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Start Here for MTHFR and Methylation. Start Here for MTHFR and Methylation.

Methylation and Thyroid Function

Methylation and Mental Health. Methylation and CFS/ME. MTFHR and SIBO. Histamine Intolerance and Methylation. Genetic Testing. Expert in Methylation Genetics - Nancy Mullan, MD. The Methylation Cycle. The Where, What’s and Why’s of Health Balance Zander and Nate When we see a group of symptoms, we need to find out where the body is not doing its job well.

The Methylation Cycle

Symptoms are our signs that somewhere inside, the body is not performing the right steps in sequence necessary to maintain health. Once we know where that is happening, we can begin to learn more about exactly why and what to do about it. Our program, developed by Dr. The Nutrigenomic Test helps us understand why by pinpointing the exact SNPs located on that Pathway that undermine the body’s ability to perform certain health tasks, and account for the symptoms we see.

Optimizing Genes, Changing Lives. MTHFR Gene Mutation. MTHFR Living - MTHFR, MTHFR gene mutation, organic lifestyle. - The Ultimate Source For Optimal Health. Biochemistry Basics. The Methylation Cycle is just one of the many interactive biochemical processes that go on inside our bodies constantly.

Biochemistry Basics

Even though we usually don’t think about it, we all use basic biochemistry in common tasks like: Mailing a letterCooking scrambled eggsBaking a cake Even these simple tasks have to be done in the right way, place, amount, and time to get the right results. To mail a letter, you have to moisten the glue by licking the stamp and putting in the right place on the envelope. If the stamp isn’t wet, if you don’t moisten the glue side of the stamp, if you don’t apply the stamp while the glue is still moist, or if you don’t place the stamp where it belongs—you won’t get the right result.

Malak To cook scrambled eggs, all of the necessary biochemical factors have to be done properly. Much or too little butter in the pan, if it cooks too little or too long, even a simple dish like this won’t come out right. Overview of Methylation Cycle and How SNPs Interact with Health. Optimizing Genes, Changing Lives. Ever heard of Methylation?

Optimizing Genes, Changing Lives

Its okay if you never have…most doctors haven’t either! It is a big subject and connects the dots between your genes, the environment, and why some people get sick with chronic diseases and others don’t. Methylation controls how your body removes toxins, grows and repairs, and functions properly. Methylation basically affects every cell in your body from the moment you are conceived until the moment of death.

Methylation—What Is It and Why Should You Care? MTHFR Mutation Symptoms, Diagnoses & Natural Remedies. An MTHFR mutation is a problem associated with poor methylation and enzyme production.

MTHFR Mutation Symptoms, Diagnoses & Natural Remedies

MTHFR mutations affect every person differently, sometimes contributing to hardly any noticeable symptoms at all, while other times leading to serious, long-term health problems. Although the exact prevalence rate is still up for debate, it’s believed that up to 30 percent to 50 percent of all people might carry a mutation in the MTHFR gene, which is inherited and passed down from parent to child. (1) Around 14 percent to 20 percent of the population might have a more severe MTHFR mutation that impacts overall health more drastically. The MTHFR gene mutation was discovered during the completion of the Human Genome Project. Making Sense of MTHFR Polymorphisms. All You Need to Know About MTHFR Genes/Polymorphisms (C677T, Rs1801133) - Selfhacked. What Is The MTHFR Gene Mutation? - What is The MTHFR Gene Mutation?

What Is The MTHFR Gene Mutation? -

Gene mapping has become extremely popular of late and a lot of research is being put into looking at various genes and their impact on our health. The most well studied gene in terms of health is the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase or MTHFR. This article will address the question of what is the MTHFR gene mutation, how does it impact our health and what can we do if we have an alteration at this gene? What most people believe to be “genetic” conditions are usually heavily related to lifestyle choices. Understanding Methylation - Understanding Methylation Methylation is a critical process that happens trillions of times in every cell each minute.

Understanding Methylation -

It is one of the most essential metabolic functions of the body and is dependent upon a variety of enzymes. Adapting to stress and the challenges of life is an aspect that methylation provides the body. Dysautonomia - Modern research. In science, methylation denotes the addition of a methyl group (which is a carbon atom with 3 hydrogen atoms attached to it) to a substrate (the substance on which an enzyme acts).

Dysautonomia - Modern research

In methylation,the addition of methyl groups to proteins is an important process both for synthesizing new types of proteins and for determining how certain proteins behave. (Source Wikipedia) Additionally, methyl groups can be added directly to the DNA molecule and this process can determine the way DNA is transcribed to RNA, a fundamental first step in the process of gene expression. This area of biology is extraordinarily complex because regulation of any gene, or modification of any particular protein or amino acid, is intricately related to a myriad of tightly and exquisitely regulated biological processes.

Accordingly, there are many unknowns about the effects of methylation on a given human disease. Homocysteine Reduction. This supplement should be taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise program.

Homocysteine Reduction

Individual results are not guaranteed and results may vary. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. Product Guarantee These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

19 Reasons Why High Homocysteine is Dangerous, and Natural Ways to Decrease It. High homocysteine is linked to many health problems including heart disease, stroke, autoimmune disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disease.

19 Reasons Why High Homocysteine is Dangerous, and Natural Ways to Decrease It

This post describes: How homocysteine levels can affect your healthHow homocysteine can be toxic and inflammatoryLab tests for homocysteine levels, with optimal rangesFactors that influence homocysteine levels, including diet, lifestyle, and ways to support the methylation pathways given the relevant genetic information (i.e. Dysautonomia - Modern research. Homocysteine is an amino acid, a naturally occurring chemical in the body, formed by the conversion of Methionine to Cysteine (see the Methylation Pathway).

Dysautonomia - Modern research

It has been known for some time that homocysteine is a marker of vascular wall damage, and is probably best thought of as an indicator of generalized vessel wall inflammation, which promotes the process of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Large elevations occurring as a genetic abnormality, are known to cause major medical problems, notably DVTs, and that even mild elevations in plasma homocysteine levels are associated with a significant increase in cardiovascular risk, both in heart attacks, strokes and dementia. Recent research has also shown it to be a significant factor in problems with aneurysms of the aorta. Dilatation of the aortic root and ascending aorta has been implicated as well as peripheral vascular disease. Homocysteine: Rethinking a Predictive Biomarker.

The Gut Origin of Methylation Problems. Have you ever considered that gut bacteria can influence your genes? That thought might sound strange, but that is exactly what the latest research is showing us. It is becoming ever more apparent that who and what lives in our gut has a huge influence on our methylation cycle. The compounds that come from the microorganisms in the gut are known to influence our brain chemistry, hormones, blood sugar, sleep cycle, and much more. Far from being a quiet neighbor in our gut, the gut microbes have a huge impact on the function and expression of our genes. You’ll see below that there are three nasty gut-toxins in particular that can really damage the methylation cycle. Now obviously SIBO is a more severe form of this problem, but it does illustrate the point.

Diagrams Listing. Dr Amy Yasko - Recovering Autistic children and adults with neurological conditions. Living With ME/CFS: Vitamin B12 and ME/CFS. Last week, I wrote a post about methylation and its importance to people who have ME/CFS (and other immune disorders as well). If you haven’t read that post yet, I highly recommend you go back and read that one first because these two topics are inextricably intertwined. If you want even more detail than what I am providing here, ProHealth has an excellent article on B12 and Methylation that includes 225 scientific references! So, with that basic knowledge of methylation, we already know that vitamin B12 is absolutely essential. It feeds a critical step in the methylation process, and without it, the whole process breaks down. That’s only the tip of the iceberg for B12 and ME/CFS, though. 7 Proven Health Benefits of L-Methylfolate - and Side Effects - Selfhacked.

Should We Avoid Animal Protein to Optimize Methylation? - The Weston A. Price Foundation. Methylation: Are We Supplementing Too Much?—with Dr. Kara Fitzgerald. Detox Puzzle: About Me. I'm Shannon. In December, 2006, I became a mom. When my daughter was about 3-4 months old, she started reacting to foods. Which is interesting, because she wasn't eating any - this was all through my milk.

At 6 months, it got bad enough that I couldn't ignore it anymore, and the constant diarrhea with strings of blood was enough to convince the doctors that it was something that needed to be addressed. Enzymes & Methylation. Methylation Copyright August 2002. Kd. last updated 8.25.05 This is a discussion which tries to outline the points of methylation and establish some relationships that will result in the practical application of the information.

Special thanks to andrew who contributed many links and much understanding to this discussion. This link has a nice picture of what this process looks like. You may want to refer to it often during the following discussion. The issue of a person being an under or over methylator can be confusing. MTHFR and Digestion: Methylation Impacts Gallbladder Function. Introduction One of the most common questions I get when working with patients is “Can my methylation problems cause digestion issues?” This question has come up over and over again as many people with methylation issues also have gut problems at the same time. It wouldn’t be accurate, in a strict scientific sense, to say that methylation issues cause digestion issues. How Smart People Do Dumb Things And Inadvertantly Kill People. What You Need to Know About Methylation and MTHFR. What to Do About MTHFR. Supercharge Your Folate With Pastured Egg Yolks and Sprouted Legumes.

Hypermethylation: Are We Overdoing It with Methylation Support? Folate: You Can Freeze Your Liver But Not Your Veggies. Living With MTHFR. Asthma, Methylation, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Roundup. Meeting the Choline Requirement. MTHFR Mutation: A Missing Piece in the Chronic Disease Puzzle.