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Vital Living Herbs And Nutrition. Prayers for Healing. Core Shamanism Official Definition. Sacred Hoop Free Guide To Shamanism. Defining Light, Shadow and Dark Shamanic Work. Society for Shamanic Practice. Shamanic Journey - Rythms to Transport You. If you choose to download and continue to use a track, please consider a small donation of a dollar or two via Paypal to help offset the costs of keeping these tracks freely available.

Shamanic Journey - Rythms to Transport You

These files are free to share PROVIDED that they remain unaltered. Just right click and save the target to download the track, please email me if you have a problem,.. Craig in 196 bit CD quality MP3 format - 82MB! A 60 minute dual drum, dual rattle journey with a multitude of subtle and interwoven rhythm patterns to lull the mind into healthy sleep and relaxation. Please donate what its worth to you, so I can keep delivering to those who can't afford it too. Ecstatic Trance Postures by Ross Heaven / Shaman Portal. Tell a friend Rate this Article View Comments (21 votes) Author:Ross Heaven Although I had practiced yoga for a number of years, I did not make much of a connection between the physical asanas as methods for exploring the world of spirit until I began working with indigenous shamans and discovered an ancient and little-known practice where body postures are used to guide what are known as shamanic journeys: special states of trance or meditation through which we can access our inner selves or, as the shamans say, ‘journey to other worlds’.

Ecstatic Trance Postures by Ross Heaven / Shaman Portal

Postural Techniques of Ecstasy - The Cuyamungue Institute. By Michele Walters.

Postural Techniques of Ecstasy - The Cuyamungue Institute

8 Powerful Crystals For Soulwork and Shamanic Journeying. For thousands of years, crystals have been used in spiritual practice, shamanic ritual, and healing processes.

8 Powerful Crystals For Soulwork and Shamanic Journeying

The use of crystals dates all the way back 6,000 years ago to the ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia. Since then, crystals have been used in one form or another in countless ancient cultures such as in Egypt, China, Rome, Greece and South America. The Science Behind Crystals While the healing properties of crystals have not yet been extensively researched or proven, we do know that crystals possess a unique electrical charge known as piezoelectricity. Basically, piezoelectricity is an electrical charge that is emitted from crystals once they are pressed or cut. 7 Gateways to Higher Consciousness According to Hawaiian Shamanism. Terms and Conditions Welcome to (the "Website").

7 Gateways to Higher Consciousness According to Hawaiian Shamanism

By using the Website, and the products and services of EWAO Limited ("EWAO") to view, upload, download, transmit or publish content (“Content”) available on or through the Website (referred to collectively as the "Services") you irrevocably agree to be bound by these Terms of Service and the EWAO’s Privacy Policy (collectively the "Terms"). These Terms apply both to third-party contributors and viewers of content (“Content”) displayed on the Website. Website.

The term Website, as defined above, includes, without limitation, information, links, Services, and any other service which may be accessed through the Website via any medium or device. How to Create Your Own Shamanic Rituals. Jon Rasmussen, Contributor With the Shamanic tools of simple and playful ceremony, you are more powerful than you can imagine.

How to Create Your Own Shamanic Rituals

And reclaiming those tools is a huge part of this planetary shift in humanity known as the Return of the Feminine. What makes ceremony and ritual so powerful is that it accesses the subconscious part of our being that we call the Mythic, which influences our conscious mind and signal of asking and receiving our experiences in the world, as well as the actions we take to achieve our goals. Reclaim the Power to Influence Your World Now you can use these techniques in a very personal way, to fulfill your agenda of creating the experiences you would prefer in the world.

Using Ancient Ritual in Modern Times. Stanislav Grof - Holotropic Breathing. Crowley2005.pdf. Celtic Animal Signs - Celtic Animal Zodiac. Celtic Animal Zodiac Meanings This page on Celtic animal signs is an extension of the Celtic tree astrology section.

Celtic Animal Signs - Celtic Animal Zodiac

I've selected each Celtic sign according to their prominence and affiliation with the full moon within each segment of the Celtic (lunar) year. Shamanism & Consciousness. Protection Prayer, an effective prayer to dispel negative energies and entities. Totem Library Forum. How To Protect Oneself From Demons: (Metaphysics) Cleansing of Demonic Nightmare Images. Psychic Protection from Negative Thought entities; Personal metaphysics cleansing of demonic nightmare images (et al; robert bruce,') All quotes are Bruce's, taken from private communiques: (Demonologists and exorcists know full well that demons and other negative thought entities cause nightmares for a reason, and that is to actually RESIDE in them, so metaphysical removal of imagery is tantamount.)

How To Protect Oneself From Demons: (Metaphysics) Cleansing of Demonic Nightmare Images

(R.Bruce,et al) "Core Image Removal. Shamanism. Ultimate Guide To Spirit Animals, Power Animals & Totems. "Shamanic Journey": Drumming & Rattling, 1HR Steady and Monotonous Drumbeats with Build Up ᴴᴰ. Engaging the Imaginal Realm - Carol Frenier & Lois Hogan. Long Native American Indians Spiritual Vocal Shamanic Music. Mesas, huacas, huachuma - 6 Day workshop in Peru - steppingintofreedom. A week with the medicine and the land. * September 23, 24, 25 - Meeting with Puma Quispe and one or more curanderos * Sept 26 - a day off.

Mesas, huacas, huachuma - 6 Day workshop in Peru - steppingintofreedom

At other workshops, participants have arranged for a day trip to a close by sacred site to meditate, commune with the land and enjoy fellowship * September 27, 28, 29 - meeting with Puma Quispe, including one night of camping at Quilla Rumayok We're going back to the Sacred Valley area at the end of September for a week, with the primary emphasis being on working with the energies of the huacas, facilitated by huachuma/san pedro.

Jeffrey and Cielle will be arriving in Cusco on Sept 18th, in order to adjust to altitude. We'll likely be staying in Pisac starting then, doing day trips and perhaps also participating in ayahuasca ceremony with Diego Palma. On September 23rd, we will join our dear friend and teacher, Puma Quispe (see more about Puma below) for six days, divided by a day off in the middle. We'd like 4 -6 people to join us to work with Puma. Welcome to Shamanic Healing Institute. Jon Rasmussen - Shamanic Healing, Ceremony and Travel. The Munay-Ki are the nine great rites of initiation of the medicine way.

Jon Rasmussen - Shamanic Healing, Ceremony and Travel

The word munay means “I love you as you are”. The Munay-Ki are the nine gates that heal us and transform our human energy field into that of homo luminous, the next step in our evolution. We are being born with these aspects of our luminous energy field, but the momentum of our culture weakens and distorts them. The Munay-Ki reawakens and strengthens the new luminous architecture so that we can more effectively dream our new world into being and live our daily lives in the ways that we truly prefer.

The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a new human appearing on the planet – one who lives free of fear and resides in his or her transcendent nature. From the website written by my teacher Dr. The Munay-Ki comes from a Quechua word that means ˜I love you.” Crystals & Gemstones for Healing & Transformation - Moqui Balls. Gem of the Month - Smithsonite Smithsonite is the crystal for mind and heart. When the challenges of life begin to weigh us down, Smithsonite is here to calm the nerves and relax the mind. read more.

Native American Wisdom, Sayings, Quotes, Philosophy. A collection of sayings, quotes and words of wisdom reflecting the beliefs and philosophy of the Native Americans. Also offered are a selection of Native American books and Native American music which can be purchased through Amazon. This section also provides articles and links that provide information dealing with the issues of prejudice and shameful displacement that are still faced by the Native Americans to this day. Native American Wisdom & Quotes : - Native American Wisdom Quotes - Native American Code Of Ethics - The Indian Ten Commandments - Seven Philosophies For A Native American Man - The 23rd Psalm, Native American Version - The Invitation - The Little White Lie - It's Time To Wake Up! War Or Peace - Two Wolves - A Cherokee Parable. Native American Prayers. The Recapitulation Exercise. The recapitulation is an ancient technique for retrieving and healing your energy. It also teaches you how to prevent current energetic loss.

Those who pursue it shamanically consider the recapitulation to be a never-ending process. The technique has steps, phases and ramifications as the process unfolds for the individual practicing it. It is not a new technique, and not one that I invented. Recapitulation Exercise. Spirit Animal Totems and the Messages they bring you. Shamanic Journey, Shamans and Shamanism. NATIVE AMERICAN SHAMAN PRAYERS. Shamanism Shamanic Pathways, The Elemental Prayer.

Native American Wisdom & Beauty. Native American Wisdom & Beauty.