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Free Printables! - Practical Autism Resources

Free Printables! - Practical Autism Resources

Sites for Autistic Support Teachers! Sites for Autistic Support Teachers If you have found this website helpful and would like to donate to help with the monthly fee of the server, please click the button below. Thank you! I LOVE Model Me Kids videos and so do my students! I highly recommend this resource! Indiana Resource Center for Autism LOTS of visual supports! Educate Autism Educate Autism is a website dedicated to helping those working with children with autism by providing free teaching materials, various tutorials to help you make your own teaching aids and articles to provide information about teaching methods and behavioural principles. Special thanks to Gavin Cosgrave for sharing this site. DoToLearn Forms Organizational tools, including problem solving, literacy tools, teacher forms, classroom tools and more! Picto Selector A free visual support program you can download. Special thanks to Martijn van der Kooij from The Netherlands for sending this site. Boardmaker

Special Learning Store The revised version of the ABLLS ® includes many new task items that were not included in the previous edition. There are numerous changes in the descriptions and criterion for individual task items, as well as in the sequencing of many task items. The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills- Revised (The ABLLS ®-R) is an assessment, curriculum guide, and skills tracking system for children with language delays. The ABLLS ®-R Protocol and The ABLLS ®-R Guide are two books in a series of publications from Behavior Analysts, Inc., that can help parents and educators with the process of identifying specific skills that should be the focus of intervention for a child with language delays. Related Products Include: The Big Book of ABA Programs The Big DISC of ABA Programs Autism Skill Acquisition Program

Task Analysis & Chaining - Kansas City Behavior Analysts Sometimes entire task presentation is overwhelming. Think of preparing a 5 course meal for a crowd of 200, building a car engine or completing a physics problem. Yikes! Oftentimes, our kids also feel overwhelmed completing tasks that feel extreme to them, too. Task Analysis = a list of written out steps that contain all of the components necessary to complete the task. When writing a task analysis, we try to break the skill down into very specific steps, to create manageable steps. Chaining = a set of teaching procedures used to teach a task analysis. When using chaining, we teach skills in 1 of 3 ways until the entire sequence of a task analysis is mastered. Forward chaining: Using this type of teaching procedure, the first step is taught first, and then the second step, the third step and continues until the entire sequence is able to be performed independently. Total task presentation: This is actually a type of forward chaining procedure. 1) Find remote 3) Press channel 3 4) Walk to Wii

Videos and Worksheets – Corbettmaths 2D shapes: names Video 1 Practice Questions Textbook Exercise 2D shapes: quadrilaterals Video 2 Practice Questions Textbook Exercise 3D shapes: names Video 3 Practice Questions Textbook Exercise 3D shapes: nets Video 4 Practice Questions Textbook Exercise 3D shapes: vertices, edges, faces Video 5 Practice Questions Textbook Exercise Addition: column method Video 6 Practice Questions Textbook Exercise Algebra: changing the subject Video 7 Practice Questions Textbook Exercise Algebra: changing the subject advanced Video 8 Practice Questions Textbook Exercise Algebra: collecting like terms Video 9 Practice Questions Textbook Exercise Algebra: completing the square Video 10 Practice Questions Textbook Exercise Algebra: dividing terms Video 11 Practice Questions Textbook Exercise Algebra: equation of a circle Video 12 Practice Questions Textbook Exercise Algebra: expanding brackets Video 13 Practice Questions Textbook Exercise Algebra: expanding two brackets Video 14 Practice Questions Textbook Exercise

Organizers Graphic organizer, concept mapping, and mind mapping examples. Graphic organizers can take many forms as per the table lower down. Graphic organizers can help motivate, increase recall, assist understanding, create interest, combat boredom and organize thoughts. Some more forms: Clock, Cluster/Word Web, Describing Wheel, E-Chart, Fact and Opinion, Five W's Chart, Flow Chart, Four-Column Chart, Garden Gate, Goal-Reasons Web, Hierarchy chart, Ice-Cream Cone, Idea Rake, Idea Wheel, , Inverted Triangle, ISP Chart, KWHL Chart, KWL Chart, KWS Chart, Ladder, Observation Chart, Persuasion Map, Planning Chart, Problem Solution Chart, Progress Report, Sandwich, Sense Chart, Sequence Chart, Spider Map, Step-by-Step Chart, Story Map 1, T-Chart, Think-Pair-Share, Ticktacktoe, Time Line, Time-Order Chart, Tree Chart, Venn Diagram. Graphic organizers are valuable tools for teaching/instruction. Unlike others, graphic organizers demonstrate a felxibility and endlessness in choices of use.

Resources for Starting and Running an ABA Program ß indicates a good first choice. Some other good places to buy books and videotapes, software, and teaching materials. Pro-Ed, 800-897-3202 (Pro-Ed is the publisher for some of the titles listed below) pro-ABA, Inh. "How-to" books, videos, and information Looking for training in ABA or discrete trial teaching? More listings: Books 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Veronica Zysk and Ellen Notbohm, is not about ABA but is highly recommended by many parents. Recorded material (tapes, discs, videos) ACCESS (Autism Coalition for Creative Educational and Social Services) produces training and information videotapes by Dr. Workshops and other training services rethink autism, 646-257-2919,, is a web-based autism treatment platform for parents and professionals [that enables you to] -Create an individualized treatment program for you child. World Wide Web Language development Beginning Advanced Social skills, play, theory of mind

DBA-SIG Homepage - Dissemination of Behavior Analysis DIY Fidgets You Can Make On a Budget for Your Classroom Kids and adults alike have always needed to fidget, some more than others. There used to be an expectation that students sit up straight and still for long periods of time in class. But now the idea of doodling, using sketch notes in the classroom, and even fidgeting are much more accepted and promoted. Sometimes fidgeting is even encouraged and supported. You can find many fidget toys on the market, but what if you’re a teacher on a budget? 1. [embedyt] You know those bands that can go around the bottom of chairs? 2. Source: Red Ted Art The fidget spinner peaked in popularity last year, but students still like them. 3. [embedyt] Infinity cubes are so addictive. 4. [embedyt] If you’re looking for an infinity cube that’s a bit more sturdy, try this one! 5. Source: Meaningful Mama Meaningful Mama calls it the forever spinning top, and we love it. 6. [embedyt] 7. 8. 9. 10.

calming the senses with weighted blankets « Craft Nectar Note from Weeks: Both my husband and daughter are restless sorts. When our daughter was little and we went to a restaurant, Bill would take her out to run up and down the sidewalk while I paid the bill so she wouldn’t start squirming at the table. Bill has talked for years about finding a way to create a heavy blanket that would calm his and our daughter’s restless muscles. Like me, our daughter is frequently restless and, at the end of the day, often asks for a heavy quilt on her legs or for a deep-muscle massage. Little did I know that weighted blankets and vests are in widespread use as therapeutic devices for children and adults with sensory conditions including ADD and autism. You should ask your doctor or physical therapist whether to use a weighted blanket, and if so what the best weight is. The general rule of thumb to determine an appropriate weight for a blanket is 1/10th the child’s body weight plus 1 pound. You can make your blanket any size and weight you want. Like this:

Free Resources ABA Links/Resources Online Resources for Starting/Running Home ABA programs: Ten Common Roadblocks to running Home Based ABA Programs: Richard Saffran's Page "ABA Resources for Recovery from Autism/PDD/Hyperlexia" "Teaching Children with Autsim" "Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies" follow the links for ABA and autism. Guidelines for choosing an ABA provider (PDF File) "A Home Based ABA Program Model": A very well put together program with the most amazing resources of sample programs and a mother's experience with running a home based program. Lots of great links too! The Race School This website offers guidance to starting home programs and a list of resources including a downloads section.

welcome to! What is Applied Behavior Analysis? Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a branch of psychology that effects socially significant behavior change; that is to say that behavior analysts deal with behaviors that are of concern to the individual or his community. Applied Behavior Analysis is a science, and utilizes data collection and scientific analysis to determine treatment design and efficacy. For more information, click here What are the applications of ABA? Because ABA is based on the scientific understanding of human behavior, ABA is applicable anywhere people are doing things! Why "behavior guy"? Although I prefer the title "behavior analyst", after years of being introduced as "the behavior guy" by parents, teachers, and staff -- I decided to go with it!

Math Worksheets | Dynamically Created Math Worksheets The Wrightslaw Way — to Special Education Law and Advocacy One of the most controversial posts we’ve published on the Wrightslaw Way Blog was “Do You Know Who is Providing Your Child’s Speech-Language Therapy?” (Part 1) If you thought we questioned SLPAs, their abilities, and qualifications, not so. But, there are areas of concern for parents. If your child is receiving speech-language services, make sure you know if a trained, certified, or licensed individual is providing your child’s speech therapy. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is very clear about expectations for speech-language pathology assistants (SLPAs), what they can and what they cannot do. Appropriate use and supervision of trained SLPAs can fill the gap often caused by a shortage of speech-language pathologists (SLPs). Issues to consider: 1. The term “staff” may refer to anyone on the school staff who is willing to do speech therapy — including untrained substitutes, aides, and paraprofessionals. 2.
