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Data & research on the US Nonprofit Sector

Data & research on the US Nonprofit Sector

'Muffin top,' 'banh mi,' and 'California roll' admitted into English dictionary - Food & Drink, Life & Style The UK-based dictionary has also decided that the term 'muffin top' - both the dome top of baked goods and the excess flesh or "protuberance" that hangs over waistbands - and 'banh mi,' a Vietnamese sandwich, were ubiquitous enough in everyday conversation to add to the canon of existing 600,000 English words. The additions to the Oxford's online dictionary were announced March 24. "As the culinary appetites of the English-speaking world grow ever more diverse, loan words referring to new cuisines are a perennial source of new OED entries," reads a statement about the inclusion of the culinary-themed additions. Look up the expression 'five-second rule' in the revised dictionary and you now get a clinical definition of a term people often blurt out as an excuse to eat food off the floor. The five- or ten-second rule, "...allows for the eating of a delicious morsel that has fallen to the floor, provided that it is retrieved within the specified period of time," the dictionary reads. 2.

National Institutes of Health -- Gender and Pain: Program Summar Many trials of new medications and other treatments excluded women, too. Potential harm to the fetus in pregnant women remains a concern. Some scientists claimed, however, that designing complex studies to include female animals and women would be too costly. Then, in 1990, the NIH launched its Office of Research on Women's Health, drawing attention to unmet needs in this area. The NIH Revitalization Act, signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1993, requires that both women and minorities be included in NIH-funded clinical research. In 1996, the NIH established its Pain Research Consortium with representatives from all NIH divisions. While most of the conference talks focused on basic understanding of the pain process, some offered insight into specific illnesses that patients and physicians can use today. More information: Conference highlights written by Lynne Lamberg.

Introducing the National Council of Young Leaders | YouthBuild USA The National Council of Young Leaders is a diverse body of young leaders from across the United States who advise policy makers and funders on issues affecting low-income youth and their communities. From both urban and rural low-income areas, The National Cuoncil of Young Leaders reflects the enormous untapped intelligence and talent of our nation's young people. Meet the council here: Jamiel L. Jamiel Alexander, is a graduate of the Crispus Attucks YouthBuild Charter School in York, Pennsylvania and an AmeriCorps alumnus. Despite struggles during his youth at which time he dropped out of high school and was at risk of incarceration, Jamiel has become a rising star in his community. Earlier this year, Jamiel’s colleagues on the YouthBuild USA National Alumni Council elected him as their Vice President. Anays T. Anays Antongiori, 25, is a senior at Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU), majoring in social work. Ladine has turned his life around – and he hasn’t looked back.

Nonprofits The nonprofit sector has been growing steadily, both in size and financial impact, for more than a decade. Between 2001 and 2011, the number of nonprofits has increased 25 percent; from 1,259,764 million to 1,574,674 million today. The growth rate of the nonprofit sector has surpassed the rate of both the business and government sectors. In 2010, nonprofits contributed products and services that added $779 billion to the nation’s gross domestic product; 5.4 percent of GDP. Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy The UI Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy celebrated 15 years with a series of 15th Anniversary events to bring into focus the big issues facing society and the nonprofit sector. Featured Links Tax Policy & Charities Project - analyzes the many interactions between the tax system and the charitable sector. Related Policy Centers Publications on Nonprofits Innovations in NYC Health and Human Services Policy: Early Learn NYC(Research Brief)

Mice trained to detect terrorists at airports A unit of mice trained to thwart terrorists at airports has undergone a successful trial in Israel. BioExplorers, the company behind the idea, say that the little critters are even better at detecting bombs that full-body scanners or security pat-downs. The idea of the rodent-based security unit came to Eran Lumbroso while he served in the Israeli navy, according to a report in New Scientist. He founded BioExplorers with his brother Alon, and built a device that looks like an airport metal detector that could revolutionise airport security. A total of 24 mice are housed inside it, in three separate concealed cartridges. Passengers pause above them while air is pumped past them to the mice. The creatures, which have an even better sense of smell than dogs, are conditioned to run into another compartment if they sniff explosives. Eran says: ‘It’s as if they’re smelling a cat and escaping, We detect the escape.’

Corporation for National and Community Service Poverty, Assets, and Safety Net Government safety net programs aim to protect families during tough times—before they fall into poverty. But rising unemployment, foreclosures, and economic distress are putting pressure on a system already in need of updates and repairs. Urban Institute experts, building on decades of welfare reform research, evaluated public safety nets and proposed new initiatives to bolster work supports and help families gain a stable financial footing. Read more. Featured Links Data Tools NICC—Net Income Change Calculator TRIM3— program and poverty analysis model Welfare Rules Database — tables on TANF data from each of the states and Washington D.C. Related Policy Centers Center on Labor, Human Services & Population Income & Benefits Policy Center Publications on Poverty and Safety Net Financial Burden of Medical Spending by State and the Implications of the 2014 Medicaid Expansions(Research Report) Innovations in NYC Health and Human Services Policy: Early Learn NYC(Research Brief)

Federal Election Commission Home Page Archive-It - Web Archiving Services for Libraries and Archives Question Everything : Charity Navigator This story was written for the summer 2013 issue of Wagner Magazine, the magazine of Wagner College, about Pat Dugan, a Wagner College alumnus of the class of 1957 and co-founder of Charity Navigator. By Laura Barlament / Photos by Todd Marti In 1969, Harlem resident Clara Hale took in her first abandoned, drug-addicted baby. That led to another, then another, until this amazing, caring woman, known to all as Mother Hale, became the leader of a major charity, Hale House. Thousands of people were touched by Mother Hale’s story, and millions of dollars in donations flowed in to Hale House. In 1992, Mother Hale died, and her daughter, Dr. “I became, to be crass, richer by far than I’d ever been, and I wanted to do something to pay back,” Pat says. In 2001, however, Lorraine Hale was fired from Hale House. Pat and Marion started looking more closely at Hale House and other scandal-plagued organizations, such as the United Way of America and Covenant House in New York City. “Dr.
