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Facebook SDK plante en boucle. L'impact de l'acquisition de Giphy sur l'API Facebook. Last week, Facebook announced its acquisition of Giphy, one of the most popular GIF sites across the internet.

L'impact de l'acquisition de Giphy sur l'API Facebook

In its announcement, Facebook disclosed that the Facebook family of apps already makes for half of Giphy's traffic, with Instagram making up half of the overall Facebook traffic. Accordingly, the Giphy team will become part of Instagram which has enjoyed API integration with Giphy for quite some time. The question becomes, how will app integrations outside of the Facebook family be impacted by the acquisition? The Giphy API has long been used by third-party apps like Apple iMessage, TikTok, and Twitter to bring GIFs to integrated apps. With Facebook now fully in control of Giphy, will easy access to GIFs through this service continue? Blender, un projet facebook. Blender is an open-domain chatbot developed at Facebook AI Research (FAIR), Facebook’s AI and machine learning division.

Blender, un projet facebook

According to FAIR, it is the first chatbot that has learned to blend several conversation skills, including the ability to show empathy and discuss nearly any topic, beating Google's chatbot in tests with human evaluators. Some of the best current systems have made progress by training high-capacity neural models with millions or billions of parameters using huge text corpora sourced from the web.

Our new recipe incorporates not just large-scale neural models, with up to 9.4 billion parameters — or 3.6x more than the largest existing system — but also equally important techniques for blending skills and detailed generation. Blender was trained using previously available public domain conversations including 1.5 billion conversation examples. Mises à jours des APIs Marketing and Graph de Facebook v7. Economie et API. There are currently almost three million apps available in the Google Play store.

Economie et API

There's an abundance of fitness, food, productivity, dating, ride-sharing, delivery, shopping and community apps to choose from in the quest to make life healthier, easier and more meaningful. It took approximately five years for the Play store to reach its first million apps and an additional six and a half years to triple that number, surpassing Apple's App Store. In the 12 years since these two leading app stores debuted, they've had millions of apps downloaded hundreds of billions of times by users worldwide. Don't expect to see this trend slow down anytime soon. Apps have proven to satisfy a massive assortment of needs, and it has never been easier to build software that delivers delightful customer experiences.

Additionally, globalization and the ability to tap into developer talent anywhere in the world continue to help this mass proliferation. The Emergence Of The API Economy. L'API Facebook qui se retrouve dans des jeux en VR. Code found by VR developers in the Oculus Unity Integration reveals Facebook’s shared-space “colocation” API for Oculus Quest.

L'API Facebook qui se retrouve dans des jeux en VR

The code was first spotted by developers at Bentham Realities a few weeks ago while working on their upcoming title Hermetika VR. This week the same code was separately spotted by Gerald McAlister from RGB Schemes, a startup working on VR games & tools. UploadVR searched through past versions of the Platform SDK and determined that these additions were made in version 1.40.0, which shipped in August 2019.

Colocation means having multiple Oculus Quests sharing the same playspace. Facebook showed off an “arena scale” prototype of this at Oculus Connect 5 in late 2018, but no further development has been shown since then. Based on the description of the technology at the time of the OC5 demo, it likely works similarly to the colocation features already present in Apple’s ARKit and Google’s ARCore. Utilisation d'une API Facebook pour un logiciel de télécommunication professionnel. Updated As the global coronavirus pandemic pushes the popularity of videoconferencing app Zoom to new heights, one web veteran has sounded the alarm over its "creepily chummy" relationship with tracking-based advertisers.

Utilisation d'une API Facebook pour un logiciel de télécommunication professionnel

Doc Searls, co-author of the influential internet marketing book The Cluetrain Manifesto last century, today warned [cached] Zoom not only has the right to extract data from its users and their meetings, it can work with Google and other ad networks to turn this personal information into targeted ads that follow them across the web. This personal info includes, and is not limited to, names, addresses and any other identifying data, job titles and employers, Facebook profiles, and device specifications. Crucially, it also includes "the content contained in cloud recordings, and instant messages, files, whiteboards ... shared while using the service.

" "Zoom does use certain standard advertising tools which require personal data," the fine-print states. Mises à jours des APIs Marketing and Graph de Facebook v6. Création d'une nouvelle API Facebook dans un but informatif. Création de chatbot via des APIs dont celle de Facebook. Mises à jours des APIs Marketing and Graph de Facebook v5.