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Oh, Say Can You Sing...? Oh, Say Can You Sing…?

Oh, Say Can You Sing...?

Being chosen to sing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl is one of the greatest honours that can be bestowed upon an American pop star. It is also one of the highest pressured. So, to help Idina Menzel on February 1st, we've analysed some of the more memorable performances of The Star Spangled Banner from the last 25 years. Despite having cut her teeth in the world of musical theatre, Idina Menzel seems to have been a little fated when it’s come to live performances recently. This time last year, John Travolta introduced her at the Oscars as “The one and only… Adele Dazeem!” Then, last month, Idina was chosen to help see out 2014 by performing at Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve. They say these things often come in threes, which really doesn’t bode well at all because guess who’s been picked to perform the American national anthem at this year’s Super Bowl?

1991 – Whitney Houston (Listen) Whitney Houston is the mother of the modern national anthem performance. Disclosure - You & Me (Flume Remix) What The Mercury Prize Shortlist Would Look Like If The Right People Were On The Panel. When the Mercury Music Prize nominations were announced last month, we weren't impressed.

What The Mercury Prize Shortlist Would Look Like If The Right People Were On The Panel

In fact we said they were a "staid group of albums, unrepresentative of the ethnic, age, social or musical mix of Britain... a narrow view of music picked by judges of a narrow background, creating the deeply false impression that British music has had its progressive, subcultural tendencies expunged. " But at Noisey we don't just whinge, we act. Part of the problem with the Mercury Prize is that the judges are nearly all middle-age rock fans. Last year the panel was alleged to include the heads of music for Radio 2, Absolute Radio and a presenter from XFM. Do we need so many judges that enjoy the music of Ben Howard? So we got together the people who we thought should have been on the Mercury panel: journalists, DJs and musicians from a broad range of backgrounds and genres who better understand the musical temperature of the UK today. The Sound of Belgium: nostalgie de la magie noire ou défense du bon esprit? - Clubbing.

De nos jours, causer avec passion des années new-beat (1987-1990) revient souvent à s'offrir auprès des jeunes, des vieux et des béotiens une véritable image de clown croulant qui n'aurait pas digéré ses ecstas de 1988 (les meilleurs, pourtant).

The Sound of Belgium: nostalgie de la magie noire ou défense du bon esprit? - Clubbing

Aussi étonnant cela puisse paraître, ce qui pour certains reste la meilleure et plus marrante chose musicale sortie du pays ainsi qu'un symbole fort du temps où Anvers anversait, est toujours très mal connue et caricaturée, plus de 20 ans après les faits. Certes, Plastic Bertrand, The Confettis et VDB ont tous bien percuté les esprits. Ceux là font aujourd'hui partie des meubles au même titre que Sandra Kim, den Lange Jojo et Rocco Granata, bien incrustés dans le vieux stock de variétoche à danser en famille sur les pavés mouillés. Il n'y pas à tortiller, la new-beat, c'était, très souvent, de l'escroquerie. Attendu en avant-première du Festival du Film de Gand ce vendredi 19 octobre, un documentaire annoncé depuis 6 ans (!) Brussels sound revolution - Qui ..? RADIO SOULWAX - This Is Belgium Part One- New Beat on Video.flv.

Sabre Dance - Aram Khachaturian. Pink Floyd HD - PULSE Full Concert (Live at Earls Court, 1994) Rhapsody in Blue. Cover of the original sheet music of the two-piano version of Rhapsody in Blue.

Rhapsody in Blue

Rhapsody in Blue is a famous 1924 musical composition by American composer George Gershwin for solo piano and jazz band, which combines elements of classical music with jazz-influenced effects. The editors of the Cambridge Music Handbooks opined that "The Rhapsody in Blue (1924) established Gershwin's reputation as a serious composer and has since become one of the most popular of all American concert works. "[1] History[edit] Commission[edit] In a phone call to Whiteman next morning, Gershwin was told that Whiteman's rival Vincent Lopez was planning to steal the idea of his experimental concert and there was no time to lose.[5] Gershwin was finally persuaded to compose the piece.

Composition[edit] Since there were only five weeks left, Gershwin hastily set about composing a piece, and on the train journey to Boston, the ideas of Rhapsody in Blue came to his mind. Premiere[edit] Responses[edit] Orchestration[edit] The Booty Bakers. Bad Boys from Bad_Boys EP by The Booty Bakers credits from Bad_Boys EP, track released 12 June 2012 tags tags: electro funk fusion hip hop energy Paris license all rights reserved feeds feeds for this album, this artist about.

The Booty Bakers

Museum of Endangered Sounds.