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Library Advocacy & Promotion

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Why The School Library Was My First Investment – Richard Gerver. A place to get away from it all: 5 ways school libraries support student well-being. Students in Australia and around the world have experienced significant challenges this year, including the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters.

A place to get away from it all: 5 ways school libraries support student well-being

Globally, as many as one in five young people may experience mental-health problems. These can be exacerbated, or even brought on by, stressful life events including economic pressures related to the pandemic. The future of school librarians. School libraries are much more than books.

The future of school librarians

They are evolving spaces at the forefront of connected learning and hubs of creativity that spark real-world interests, from local culture to STEM, writes journalist Jessica Willis. The teacher librarians who work within school libraries are highly qualified – the only teaching role that requires a post graduate degree in a school – and are highly valuable leaders in education. IEUA-QNT members and teacher librarians Louise Maniaty and Sarah McCallan (pictured above) have almost two decades’ combined experience specialising as teacher librarians.

Both entered the profession due to a passion for education, young people and literacy. Maniaty started out as a classroom teacher, completing postgraduate study while working. Data-Informed Library Advocacy from #AASL19, Part 1. The room for my concurrent session on Data Informed Library Advocacy at the 2019 AASL National Conference (on Saturday in the last time slot before the closing general session) was standing-room only.

Data-Informed Library Advocacy from #AASL19, Part 1

The fact that so many people came to my session told me that the topic of data-informed library advocacy should be shared beyond those who were able to attend. In addition, the amazing Dorcas Hand from Houston just sent me an email asking for more details from the session, so I thought the KQ blog might give me an opportunity to share some thoughts. The slides from the session are available at these along with the speaker notes within the slides will help me provide some structure for the musings to follow. Ten ways teacher librarians improve literacy in schools. Australian schools constantly strive to improve the literacy outcomes of their students. Supporting literacy achievement for struggling readers is particularly important because these readers have their disadvantage compounded: capable students develop “richer” skills through continued exposure to reading, and the gap between them and struggling readers widens.

The number of Australian students deemed “low performers” in reading literacy proficiency has been rising over time. Our percentage of high performers is shrinking – nearly one in five adolescents are in the low performer category. Read more: Six things you should do when reading with your kids With school about to start for the year, we should consider how we can optimise support for struggling readers. Elizabethahutchinson. Ancient Rome. Why school librarians matter: What years of research tell us - When schools have high-quality library programs and librarians who share their expertise with the entire school community, student achievement gets a boost. Since 1992, a growing body of research known as the school library impact studies has consistently shown positive correlations between high-quality library programs and student achievement (Gretes, 2013; Scholastic, 2016).

Data from more than 34 statewide studies suggest that students tend to earn better standardized test scores in schools that have strong library programs. Further, when administrators, teachers, and librarians themselves rated the importance and frequency of various library practices associated with student learning, their ratings correlated with student test scores, further substantiating claims of libraries’ benefits. 3 Free Visual Marketing Tools for Your Library. In whatever work environment you are in, you gain lessons from your experiences every day.

3 Free Visual Marketing Tools for Your Library

From learning about a new resource to finding an innovative solution to a common problem, lessons learned from personal experiences can be shared with colleagues to help them in their own work and in the service they provide to customers. With that being said, what are some solutions to help you communicate lessons learned or new resources to others? Three tools for you to consider are PowToon, Animaker, and Emaze. Neil Gaiman and Chris Riddell on why we need libraries – an essay in pictures. Inspired Libaries - Home. Literacy Matters! - Home.

Research, infographics, reports and more about literacy – karenmalbon

The-vital-work-of-teacher-librarians-in-the-digital-age-20180517-p4zfxm. 10 Reasons Librarians Are More Important Than Ever. It's National Library Week, and we couldn't resist paying homage to one of the most important members of the school community: librarians.

10 Reasons Librarians Are More Important Than Ever

Also known as library media specialists, librarians play a unique role in our schools. Often asked to take on a wide range of duties, these passionate and savvy educators deserve more than only a week of praise. And in case you need a reminder of all that librarians do for our students and our schools, we've put together a list -- but it's only a start. 1. Librarians know tech. In many schools, the library media specialist is the go-to expert on all things tech. 2. In the age of fake news and viral video remixes, the library media specialist leads the charge on citation, copyright and fair use, research, and news literacy. 3. If you think the library is a quiet place meant only for research and studying, you clearly haven't been in a school library with a makerspace. 4. 5. In a library, kids can stay connected to the past. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PowerOfSchoolLibrarians Capstone 8pages Mar2018. Mediasource.actonservice.

April is School Library Month – Schools' Library Service Guernsey Blog. As April is School Libraries Month I felt it was important to highlight the many different roles of the school library staff.

April is School Library Month – Schools' Library Service Guernsey Blog

Interestingly, the understanding of this role differs from person to person. Ask teachers or senior leaders what the role of the school library staff is and you will very likely get answers like these:- a keeper of bookssupporting the students to find booksrunning the reading schemeproviding a safe place for anyone who needs itworks with the English departmentencouraging reading for pleasure. Why school librarians matter: What years of research tell us -

Charnwood-Dunlop School community rallies to improve reading. Every day from 9am to 9.30am, every student at the Charnwood-Dunlop School has their nose deep in a book.

Charnwood-Dunlop School community rallies to improve reading

This is just one strategy thought to have led to a significant improvement in reading levels at the school according to the latest NAPLAN results. The government school in a low socio-economic area has 293 students, with 40 per cent coming from non-English speaking backgrounds. The latest NAPLAN results reveal the Charnwood-Dunlop School showed the greatest improvement in reading and writing of any ACT school comparing the results of its students when they were in year three (2015) to when they were in year five (2017). Those students are now in year six, leading the way for the rest of the school in what has been a whole-of-community effort to ignite a love of reading and books across all classes.

School Libraries, Teacher Librarians and Acceleration of. Libraries, Schools, Social Media and lots more...: Advocacy for school libraries. How we can take responsibility. After the success of my post in November 2017 Why do teachers need school librarians?

Libraries, Schools, Social Media and lots more...: Advocacy for school libraries. How we can take responsibility

5 questions to ask yourself. Where over 29000 people viewed it I began to worry about how I could ever match that again. I think I have come to the conclusion that I can't! I just have to write about what I feel passionate about and let the world decide if it is interesting enough to read and share so here goes. Advocacy is not enough we need power – Informative Flights. Librarians are big on advocacy.

Advocacy is not enough we need power – Informative Flights

Big on helping their peers when they’re not being heard in their communities or schools to build their “advocacy toolkit”. Most librarian courses include at least one module in one course on advocacy. Some academic librarians have built their careers on advocacy. The Advocate's Toolbox. School Libraries Matter: The changing role of the school librarian (VIDEO) School Librarians – Leadership, advocacy and hand wringing – Reflections for a Digital Age. It’s time to accept the challenge and show politicians, administrators and parents that eliminating school librarians comes with a high price not only to students but to the entire educational community.

School Librarians – Leadership, advocacy and hand wringing – Reflections for a Digital Age

Leadership is no longer an option for you.It’s a job requirement. Hilda Weisburg (2016) In September and October I had the pleasure of facilitating International Baccalaureate (IB) workshops on Role of the Library with Jeri Hurd and Dianne McKenzie (in Hong Kong and Singapore) and working with amazing librarians. 8 Ways To Make Your Library More Visible Now. Jan Wilson, SLJ’s 2017 Hero of Collaboration When I became a school library media specialist 20 years ago, I had no idea how much time and energy I would devote to promoting my role and media program.

As school librarians, our impact isn’t always apparent, and our roles are frequently questioned. That’s ironic to me because year to year our role evolves more than that of any other faculty member. Ten ways to advocate for your role as a teacher librarian - SCIS. You can offer to support the program with physical resources, curated website collections, core text suggestions, research skills that you can teach — the opportunities are endless.

Your broad knowledge of learning across the school can contribute to curriculum mapping, connecting the work of individual subjects to facilitate interdisciplinary teaching opportunities. 5. Gain support from leadership You can find a supporter among the school leadership team who understands your vision to improve student outcomes across the school. 27 Things Your Teacher Librarian Does.

Library Advocacy: Getting Your Message Out. You can have the best message in the world, but if you don’t have a good strategy for getting it out into the community in the best way possible, your message won’t matter. So, getting your message out there is almost more important than how good your message is. However, you can make a greater impact on the community if you know how to choose the right pathways for message deployment. Effective Frequency Many marketers believe in the concept of an effective frequency. The effective frequency is the number of times a person must be exposed to an advertising message before a response is made and before exposure is considered wasteful.

In any case, what is clear is that you want people to see your message as often as possible for the best response rate, which is why you need to repeat your message until you and everyone on your staff is sick of hearing it, then repeat it twice as much. A/B Testing Direct Mail Doing direct mail effectively is very difficult to accomplish efficiently. Library Advocacy: The Importance of the Right Message. School library advocacy resources. School libraries information for parents.

School Library Story. Promoting your school library. New Efficient Social Media Librarian: 10+ Awesome Resources to Populate Library Social Media. I almost called this post Lazy Librarian Strategies but thought that was so wrong. Some of the best ideas are ‘borrowed’. And imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Anyway, it’s just hard to come up with a few new ideas that are awesome every single day to populate our social media feeds and engage and communicate with our members, users, borrowers, etc.

So, here is a random list of stuff and sources I’ve used to consider adding to your RSS feeds for ‘borrowing’, linking, or inspiration: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Search: Library, Libraries, Reading, etc. I really like the book sculpture/carving pictures and book shelves for ideas. 6. 7. A trained librarian is a powerful search engine with a heart - Sarah McIntyre. School_library_impact. 26 reasonsroad3. 100 things poster. SKrashen: Why Invest in Libraries. New Report Hails Librarians as Drivers of Digital Transition. Librarians Lead the Way in EdTech. Libraries of the Future: Where Trends Are Taking K-12 Public School Libraries.

School Library Advocacy kit. Advocacy. - Advocacy Organizations. Advocacy for school libraries. Resources. 27 Things Your Teacher Librarian Does. LMC MayJune12 WhatDoTLsTeach Corrected Poster. Advocating for your school library. The ‘teacher’ in ‘teacher librarian’ – Thoughts, sometimes outbursts – Medium. School Libraries Transform Learning (American Libraries)