Digital literacy Digital literacy is the ability to effectively and critically navigate, evaluate and create information using a range of digital technologies. It requires one "to recognize and use that power, to manipulate and transform digital media, to distribute pervasively, and to easily adapt them to new forms".[1] Digital literacy does not replace traditional forms of literacy. It builds upon the foundation of traditional forms of literacy.[1] Digital literacy is the marrying of the two terms digital and literacy; however, it is much more than a combination of the two terms. Digital information is a symbolic representation of data, and literacy refers to the ability to read for knowledge, write coherently, and think critically about the written word. Digital literacy researchers explore a wide variety of topics, including how people find, use, summarize, evaluate, create, and communicate information while using digital technologies. Academic and Pedagogical Concepts[edit] Use in education[edit]
Library & Information Services / Studies - Papua New Guinea BUAI collection | PNG Archives & Records Management | Bibliographies | Library development in PNG | 3rd World Library Development | Libraries in Papua New Guinea by Dr. About Adobe® Acrobat® PDF files The Acrobat® Reader is available as a free download from Adobe's web site You must have the Adobe® Acrobat® reader to view PDF documents. Ideally the Acrobat is installed as a "plug-in" to your web browser. About Copyright Materials on this web site are the Copyright © of SPCenCIID and contributors. To disseminate otherwise or republish, requries written permission. Note - While efforts are made to ensure accuracy this publication could include errors or inaccuracies and no responsibility is taken for the consequences of its use. Reference Information (BUAI - stands for Books Useful Articles & Information) BUAI seeks to provide a virtual home for a growing collection of research level electronic material on and from Papua New Guinea.
Fónix Lab The Information Literacy Land of Confusion 8 - Digital Citizenship REP grouping (Respect, Educate & Protect) is a more global way to look at the 9 themes of Digital Citizenship. Respect Yourself/Respect Others 1. Digital Access: full electronic participation in society 5. Educate Yourself/Connect with Others 2. Protect Yourself/Protect Others 7. The resources below will assist you in modeling the REP framework for teaching and learning. Respect Yourself/Respect Others Acceptable Use Acceptable Use and appropriate use of the Internet is something that both teachers and students must understand. Bullying The Learning First Alliance has provided a new comprehensive web library about bullying, with resources from educational organizations. Twitter Etiquette If you are a twitter user, there are many good resources to learn how to use Twitter more effectively. Click the image and visit 21 Things for Students Cybersafety - visit quests 7-9 (Cyberbullying, Nobody Likes A Bully, Webonauts Academy on the web site. Cyber Safety Initiative
Vanuatu Library Association homepage The Vanuatu Library Association aims to unite all persons interested in libraries and Librarianship, and to provide support and leadership for the development and improvement of library services in Vanuatu and to encourage and foster development of libraries, librarianship, archives and archivists, and other associated activities within Vanuatu and the South Pacific. VLA was established between 1991 and 1992. It has since adopted and been guided by its own constitution. VLA has been quietly working to improve the situation of libraries around the country as well as encourage young and mature people to pursue studies in the field of librarianship. There were difficult times and some discouragement at times since VLA’s inception but with continuous commitment from all members, new and old, much can be achieved as already witnessed since 1992.
Biblio Tubers Dyma neges ddwyieithog felly sgroliwch i lawr am y fersiwn Saesneg / This is a bilingual post, please scroll down for an English translation Model cyflogadwyedd newydd ar gyfer yr unfed ganrif ar hugain: y pwysigrwydd o gyfryngau cymdeithasol a sgiliau cyflogadwyedd digidol Mewn digwyddiad Academi Addysg Uwch yn ddiweddar dan arweiniad Prifysgol John Moores < yn Lerpwl, cafodd pawb y cyfle i ddarganfod cyngor cyflogaeth a roddwyd i ddysgwyr AU gan diwtoriaid a swyddogion sy’n rhoi arweiniad ar yrfaoedd. Bu’n ddiwrnod llawn gwybodaeth ac mae’n haeddu mwy o sylw nac un neges yn unig. Byddwn yn canolbwyntio ar yr awgrymiadau i ddysgwyr a phobl sy’n chwilio am waith ac yn llunio rhestr o’r uchafbwyntiau i diwtoriaid/pobl broffesiynol nes ymlaen. Rydym hefyd yn credu fod yr awgrymiadau hyn ar gyfer pawb, nid dysgwyr neu raddedigion AU yn unig. Dysgwyr DYLl Darllen y Llyfryn – rydym yn golygu’r pecyn cais ond mae hyn yn andros o BWYSIG. Learners Got you thinking?
s Internet Safety Resources This free interactive site is an extensive digital literacy curriculum that improves technology proficiency, builds information literacy and digital citizenship skill, and provides 21st century and project-based resources online. The 21 Things are 'big ideas' in technology and learning such as Visual Learning, Collaboration, Cloud Initiation, Digital Footprint, and much more. The student activities use free web resources designed to address the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students, and the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. The non-sequential Things, delivered as project-based Quests, provide links, resources, and activities for students to earn badges and awards. Registration for teachers is required and gives access to teacher resources and a downloadable Moodle version of the site; Moodle is not required to use this site. In the Classroom Use the complete curriculum or selected Quests.
D-Lib Magazine Outputs – MINDtheGaps IO1. Youth media literacy promising practices handbook – a digital handbook about media literacy and critical thinking practices both in formal and non-formal education and training activities among young people. This handbook contains European shared resources suggestions, initiatives samples, activities and reflection based on field experience. Download IO2. Open educational resources – short video stories to raise awareness about media literacy (including human rights, children´s and young people rights online, cyber security, author´s right, multiculturalism and gender issues, prevent violence, European identity, etc.); interactive games about media literacy to be played by young people inside or outside schools (12-16 years). IO3. Inspirational video – Tell us your story!
Information Literacy Librarian Why should critical literacy matter to information professionals? Critical literacy is an approach to learning and teaching that has gathered momentum in recent years as it has become widely used in classrooms around the world. Critical literacy is not just important for formal education settings however. It is also relevant for libraries because it is an approach that can engage students (or other users)in more active forms of reading and more creative ways of critiquing texts, as well as equipping them with skills and strategies to challenge social and political systems. What is critical literacy? Critical literacy differs from most models of information literacy because it is not simply about the ability to evaluate information for features such as authenticity, quality, relevance, accuracy, currency, value, credibility and potential bias. Instead, it addresses more fundamental questions about the nature of knowledge. Authors and readers However, it is not just the author who has an important role. Some practical examples Buy the book
WEBLIS: UNESCO-CI WEBLIS is a free-of-charge Web based Library Integrated System based on CDS/ISIS. The system has been developed by the Institute for Computer and Information Engineering (ICIE), Poland, based on their experience in building library systems for international organizations such as FAO, IFAD and GTZ. WEBLIS runs through the WWW-ISIS engine, also developed by ICIE. UPDATED 21 September 2007: New release and documentation of WEBLISDownload WEBLIS August, 2007 releaseDownload WEBLIS August, 2007 Documentation The current version of WEBLIS, available in English, consists of the following modules: • Cataloguing system • OPAC (search) • LOAN module • Statistical module OPAC (on-line public access catalogue) The OPAC module provides: • basic and advanced search, • History, • Saving queries function, and • ISIS Query language facilities • thesaurus based search Additionally, it is possible to implement other WWW-ISIS functions, e.g. download functions (ISO2709, text, rtf). Freeware