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Preschool Bible Lessons. It takes creative preschool Bible lessons to keep little ones interested.

Preschool Bible Lessons

It's never too early to begin planting God's Word into the hearts of children. Preschool-age children can learn powerful Biblical truths that will impact their lives. Those close to Timothy began teaching him the Scriptures when he was very young. God used these to help shape Timothy's character and prepare him for the man of God he was to become. Bible lessons for preschoolers can be a tool with which you can do the same to help these little ones become all God means for them to be. Paul reminded Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:14-15: Lenten Activities for Children. Montessori Frog Life Cycle Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers - Living Montessori Now. Photos du journal - Living Montessori Now. DIY Beginning Montessori Phonics for Preschoolers. Whether you’re a preschool teacher, homeschooler, or parent in general, there are many different ways you can use Montessori techniques to introduce phonics.

DIY Beginning Montessori Phonics for Preschoolers

Stay at Home Territory: Animals of the World: A Montessori Inspired Unit. I do hope you'll excuse my sporadic blogging in the last month.

Stay at Home Territory: Animals of the World: A Montessori Inspired Unit

If you've been reading this blog for a while you'll know that two of my boys have birthdays very close together in April and they are usually either side of Easter - so it's a very busy time for me. If you have been following our little family's fun for a little while you'll also know that Rohan is obsessed with animals. As part of my attempts to follow the child, and present materials that are relevant to their current interests, it seemed obvious that our next themed unit be about the animals of the world. Asking Questions to Improve Learning. When you prepare for class, office hours, and help sessions, compose specific questions that you will ask your students (or that you anticipate they will ask you).

Asking Questions to Improve Learning

Doing so will help you increase student participation and encourage active learning. The strategies below will also help you formulate questions for exams and paper assignments. Active learning extends beyond the classroom. When you ask questions in the classroom, you are modeling a process that students can and should use themselves; encourage your students to use the following questioning strategies to assess what they have learned, to develop their thinking skills, and to study for exams.

General Strategies for Asking Questions When planning questions, keep in mind your course goals. Montessori-Inspired Bird Unit. A bird unit study can be a great zoology unit for schools and homeschools at any time of the year.

Montessori-Inspired Bird Unit

Of course, I especially think of studying birds in the spring and before Easter, a natural time to study eggs. Montessori-Inspired Caterpillar-Butterfly Unit. Montessori Sand Tray - Tips To Promote Writing Success - Planting Peas. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links (at no cost to you).

Montessori Sand Tray - Tips To Promote Writing Success - Planting Peas

This week we did the Montessori sand tray work for the first time. Z (3 years old) is progressing much faster than I expected on his sandpaper letters and numerals work. He knows all of his letter sounds and numbers, and he is already writing over dotted-line letters and numbers using broken crayons. (Click here to see why we use broken crayons.) The next step for us is to get him to practice writing those letters and numbers without any dotted-line help. Montessori-Inspired Spring Themes and Activities. I love seasonal observances with kids, and spring has to be my favorite season to observe.

Montessori-Inspired Spring Themes and Activities

Whether or not you use themes/unit studies in your homeschool or classroom, there are lots of fun ways to include some spring activities into any curriculum. You might choose to center an entire unit around a springtime theme as well. Montessori Monday – Montessori-Inspired Farm Unit. Spring was my favorite season growing up on a farm.

Montessori Monday – Montessori-Inspired Farm Unit

And spring is a great time for a farm unit with a mixture of indoor- and outdoor activities. I love farm units in the summer, too. Of course, a farm unit is fun at any time of the year. Montessori Method of Teaching World Cultures. I am fascinated by how different teaching philosophies and curricula teach geography and world cultures.

Montessori Method of Teaching World Cultures

Throughout November, I will share various methods of teaching our kids about the world. Yesterday we looked at Montessori Geography lessons- and today we’ll look at Montessori method of teaching World Cultures lessons. Learn more about the general Montessori method at Living Montessori Now. Montessori Geography. I am fascinated by how different teaching philosophies and curricula teach geography and world cultures.

Montessori Geography

Throughout November, I will share various methods of teaching our kids about the world. Today I will begin with Montessori Geography lessons- and tomorrow we will look at Montessori World Cultures lessons. This post may contain affiliate links. Thank you for your support! Montessori is a philosophy of education started by Italian physician Maria Montessori in the early 1900s, which can be implemented at home or in school. Montessori Method of Teaching World Cultures. Great preschool science experiments. Sometimes I forget that my youngest child hasn’t necessarily taken part in basic experiments I did with the older children years ago, so when we had a bit of quiet time last week, I set up a simple science exploration station for her and she loved it. What you need Baking soda ( Bicarbonate of Soda )Food colouringJarsWaterVinegarMilk OilWaterTrayPipetteVegetable oilBeakers We tried three super simple experiments, all in the tray so they didn’t make too much mess. Baking Soda and Vinegar Place a few drops of food colouring, water and a couple of teaspoons of baking soda into a few containers.Use the pipette to slowly add vinegar, stand back.

This activity is a great first introduction to chemical reactions for older children, but for my 4 year old what was more important was watching her learn how to use a pipette and the correct way to pour a beaker, both things which I’d taken for granted. Cool Science Experiments: Exploring the Density of Liquids. DJ Inkers Science and Math. Cool Science Experiments: Exploring the Density of Liquids. Preschool Writing: Activities to Develop Fine Motor Skills. Children first begin to experiment with writing in their preschool years. Their vocabulary expands dramatically during these years, and they begin to understand that letters and numbers have meaning.

You will probably notice your preschooler practicing writing, although at this point their letters will look more like slanted lines, curves, zigzags and shapes that may resemble letters albeit upside down and backwards. Although he has plenty of time before writing will come naturally, this is the perfect time to help him practice and develop the skills of penmanship. Before you begin teaching your child to write, I want to point out that if your child is physically not ready to write, you should not even bother with it. Certain muscles must develop, as well as visual motor perception, cognitive capacity and the ability to attend to the task.

If your child does not have the ability to correctly grasp a writing instrument, then teaching them to write is pointless. Cutting Strips of Paper. Using Movement and Manipulatives in a Preschool Music Class. When teaching music to preschoolers, the first thing we must do is to make sure that they are interested and able to understand the concepts. Teaching very young children is not the same as teaching adults.

Young children are not ready to learn so many concepts that we as adults take for granted. Healthy Meals Resource System. Fall Craft Ideas for Preschool { activities & book lists too} Schools Online from University of Illinois Extension. Preschool pyp lesson plan - free ebook downloads.