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The Cloth Simulator A little more detail: What makes this simulation special is the speed at which everything is computed. Javascript (the language this is written in) is not exactly the most efficient language for this type of computation. This being said, much time was spent squeezing out every little detail that slows things down. Which Disney Characters Would You Follow on Instagram? Most Upvoted 1023 votes Mega Solrock and Mega Lunatone Confirmed! 492 votes Come Here! 406 votes prosthetic knowledge This story is already doing the rounds but is still very interesting - Machine Learning research from Georgia Tech manages to clone game design from a video recording. The top GIF is the reconstructed clone, the bottom gif is from the video recording: Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have developed a new approach using an artificial intelligence to learn a complete game engine, the basic software of a game that governs everything from character movement to rendering graphics.Their AI system watches less than two minutes of gameplay video and then builds its own model of how the game operates by studying the frames and making predictions of future events, such as what path a character will choose or how enemies might react.To get their AI agent to create an accurate predictive model that could account for all the physics of a 2D platform-style game, the team trained the AI on a single “speedrunner” video, where a player heads straight for the goal.

CAPA International Education's Programs Study and Intern with the CAPA London Program England: London Experience one of the world's great cities--a bustling metropolis where history and culture awaits just outside your door. You will live in a shared apartment or homestay... Schools & Residency Programs The NBME provides assessment services to medical schools, students and residents through a number of programs. Medical School and Student Assessments Web-based Customized Assessment Services (CAS) allow medical school faculty to create examinations tailored to local curriculum from a pool of test items covering topics commonly taught in basic science coursework. CAS now offers pre-designed organ system blueprints which you can select to create tests for use in integrated courses. The Global Evaluation Management System™ (GEMS™) is a comprehensive, integrated online platform for creating, managing and delivering examinations. The Subject Examination Program includes the discipline-based basic and clinical science subject exams, the comprehensive basic science and clinical science exams, and the advanced clinical exams (designed to assess performance at the end of the medical school sub-internship).

Moshpits.js Keys: WASD, space, r --- Initial Conditions: A JavaScript implementation of the simulations presented in the paper Collective Motion of Moshers at Heavy Metal Concerts. More details are available at Itai Cohen's group website including videos of mosh pits, full simulations, and a brief description. Play around. The buttoms above set up interesting initial conditions while the sliders allow you to control the parameters of the model. The keys WASD allow you to apply external forces to active MASHers.

United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1 Step 1 Specifications* System** 25%–35% General principles 65%–75% Individual organ systems 26 charts and maps that show the world is getting much, much better by Dylan Matthews on March 20, 2015 Economic progress Extreme poverty has fallenThis is probably the most important chart on this list. The extraordinary rate of economic growth in India and China — as well as slower but still significant growth in other developing countries — has led to a huge decline in the share of the world population living on less than $1.25 a day, from 53 percent in 1981 to 17 percent in 2011. That's a low bar for what counts as poverty, and some development experts are arguing we should be using a global poverty line of $10-15 a day instead, but that very debate is a sign of the tremendous progress made in recent decades. Hunger is fallingThis animated map shows the Global Hunger Index — a measure of undernutrition calculated by the International Food Policy Research Institute — across the world form 1990 to 2014.

Medical Specialties - List of Medical Specialties One of the many options you have as a healthcare professional is choosing a medical specialty in which to practice. Whether you’re a nurse, a physician, or allied health professional, choosing a medical specialty will help focus your educational goals, job search efforts, and career choices. The sooner you identify your true passion in medicine, the more successful you may become, by working in a field you love. For example, is your passion working with kids, pregnant moms, cancer patients, or the elderly?
