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Live Science: The Most Interesting Articles, Mysteries & Discoveries

Live Science: The Most Interesting Articles, Mysteries & Discoveries

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The Royal Institution Create a wine glass orchestra in your kitchen and explore how sound is caused by vibrations. For more ideas, and to download an info sheet click here: Marieke and Tilly experiment with making music and doing science experiments at home. Using wine glasses filled with different volumes of liquids, they investigate how sounds are caused by vibrations and how changing the volume of liquid affects the pitch of the note. Simply rubbing your fingers around the rim of a glass can make an amazing noise. Science for celebrities In January 2007, exasperated by the tide of influential and misleading claims made by celebrities in the public sphere, we worked with scientists to produce Making Sense of Science for Celebrities. Each year since, Sense About Science has reviewed the odd science claims people in the public eye have made - about diets, cancer, magnets, radiation and more - sent in to us by scientists and members of the public. Many of these claims promote theories, therapies and campaigns that make no scientific sense. We ask scientists to respond, to help the celebrities realise where they are going wrong and to help the public to make sense of celebrity claims.

Scientific Method: Relationships Among Scientific Paradigms To see the full map of relationships among scientific paradigms, click here or on the image below. Note: The map is a large (8.7 MB) file and may take a while to download. Research & Node Layout: Kevin Boyack and Dick Klavans (; Data: Thompson ISI; Graphics & Typography: W. Bradford Paley (; Commissioned Katy Börner ( ABOUT US Hi there! So here’s our story…. This is how it all started… ESS Topic 6.3: Photochemical Smog - AMAZING WORLD OF SCIENCE WITH MR. GREEN image from Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological materials, or other harmful materials into the Earth's atmosphere, possibly causing disease, death to humans, damage to other living organisms such as food crops, or the natural or built environment.It is estimated that more than 1 billion people are exposed to outdoor air pollution annually. Urban air pollution is linked to up to 1 million premature deaths and 1 million pre-native deaths each year.

British Science Association The British Science Festival is Europe’s longest standing science Festival, traveling to a different place in the United Kingdom each year. Our Festival aims to connect people with scientists, engineers, technologists and social scientists. Each year, we bring an inspiring programme of free events to the public over four or five days, bursting with exciting opportunities to get involved in. Our talks, workshops and drop-in events span a diverse range of subjects that encompass science in the broadest sense, promising something for everyone! In 2017, the Festival came to Brighton which buzzed with science enthusiasm as we, with our co-hosts University of Sussex and University of Brighton, bought over 200 free events to the city.

Foundational Questions Institute The Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi) To catalyze, support, and disseminate research on questions at the foundations of physics and cosmology, particularly new frontiers and innovative ideas integral to a deep understanding of reality but unlikely to be supported by conventional funding sources. FQXi has five goals: What Is Nothing? A Mind-Bending Debate about the Universe Moderated by Neil deGrasse Tyson by Maria Popova “You can’t assert an answer just because it’s not something else.” Isaac Asimov — sage of science, champion of creativity in education, visionary of the future, lover of libraries, Muppet friend — endures as one of the most visionary scientific minds in modern history. 10 Rules for Writing Numbers and Numerals Neil Jakson Great post but Writing Numbers. Except for a few basic rules, spelling out numbers vs. using figures (also called numerals) is largely a matter of writers’ preference. Again, consistency is the key.

‘He’s Pavlov and we’re the dogs’: How associative learning really works in human psychology My ears perked up when, in recent weeks, I heard Donald Trump and Ivan Pavlov mentioned twice in connection with each other. After all, I’m an experimental psychologist who journeyed to Russia to conduct conditioning research with Pavlov’s last living student. First, political provocateur Bill O’Reilly wrote online that “Donald Trump is kind of like the Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov.

Start Page - The Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden The Faculty of Science The Faculty of Science includes all the major subject areas in the fields of mathematics and natural sciences. With 6 500 students and 730 employees it is the second largest Faculty at the University of Gothenburg. Sulfur Haunts the Ghost Wreck Interpretations of quantum mechanics An interpretation of quantum mechanics is a set of statements which attempt to explain how quantum mechanics informs our understanding of nature. Although quantum mechanics has held up to rigorous and thorough experimental testing, many of these experiments are open to different interpretations. There exist a number of contending schools of thought, differing over whether quantum mechanics can be understood to be deterministic, which elements of quantum mechanics can be considered "real", and other matters. This question is of special interest to philosophers of physics, as physicists continue to show a strong interest in the subject. They usually consider an interpretation of quantum mechanics as an interpretation of the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics, specifying the physical meaning of the mathematical entities of the theory.

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