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Mediterranean and Near Eastern Fieldwork at Penn. The Mt.

Mediterranean and Near Eastern Fieldwork at Penn

Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project is an international, multidisciplinary, scientific investigation at the sanctuary of Zeus on Mt. Lykaion, Arcadia. According to ancient authors, this sanctuary was famous in antiquity as the site of Pan-Arcadian and Pan-Hellenic athletic contests in honor of Zeus, and for an impressive open-air altar where human sacrifice reportedly took place. Science news, science articles, all day, every day. Technology Review: The Authority on the Future of Technology. Current News on Space, Animals, Technology, Health, Environment, Culture and History. Science - News for Your Neurons. New Technology, Science News, The Future Now. NOVA. Can Wind Turbines Make You Sick?


Residents living in the shadows of wind turbines say the sound is making them sick. But so far the science isn't there. From NOVA Next | Jun 27, 2018 Thirty Years Ago Today, Global Warming First Made Headline News On June 23, a NASA climate scientist, James Hansen, told a U.S. TED. The science of everything. Modern Mechanix. Life's Little Mysteries - A Daily Investigation of the World Around You.

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