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A Moving Story About Gratitude. Tim Brown: The powerful link between creativity and play. Archivos del blog. I'm working with my colleague Helen to teach a unit on Living Spaces to her Grade 9/10 ESOL students.

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Today we started off the unit by doing a simple activity where students categorized and sorted out different labels. The labels were all different words relating to the house, including everything from parts of the building, through to appliances. I printed out around 35 different words, enough for each pair of students.Round One: Students could sort out the labels however they wanted. This was great, because we could walk around and hear the students justifying their choices, negotiating and compromising and we could both hear and see their thinking easily.

It was interesting the different ways students organized the labels in round one, for example some did it room by room, (bedroom, kitchen, etc) and others did it by use, (entertainment, cooking). Round Three: Cutting it downStudents were then told that they had to cut it down to only ten essential items. Derek Sivers: Weird, or just different?

Archivos del blog. With much excitement and build up, details about the new iPhone X were finally released.

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I, like many others, have found the whole experience very underwhelming. I should say that I am never really excited about getting the newest gadget (I just reluctantly replaced my broken iPhone 5, with an iPhone SE). I never understand the people who queue up outside Apple Stores to buy the latest iPhone, when the price is so high, for so little change. Although some parts of the iPhone X might look like they set it aside from the previous models...I want to show you that that is not the case...and how to get many of the features for a lot less than $999! Durable Glass I bought a stick on screen from Kroger which has helped my phone survive numerous breaks. Wireless ChargingGive yourself the illusion of wireless iPhone charging with this slim charging case! Facial RecognitionFirstly my face looks very different first thing on a Monday morning, compared to on a Saturday before I go out.

Documentales online - Los mejores documentales en L'Amazònia, l'última frontera - Cap. 1 - 60 minuts. Nadons a la carta - 60 minuts. YouTube. Ciutadans per punts - 60 minuts. Possible bike thief caught in the act. Jinxy Jenkins: Lucky You [Axel & Abel Pintos - Somos Uno] Youtube. Proverbio Chino. Cortometrajes con valor educativo. Algunas pautas para su uso en tutoría - Centro de Comunicación y Pedagogía. YouTube. BBC One - Earth From Space" Kung Fu from above. .b Playing Attention by MiSP. Doing Time Doing Vipassana - Full official version. The Milgram experiment on obedience to authority figures (1961) Milgram Experiment. Bioguia - Este profesor le ha dado una gran lección a sus... Ian McKellen supports Stonewall's Anti-Bullying campaign.

10-Year Girl Hangs Herself After Allegedly Being Bullied at School. Cyber Bullying - Lets fight it Together. Futur compartit - No pot ser! Transitioning - 30 minuts. Transexuality has generally been associated with the adult world, but increasing numbers of boys and girls, starting at a very young age, are clearly stating their discord with the gender assigned to them at birth.

Transitioning - 30 minuts

Some of these minors choose to make the transition, very early on, to the gender with which they feel identified. They are all part of the "new trans generation. " The documentary "Transition. Transexual Minors" explores the subject through first-hand stories told by four young people who have taken this step: David (age 6), Estel (age 11), Raquel (age 14) and Mario (age 17). Their moving statements shed light on how these boys and girls felt, both before and after making the transition, and the difficult process that parents often go through in accepting that change. Marta, age 23, has a different story to tell. But the trans reality, especially in the adult world, reaches much further. Ser transsexual, com es viu? - La gent normal. Where Do We Physically Feel Emotions? Jane Goodall tiene un potente mensaje para la humanidad. Como salida del Libro de la Selva, ella es Jane Goodall, la madrina de los chimpacés.

Your Brain on Drugs: Marijuana. How do cigarettes affect the body? - Krishna Sudhir. 3 Arguments Why Marijuana Should Stay Illegal Reviewed. Las 10 Religiones Más Seguidas en el Mundo. Datos Actualizados. Las 10 Religiones Mas Grandes del Mundo. What Would You Do? Bike Theft (White Guy, Black Guy, Pretty Girl) What would you give to stop hate? What kind of Asian are you? Stop Stereotyping. Prejudice (short film) Stereotypes and Prejudices.

TRY NOT TO CRY PART 4 Sad Philippines Commercial Compilation. Random Acts of Kindness Triathlon. The Science of Happiness - An Experiment in Gratitude. How You Treat People Is Who You Are! (Kindness Motivational Video) RANDOM ACTS OF PEOPLE BEING KIND TO ONE ANOTHER! The Exercise That Helped High School Students Confront Prejudice. No dejéis de verlo, es un aviso muy... - Angel Luis Perez Rodriguez. Unicoos - Si la población mundial estuviera compuesta por... AJ+ - Dancer Shatters Stereotypes. Alike, el corto de animación que hará reflexionar a tus alumnos. Me parece chulísimo, con un mensaje... - Mari Carmen Mechó Ruiz. Aprendre a meditar. ¿Cómo funciona el amor? Genial cortometraje animado. Smiling Mind: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation and the Research Project. 1st Planting Seeds: The Power of Mindfulness Film Trailer. Teaching Mindfulness To Children At Home And In Schools. Mindfulness Animated in 3 minutes.

Mindfulness is being alive and knowing it, a .b animation by MiSP. Youtubers: els nous ídols. Pre-Exam Meditation. Mindfulness in Schools - University of Leeds. Hear Kids' Honest Opinions on Being a Boy or Girl Around the World. Gender stereotypes and education. El vídeo de la ONU que quiere acabar con los estereotipos de género. INVISIBLES - Igualdad de Género. .b Playing Attention by MiSP. El preu de ser els primers. Pipas. Coca-Cola: Happiness starts with a smile. El video mas Emotivo del mundo.mp4. Kindness. This EFL lesson is designed around a short film by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Thought Bubble , and the theme of kindness.


Students practise using vocabulary related to character, listening and speaking. Meet Shane Koyczan. Educate the Heart. This EFL lesson is designed around a short film called Educate the Heart and the themes of education and compassion.

Educate the Heart

Students talk about education and compassion, categorise vocabulary, watch a short film and write a composition. Seven Best Short Films to Introduce Values - Kieran Donaghy. In an increasingly hyper-competitive and individualised world where isolation and loneliness are more and more prevalent, the role of universal values such as altruism, authenticity, community, compassion, creativity, determination, fairness, honesty, generosity, kindness, optimism, respect, responsibility, self-respect, tolerance, and wisdom in education is becoming increasingly important.

Seven Best Short Films to Introduce Values - Kieran Donaghy

Short films are a wonderful and engaging medium through which to introduce values into the classroom and to encourage students to reflect on values. How to Become a Better Person How to Become a Better Person created by Tracy Foster for The School of Life is a lovely animation which explores the values and virtues important in the modern world. The film is beautifully narrated by the popular philosopher and writer Alain de Botton. You can watch the film below and find a full lesson plan here.

Verne - 'Sunshine', la historia del novio de instituto que... Beautiful Commercial From Thailand Disconnect to connect VIDEO. Experimento Comparte - Acción contra el Hambre. Giving - Vídeo conmovedor. Unsung Hero - Héroe anónimo. "Sin problemas". Un corto sobre educación. Intypedia project. Las Redes Sociales Y Sus Consecuencias. Recomendaciones para el Uso Seguro de Internet y las Redes Sociales. No Arms No Legs No Worries.