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Arquivo Digital da PO.EX – Poesia Experimental Portuguesa. Wreading-digits. Var poesia. Oráculo - A Bruxa d'Arruda. Online Version. “The Stone can only be found when the search lies heavily on the searcher. – Thou seekest hard and findest not.

Online Version

Seek not and thou whilst find.” (Arthur Koestler, The Act of Creation) Através dos processos artísticos, certas particularidades de determinada experiência poderão ser modificadas, filtradas, sublimadas, multiplicadas e, por vezes até, auto-geradas. Técnicas de escrita experimental, como a combinatória, o cut up literário ou o fold-in, permitem estender a palavra e, por conseguinte, o texto, além de uma única configuração, acrescentando-lhe múltiplos níveis de significação e de leitura. Rui Torres. Editions at Play. - metacognition. What does it mean?

- metacognition

Being aware of the thought processes you are using. Identifying and describing the strategies you use as you make sense of information, solve-problems, make-decisions. Being able to recognise bias in your thinking, managing your emotions, seeing patterns in your thoughts. Why does it matter? Metacognition allows you to influence and change your thought processes.

When should you use it? About Improve with Metacognition - Improve with Metacognition. The Learner's Way. Outputs – MINDtheGaps. IO1.

Outputs – MINDtheGaps

Youth media literacy promising practices handbook – a digital handbook about media literacy and critical thinking practices both in formal and non-formal education and training activities among young people. This handbook contains European shared resources suggestions, initiatives samples, activities and reflection based on field experience. Download IO2. Explore Popular Debates, Discussions and Critical ThinkingIL Website.

IL Website. Primary and Secondary Sources. Fónix Lab. Biblio Tubers. Topic ideas. Glossário. V. 13, n. 2 (2019) Library Toolkit - M. Borland. Open access, peer-reviewed scholarly and professional journal of the National Association for Media Literacy Education. Problem loading page. is the World's Largest Education Resource. Professional Learning & Community for Educators. The Verge. Media Literacy at Your Library Learning and Prototyping Report. In fall 2017, ALA and the Center for News Literacy (CNL) at Stony Brook University embarked on Media Literacy at Your Library, a prototype project that sought to address the critical need in the field for adult media literacy education, with a focus on news literacy.

Media Literacy at Your Library Learning and Prototyping Report

Over the year that followed, the two organizations worked with teams from five U.S. public libraries to explore the effectiveness of media literacy resources and lead programs for adults in their communities. The goal of the project was to develop media literacy training and complementary resources designed to prepare public library professionals to educate their adult patrons to be informed media consumers. ALA has recently released a Learning and Prototyping Report detailing the activities and findings of Media Literacy at Your Library.

Los 20 mejores perfiles educativos de Twitter en 2018 - yosoytuprofe. El año está terminado y seguimos haciendo el balance de cuáles han sido los perfiles educativos que han arrasado en las redes.

Los 20 mejores perfiles educativos de Twitter en 2018 - yosoytuprofe

Por ese motivo, te queremos mostrar los 20 mejores perfiles educativos de Twitter de este 2018. Si estás interesado en el mundo educativo, Twitter puede ser un buen lugar para encontrar recursos y debate de calidad. Siguiendo estas cuentas, podrás estar al día de todo lo más relevante del momento. Recuerda, este listado está abierto a propuestas y a futuras ampliaciones, no es ni exclusivo ni excluyente. Cristobal Cobo <entreprenerd /> A Beginner's Guide to Equivalent Camera Exposures. One of the most fundamental things every new photographer should learn is how shutter speed, aperture, and ISO interact to produce an exposure.

A Beginner's Guide to Equivalent Camera Exposures

This great video will introduce you to the three parameters and how each of them determines your overall exposure. Coming to you from Apalapse, this helpful video will show you how the three fundamental exposure parameters interact to produce an image. Quite often when you're shooting, you'll have to make both a creative decision in how you want to combine the three to make a shot and a practical decision that your shooting environment imposes on you, and the successful photographer is one who can balance their creative impulses with the environmental limitations.

That's why it's so crucial to become so familiar with the settings and their effects on your photos that they become instinct and you can quickly dial them in in any situation, as a camera's auto mode doesn't know your creative impulses and simply tries to create a balanced exposure. The Next Education Renaissance Is Human ― Not Technological. This article is part of a collection of op-eds from thought leaders, educators and entrepreneurs who reflect on the state of education technology in 2018, and share where it’s headed next year.

The Next Education Renaissance Is Human ― Not Technological

In 2013, I had the opportunity to discuss the future of education with Eric Schmidt, who was then the executive chairman of Google. I was keen to find out his take: Would technology ever replace the teacher? At that time, this question was being debated throughout the education world. We had seen two decades of technological revolution in schools, starting with desktop computers, then networks, laptops, interactive whiteboard boards and on and on it went... His answer to me was immediate and unequivocal. He went on to explain that whilst technology was incredible, more than just a catalyst for change, it shouldn’t and wouldn’t ever replace teachers.

Free Technology for Teachers. Vizia. MIT Technology Review. A New Paradigm For Schools. ¿Cuáles son los países donde más se lee del mundo? El mapa muestra el promedio de horas semanales que los consumidores dicen que pasan leyendo a la semana.

¿Cuáles son los países donde más se lee del mundo?

Acceso Según datos aportados por World Culture Index, que recoge la cantidad de tiempo que la gente pasa leyendo. España ocupa el puesto 20 con 5:48 h. de lectura semanales por persona. Aula invertida - Ensino. The best free cultural & educational media on the web. 8 Important Digital Literacy Practices for Students. Junta de Extremadura Portal Institucional de la Junta de Extremadura. ¿Por qué hay que enseñar a los alumnos a escribir correctamente? Existen muchos debates acerca de si los nuevos medios electrónicos han empobrecido nuestro lenguaje y la capacidad de comunicarnos y expresarnos, pero lo que es evidente es que la forma en que nos comunicamos actualmente ha sufrido una notable transformación.

Escribimos constantemente: escribimos en el trabajo (¿has pensado alguna vez cómo ha sustituido el correo electrónico casi todas tus llamadas?) , y también en nuestra vida personal. 15 tutoriales para aprender todas las fórmulas y funciones de Excel. Aprende a usar Excel y conoce todas las fórmulas y funciones con estos 15 videos tutoriales ¡Míralos y practica!

15 tutoriales para aprender todas las fórmulas y funciones de Excel

Saber usar Excel te abrirá muchas puertas y te facilitará muchas operaciones que ahora realizas manualmente.En cualquier empresa es imprescindible gestionar gran cantidad de datos, en muchas de ellas esta gestión se realiza a través de Excel.Con estos videotutoriales te convertirás en un experto de estas hojas de cálculo y mejorarás tu perfil profesional. ¿Querés convertirte en un experto de Excel? A continuación, te presentamos 15 videos tutoriales que ofrece Microsoft para aprender todas las formulas y funciones de Excel 2013 dirigidos a usuarios principiantes, intermedios o expertos. ¡Conócelos! MediaSmarts.

Página Principal. A declaração europeia da literacia como um direito básico. Formación IB - formación docente de calidad, escuela de doctorandos, cursos online, Red Iberoamericana de Docentes. Some Great Google Drive Add-ons for Teachers. Entrevista a Iolanda López. How to Create Powerful Student ePortfolios with Google Sites. Shake Up Learning Website and Blog.

Shake Up Learning Website and Blog. Cristobal Cobo <entreprenerd />