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Wall Street Mega-Banks Are Buying Up The World's Water. A disturbing trend in the water sector is accelerating worldwide. The new “water barons” — the Wall Street banks and elitist multibillionaires — are buying up water all over the world at unprecedented pace. Familiar mega-banks and investing powerhouses such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, Macquarie Bank, Barclays Bank, the Blackstone Group, Allianz, and HSBC Bank, among others, are consolidating their control over water. Wealthy tycoons such as T. Boone Pickens, former President George H.W. Bush and his family, Hong Kong’s Li Ka-shing, Philippines’ Manuel V. Pangilinan and other Filipino billionaires, and others are also buying thousands of acres of land with aquifers, lakes, water rights, water utilities, and shares in water engineering and technology companies all over the world.

Billionaire T. “Water is the oil of the 21st century.” In 2008, I wrote an article, Update of My 2008 Article: Mega-Banks See Water as a Critical Commodity 1. 1. Wall Street Mega-Banken und Milliardäre kaufen das globale Wasser auf! - Wall Street Mega-Banks Are Buying Up The World’s Water. Es ist ein beunruhigender Trend im Wassersektor, der in rasender Geschwindigkeit weltweit fortschreitet. Die neuen „Wasser-Barone“ – die Wall-Street-Banken und elitäre Multimilliardäre – kaufen Wasser auf der ganzen Welt auf, und zwar in einem noch nie dagewesenen Tempo. Jahrzehntelang galt die Wasserversorgung als wichtige Staatsaufgabe. Erst in den 1990er-Jahren privatisierten viele Länder die Versorgung mit dem lebensnotwendigen Nass. Heute beherrschen eine Reihe multinationaler Konzerne die globalen Wassermärkte, angefangen bei der Produktion der nötigen Anlagen für die Wasserproduktion über Abfüllanlagen für Flaschenwasser bis hin zu privaten Wasserversorgern und Großhändlern.

Wasser ist nicht nur Grundlage alles Lebens, sondern besitzt auch große Bedeutung für die Industrie. Im 20. Jahrhundert wurden Kriege um Erdöl geführt, im 21. Und da sind sie, die Spekulanten. Fazit: Wasser ist zu einem Handelsgut verkommen, mit welchem sich viel Geld verdienen lässt. Georg W. Milliardär T. T. Wem gehört das Wasser? Wasser ist ein Allgemeingut und gehört der gesamten Menschheit und nicht nur Profiteuren!! Wasser ist ein knapper Rohstoff und wird trotzdem zum Beispiel an Nestlé, man staune, für 3,71 $ pro 1 Million Liter verkauft. Dies ist ein Beispiel für die Korruption der öffentlichen Hand durch private Konzerne! Wem gehört das Wasser? Vor allem in Dürre- und Trockengebieten bei schwindenden Süßwasserressourcen weltweit wird diese Frage immer häufiger in den Mittelpunkt gestellt. Die Folgen einer Dürre wird an Kalifornien sichtbar. Kalifornien befand sich im fünftem Dürrejahr in Folge. 80 Prozent der kalifornischen Ölproduktion und 45 Prozent der Agrarproduktion stammen aus diesem Bundesstaat.

Und während die Bürger zum Wassersparen angehalten wurden, bezahlte der größte Nahrungsmittelkonzern der Welt Nestlé für 102 200 000 Liter Wasser (27,000,000 gallons) $524. Ungerecht, oder? Neue Informationen: Laut WaterAid haben 42 Millionen Äthiopier keinen Zugang zu sicherem Wasser. Was würden Sie sagen, wenn Sie wüssten, dass eine Geldanlage mit dem „Blauen Gold“ möglich ist? Nr. 4. Profitgier! Raubbau am kostbarsten Gut! Gewusst? Wollen Länder Kredite von Weltbank oder IWF - dann müssen sie ihr Wasser privatisieren!

Süßwasser ist ein globales Gemeinschaftsgut, für dessen Erhalt und nachhaltige Nutzung die internationale Staatengemeinschaft Sorge tragen muss. Meint man, denn schon lange ist es in den Händen einiger Weniger, die sich einfach das kostbare Gut „geraubt“ haben. Will ein Land Kredite durch die Weltbank, ist eine der Bedingungen die Privatisierung des Wassers. Es sind Strukturen, die man nur bei der Mafia vermuten würde. Bereits 2003 empfahlen sogenannte Experten, dass öffentliche Stellen für die Investitionen der Wasserkonzerne bürgen sollen. Bedeutet: Die Wasserkonzerne verdienen Milliarden Euro und bürgen wird der „kleine“ Steuerzahler. Wasser ist Leben Rohstoff Wasser als Wirtschaftsgut – abschreckendes Beispiel: der Ölmarkt Wasser verspricht, für das 21.

Mit anderen Worten: Wer natürliche Ressourcen zur Ware erklärt, verfolgt ökonomische Interessen, nichts anderes, und wer sie besitzt, hat die Macht! Größter Erfolg ist das erst 1999 eingeführte Pure Life. Doch was viele nicht wissen: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) : A water-secure world. How to Filter and Purify Rainwater ( Earthship Style WOM ) DIY Water Projects -- Catching it, saving it, treating i, ...

Rainwater Harvesting

'Water war' threatens Syria lifeline. Gaziantep, Turkey - When severe water cuts began to hit Aleppo province in early May, residents started referring to a "water war" being waged at the expense of civilians. Images of beleaguered women and children drinking from open channels and carrying jerry cans of untreated groundwater only confirmed that the suffering across northern Syria had taken a turn for the worse.

However, lost in the daily reports was a far more pernicious crisis coming to a head: a record six-metre drop in Lake Assad, the reservoir of Syria's largest hydroelectric dam and the main source of water for drinking and irrigation to about five million people. Under the watch of the Islamic State group - formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) - levels in Lake Assad have dropped so low that pumps used to funnel water east and west are either entirely out of commission or functioning at significantly reduced levels. RELATED: Baghdadi's vision of a new caliphate. Rationing water in a thirstier world - Opinion. The right to water and sanitation is recognised in international law, but it is often left up to each local community's initiative to secure that right.

And a village in the Thar Desert of western India has recently been singled out by The Hindu newspaper for its exemplary water rationing system: In Kalyanpur village of Barmer, one of the most parched and barren districts of Rajasthan, the villagers have found a solution to their water woes in water rationing. There are no fights over water distribution, no quarrels over breaking the queues or attempts at snatching other people's share of water… [the village's well] is a blessing in the barren zone for its water is very sweet and light, devoid of fluoride or other contaminations … [A steering committee has] laid down rules after assessing needs of the 1,100 families in Kalyanpur, said Loon Chand, secretary of the committee. Each family's share is about 4,000 litres per month.

Efficiency against fairness Going to the source. Water campaign | Water wars: 21st century conflicts? Click on the water conflict map to see some of Al Jazeera's coverage of an issue which could define 21st century strife The author Mark Twain once remarked that "whisky is for drinking; water is for fighting over" and a series of reports from intelligence agencies and research groups indicate the prospect of a water war is becoming increasingly likely. In March, a report from the office of the US Director of National Intelligence said the risk of conflict would grow as water demand is set to outstrip sustainable current supplies by 40 per cent by 2030. "These threats are real and they do raise serious national security concerns," Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, said after the report's release. Internationally, 780 million people lack access to safe drinking water, according to the United Nations.

Some analysts worry that wars of the future will be fought over blue gold, as thirsty people, opportunistic politicians and powerful corporations battle for dwindling resources. How India's cities came to drown in sewage and waste | Environment. Almitra Patel, a civil engineer by qualification, says she was first alerted to India's huge problem of inadequate waste disposal when she noticed that the frogs in the marshlands near her farmhouse, on the city's outskirts, had stopped croaking. Seeing that the frogs had died from sewage and garbage being dumped in the wetlands, she petitioned the Supreme Court in 1996 to intervene and get the city fathers to take responsibility for safe waste handling.

Investigations showed that less than half of the sewage produced by this global information technology hub was being managed in modern treatment plants, with the rest ending up as raw, untreated sewage in the city's lakes and wetlands. Patel won her suit to make the safe disposal of waste a municipal responsibility, but management of solid waste and sewage remains a national problem. Bangalore's municipality recently collected funds to clean and conserve its once-splendid wetlands, now shrunk from 262 in 1962 to just 17 in number. BOTTLED LIFE – Die Wahrheit über Nestlés Geschäfte mit Wasser. Fracking Hell: The Untold Story. Food & Water Watch Works to Keep Water a Public Resource. Around the world, multinational corporations are seizing control of public water resources and prioritizing profits for their stockholders and executives over the needs of the communities they serve.

These private water companies try to persuade cash-strapped cities and towns to relinquish control over their valuable public water and sewer systems.Many communities that experimented with privatization have found that it often results in worse service at a higher cost.After taking over a municipal water system, water companies aggressively hike water rates by an average of about 10 percent a year, adding hundreds of dollars onto the typical annual household bill. Read more. Food & Water Watch serves as a clearinghouse for information and an ally in organizing to ensure that water — a public resource — stays in public hands. We provide support for the residents, elected officials, water utility staff and community leaders who are fighting to protect their water from corporate control.