Hans Christian Andersen: The Wild Swans by AR away in the land to which the swallows fly when it is winter, dwelt a king who had eleven sons, and one daughter, named Eliza. The eleven brothers were princes, and each went to school with a star on his breast, and a sword by his side. They wrote with diamond pencils on gold slates, and learnt their lessons so quickly and read so easily that every one might know they were princes. Their sister Eliza sat on a little stool of plate-glass, and had a book full of pictures, which had cost as much as half a kingdom. Oh, these children were indeed happy, but it was not to remain so always. “Go out into the world and get your own living,” said the queen. When her father saw her, he was much shocked, and declared she was not his daughter. All night long she dreamt of her brothers. Sorrowfully she laid herself down to sleep; and, after a while, it seemed to her as if the branches of the trees parted over her head, and that the mild eyes of angels looked down upon her from heaven.
100% Free FlipBook Creator, online photo/image to FlipBook The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen Most terribly cold it was; it snowed, and was nearly quite dark, and evening-- the last evening of the year. In this cold and darkness there went along the street a poor little girl, bareheaded, and with naked feet. When she left home she had slippers on, it is true; but what was the good of that? One slipper was nowhere to be found; the other had been laid hold of by an urchin, and off he ran with it; he thought it would do capitally for a cradle when he some day or other should have children himself. She crept along trembling with cold and hunger--a very picture of sorrow, the poor little thing! The flakes of snow covered her long fair hair, which fell in beautiful curls around her neck; but of that, of course, she never once now thought. In a corner formed by two houses, of which one advanced more than the other, she seated herself down and cowered together. Her little hands were almost numbed with cold. "Someone is just dead!" "Grandmother!"
Tiny Texts | Read, listen & learn a littleEnglish Starta Tidsresan! | Astrid Lindgren Free Online Reading Comprehension Exercises EnglishMaven Free online Reading Comprehension Exercises and Quizzes. We love reading comprehension. We think you do too. Short Stories In these reading comprehension exercises, students read a short story and then answer questions about details in the story. Exercises by ReadTheory "Time to..." - Low Beginning. 10 questions. 77 words. Informational Passages These exercises are interactive, colorful, unique, and provide interesting information about a range of subjects. "Bees" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. 200 words.
Berättelsearkiv Det sägs att blommorna var mycket ledsna över att de inte hade något himmelrike. De gick till Skaparen och klagade. Alla andra hamnar i himlen när de dör, sa blommorna. Eller möjligen någon annan stans. Vi bara multnar bort medan människorna roar sig i de sälla jaktmarkerna! Det var Skaparen tvungen att hålla med om, så utan att krångla mer om saken gav han blommorna ett eget himmelrike. © Juli 2002 Ulf Ärnström, Berättarverkstan. Teatermannen Anders Lindeberg som verkade i början på 1800-talet var mycket upprörd över att han inte fick öppna en egen teater. © Juni 2002 Ulf Ärnström, Berättarverkstan. >>> till förra sidan>>> till början Grodor - traditionell svensk skämthistoria Två västgötaknallar knallade runt i landet för att sälja lite ditt och lite datt. En knalle var en kringvandrande försäljare, "gårdfarihandlare". © Maj 2002 Ulf Ärnström, Berättarverkstan. Mr Körkort - en händelse ur mitt liv Då fick jag en genialisk idé. Nästa dag skulle jag hämta mina kläder. "Mr Körkort" Nail Soup
Is it true? – Story telling game to practise narrative tenses This is a quick game for intermediate level students and above. I made it as a mingle for new students to get to know each other but over time it has shown that it’s a good exercise for practising the narrative tenses. To download the handout click here. Introduction The game starts with you telling your students a short story about yourself. The story can be true or made up. The game Each student is given a card like the one on the right. There are six different cards with a total of 18 different story titles. While students mingle, monitor for error correction at the end. Follow up After every student has spoken to at least four people they return to their seats. Whose story was the best/most interesting? I like this activity because it gives students a reason to listen carefully to each other. Possible adaptations depend on whether the focus is on fluency, pronunciation or accuracy. Let me know what you think in the comments section below.
Grekisk mytologi (LättLäst) Grekisk mytologi (LättLäst) Grekisk mytologi är en samling berättelser. Mytologin och dess berättelser var en del avvardagen i Grekland under antiken. Antiken är en tidsperiod som sträcker sig från3000 år före Kristus till år 500 efter Kristus. Det berättas om gudar, hjältar och monsteri en äventyrlig blandning. Den grekiska mytologin har satt sina spåröverallt ända fram till idag. I den grekiska mytologin styrs världsalltet av urkrafter. Urkraften har fått olika personligheter.Till exempel Nyx (natten), Thanatos (döden) och så vidare. Ur dessa urkrafter har sedan fötts andra mäktiga väsen. Världsalltets alla mäktiga väsen blandar sig gärna med människorna. Kaos Allting i den grekiska mytologin kom ur ”Kaos”. De första som kom ur Kaos var Gaia (jorden), Nyx (natten), Tartaros (underjorden) och Erebus (mörkret). Titanerna Det sägs att Gaia och Uranos först blev föräldrar till monster. Gudarna De grekiska gudarna var många. Dionysos och Pan levde bland människorna. Människorna tillbad gudarna.