و شكلك مش على مزاجهم، فهايكثّفوا كل مجهوداتهم عشان يضمنوا إنك ماتكمّلش ٥ دقايق في المكان… بس لحظة واحدة.. وبعيدا عن اللِبس، فيه بقية كوكتيل المظاهر: المدرسة، الجامعة، طريقة نطق اللغات، أسلوب الحياة اليومية .. » دينا نجم تكتب : ده مش راجل يا بابا.. ده لوسي! |

كُتب في: 12 أكتوبر 2014 , ( 48 : 10 ) | عدد تعليقات 13 زمان في فيلم “إشاعة حب”، لما حَبّوا يرمُزوا للراجل اللي هو مش راجل قوي، صوَّروه في شخصية الولد المايص اللي معندوش لا شغلة ولا مَشغَلة وأهله بيصرِفوا عليه وأعظم قدراته ومواهبه بتتلخص في الرقص والغنا .. أما رمز الرجولة فكان في “حسين “الراجل اللي شقيان في شغله ومالوش في الرقص والهلس و بيتكسف من خياله ومالوش لا في مجاملات ولا معاكسات! النهارده مفاهيم الرجولة تطورت جامد، أو إتغيرِت، أو إتلخبطِت.. أنا فعلا مش عارفة إيه اللي حصل غير إن مفهوم الراجل مابقاش حاجة واضحة وثابتة عند الناس كلها، فلما حد يوصفلك واحد و يقولك أصله “راجل كده ” ماينفعش تسكت وتقتنع إنك فهمت قصده، لازم ييجي بعد الوصف ده سؤال:”راجل إزاي يعني؟” ودَه لأن بقى فيه الراجل اللي عايز اللي يخدمه وبس، من غير أي مشاركة ولا مساعدة منه ولا حتى على سبيل التعاطف والشعور بالغير!

و بيشوف إن تكفله بمصاريف البيت هو مصدر رجولته، إنما أكتر من كده مش مطلوب منه! و بالتالي أصبحت فكرة الراجل اللي البيت معتمد على وجوده ومتحامي فيه، مش قاعدة خلاص، عشان وجوده لا يعني بالضرورة إمكانية الاعتماد عليه. لماذا أخشى الأمومة؟ دينا نجم الأمومة حلم أي بنت" .. "البنت إتخلقت عشان تكون أم" .. "أنا نفسي أتجوز عشان أخلف" .. "أحلى حاجة في الجواز الخلفة" ... أمثلة من جمل بتؤرقني و تستفزني للرد و الاعتراض... أحيانا بكبر دماغي و بكسل أتناقش و أعارض و أجادل و بسكت و أهز راسي و أبتسم إبتسامة الموافقة.. و أحيانا بقرر أعمل فيها عباس الضو و أقف بعلو صوتي و أزعق و أقول : لأ و أستحمل بقى كل اللي حيجرالي من ساعة ال "لأ" دي ما تطلع مني و تصل إلى الجميع واثقة مجلجلة مسنودة بالأدلة و البراهين!

أنك تقرر إنك تخلف معناه ببساطة من وجهة نظري إنك تجيب للدنيا الشخص اللي حتحبه أكتر ما حبيت و حتحب أي حد في حياتك اللي فاتت و اللي جاية.. و بعد ما تحبه مطلوب منك تربيه... حاجات كتير .. على أمل إني في يوم من الأيام أوصل لإجابات مريحة تحسم الصراع اللي جوايا!