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Craigslist doesn't disappoint. Juggalo love... NSFW : cringepics. Les célèbres sculptures du Louvre complètement relookées en Hipster. Allier l’art des sculptures antiques avec un style vestimentaire fashion, c’est l’idée insolite qu’a eue le photographe Léo Caillard !

Les célèbres sculptures du Louvre complètement relookées en Hipster

Dans une série, il transforme ces statues d’avant Jésus Christ en purs hipster de 2013. C’est un étrange et fascinant mélange des genres que nous livre le photographe français Léo Caillard. Lui qui produit des photographies pour le compte d’Amnesty International et qu’il publie également dans la presse ou lors de campagnes de pub a eu l’idée de cette série de clichés lors d’une visite au musée du Louvre. Au détour de la salle Richelieu, remplie de statue, l’idée lui vient de rhabiller ces statues qui ont sûrement dû prendre un coup de froid depuis qu’elles sont exposées dans les couloirs frisquets du musée.

Juliane Koepcke. Airplane crash[edit] Juliane Koepcke was a German Peruvian high school senior student studying in Lima, intending to become a zoologist, like her parents.

Juliane Koepcke

She and her mother, ornithologist Maria Koepcke, were traveling to meet with her father, biologist Hans-Wilhelm Koepcke,[1] who was working in the city of Pucallpa. The airplane was struck by lightning during a severe thunderstorm and broke up in mid-air, disintegrating at 3.2 km (10,000 ft). Koepcke, who was seventeen years old at the time, fell to earth still strapped into her seat. She survived the fall with only a broken collarbone, a gash to her right arm, and her right eye swollen shut.[2] "I was definitely strapped in [the airplane seat] when I fell," she remembered. 2 very sick human beings. STOP White GeNOcide. Adams County deputy accused of wrongfully shooting, killing dog.

Jeff Fisher talks about death of his 8-year-old dog Ziggy.

Adams County deputy accused of wrongfully shooting, killing dog

Claims Adams County deputies mistakenly shot and killed Ziggy Monday night. (CREDIT: Will Ripley) The shooting occurred shortly after 8 p.m. Monday in the 5400 block of Tennyson Street in Denver. Business owner Jeff Fisher says Adams County sheriff's deputies went to the wrong address and killed his dog Ziggy, who was simply running outside to check things out. "That's my son. Fisher says Ziggy came to work with him every day. See a slideshow of Ziggy. IbaMyx3yKXzYSt.gif (500×211) Les (Z)imparfaites: Le (tant attendu) palmarès des prénoms 2012. Le voici, le voilà!

Les (Z)imparfaites: Le (tant attendu) palmarès des prénoms 2012

Nos sources: la RRQ, vos courriels, vos échos («J'connais une p'tite fille qui s'appelle...», «Ma nièce a le pire prénom de la Terre, j'sais même pas comment l'écrire...», «Tu croiras pas à ça, y'a un p'tit dans la classe de ma fille qui s'appelle...» Vous vous reconnaissez là, hein? ;-) Catégorie «Compte triple au Scrabble» Xzavier Madvrik Zakkary et Zakarry Vickkie Ezequiel Ezequeal Eyvanyroze Eszter Dmitriy Klowie Alekxy Mhelly Tricxye (prononcez Trixi) Dream Teen Quotes. Humanism is EVIL! Humanism is EVIL!

Humanism is EVIL!

By David J. Stewart “The pagan in Africa gets a piece of wood and builds him a god; the intellectual in the university gets his mind and builds himself a god.” —Dr. Jack Hyles, from the sermon titled,How We Got Here There is an evil under the sun lurking amongst mankind known as humanism... "An insane form of thinking that invades the human mind convincing it of it's superiority over God and His Word. " "I don't find any place where God says that the world is to grow better and better...I look upon this world as a wrecked vessel, God has given me a lifeboat and said to me, `Moody, save all you can.' " -Dwight L. How to be Saved. Pokémon Black and White Parody Game: Pokémon Black and Blue. The amount of time that Pokémon spend stuffed in pokéballs is akin to how elephants are chained up in train carts, waiting to be let out to "perform" in circuses.

Pokémon Black and White Parody Game: Pokémon Black and Blue

But the difference between real life and this fictional world full of organized animal fighting is that Pokémon games paint rosy pictures of things that are actually horrible. Animal Rights Group Attacks Pokemon For Promoting Animal Abuse. Gilbert Gottfried Aristocrats Joke. Online Dating Sites, Internet Dating Websites - Online dating exclusively for BeautifulPeople BeautifulPeople has been described as an "elite online club, where every member works the door".

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