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Joanna Wild

English native speaker currently living in Switzerland.

Cambridge English Language Assessment Base. Cambridge English Business Preliminary. Cambridge English Business Higher. Cambridge English Business Vantage. Wordlist: BEC Preliminary. Cambridge English Language Assessment Base. Cambridge English Business Certificates BEC- World Class Recognition. Cambridge English Brief Guide. Antonio Damasio: The quest to understand consciousness. TEDxBerkeley - Nipun Mehta - Designing For Generosity. Learn to code, design and ship web apps | Starter League. Mapping the Stairs to Visual Excellence. PDHPE-First Aid. Amanda Palmer: The art of asking. Sheldon Test. Memory & brain. Six Seconds. Health, Emotion and Behavior Laboratory Yale University. This belief is the core of our work at YCEI. We conduct research and offer trainings that support people of all ages in developing emotional intelligence skills.

We do this work because the well-being and sustainability of our society depends on each of us using our emotions wisely. As a self-supporting unit within the Yale School of Medicine’s Child Study Center, our research and training is funded primarily through foundation and federal grants, corporate support, training revenue, and philanthropists. Our research is conducted in collaboration with experts in education, psychology, policy, and technology. Our goal is to design effective approaches for supporting school communities in understanding the value of emotions, teaching the skills of emotional intelligence, and building and sustaining positive emotional climates in homes, schools, and workplaces.

Think. Free DISC Personality Test / Quiz by Intelligence. Deepermind. Table of Contents-George Norwood Home Page March 23,2013 1. Introduction to Deepermind Words are not things. Inner and Outer Worlds, the Body and Consciousness. 2. Blissful Optimization. 3. History of the Body-Mind Problem. 4. Self Actualization and other Needs. 5. New Age Health Dummies. 6. Freedom. 7. Our Culture's Influence. 8. Logic and Fallacy with Drawings. 9. Emotions are Difficult to Classify. 10. Many Lives are Dedicated to the Study of Nature. 11. Science and Religion. 12. Crack in the Cosmic Egg. 13. History of William. 14. Survival of the Fittest. 15. What is Goodness? 16. Center for Spiritual Living. 17. Spiritual Practice. 18. I'd be Happier if I Just Had More/Less To Do...

Visit my sister site: Contact This web site is in copyright. Add your comments to the Deepermind Blog Creation of Deepermind The Deepermind website was designed and written by George Norwood. I have been a member of many religious groups trying to find the truth. Mind Mapping Software - Create Mind Maps online.

Mind42 - Mind mapping can be Free, Fast and Simple. Mind Mapping & Diagrams. Free Mind Map Examples - Great ideas on different Mind Mapping Examples. Mind Mapping and Brainstorming Software - Mindomo. Free Strengths Test - Find Your Talents and Potential - Free Strengths Test - Find Your Talents and Potential.

Personality Tests. IQ/PERSONALITY TESTS. The Art of Complex Problem Solving. Needs Inventory | The Center for Nonviolent Communication. The following list of needs is neither exhaustive nor definitive. It is meant as a starting place to support anyone who wishes to engage in a process of deepening self-discovery and to facilitate greater understanding and connection between people. We have another list that might also be of interest to you: a list of feelings. The contents of this page can be downloaded and copied by anyone so long as they credit CNVC as follows: (c) 2005 by Center for Nonviolent Communication Website: Email:

Great Ideas in Personality--Tests. Personality Tests This page links to numerous online personality tests, with an emphasis on free, professional tests that provide feedback. To view an example of one of these tests, see the SAPA Project. To learn more about personality theory, see the Personality Project. General Personality Sheldon Test This test provides scores on Sheldon's psychological types: viscerotonia, somatotonia, and cerebrotonia.

By C. George Boeree. . ~ Flip to top ~ Attachment Theory Attachment Style Questionnaire "The statements below concern how you feel in emotionally intimate relationships. Basic Emotions Anxiety Test After finishing this 10-item test, "you will receive a detailed, personalized interpretation of your score that includes diagrams, information on the test topic and tips. " Behavior Genetics Sibling and Twin Relationships Survey "You will be asked to answer a variety of questionnaires about your relationships with your siblings and other family members. Behaviorism Cognitive Social Theories PEN Model. HRPersonality online assessment center for employee selection, team building, leadership and career development. The Personality Project: Psychological Organizations and Graduate Programs.

National and international societies the sponsor conferences and publish journals relevant to personality include: Graduate Departments of Psychology with Personality Programs By no means a complete list, the following universities have graduate training programs in personality research or individual differences. Two comments: some departments offer training in "psychopathology" that is almost identical to those programs that offer training in "personality". University of British Columbia (Social/Personality) University of Buffalo, Social Psychology has faculty interested in personality University of California, Berkeley (social/personality) University of California, Los Angeles- psychometrics University of California, Davis. University of California,Riverside Center for Evolutionary Psychology at UCSB lists a variety of Evolutionary Psychology programs around the country.These overlap to some degree with personality programs.

Graduate Programs in related fields Being a scientist. 24 Thought Provoking Questions You Need To Answer To Know Yourself Better. Answering questions like a presidential candidate. Team roles test - take this free team roles test online at According to team roles theory there are specific different team roles. These roles can be functional, organizational, personal or even skillful. Each team should consist of different team roles, depending on the specific goals the team wants to achieve. A team that does not have the ideal composition may run into problems. For example, a team consisting of only creative individuals will generate many ideas, but none of them will be implemented. Essentially, roles are equal to 'persona' (masks) or specific competency profiles and have been mentioned explicitly since ancient Greek history.

This free team roles test of 123test® is inspired by ideas on team roles theories, generalized competency frameworks and knowledge of the Big Five personality theory. This test determines which team roles best suit you. 30 Worth Learning Text Effect Tutorials in Photoshop. There are a lot of new and spectacular text effects tutorials created every now and then. Many people found text effects as one of the most interesting thing to do in Photoshop. We have decided to collect those best tutorials that could help and inspire you to create your own text effects techniques. For those who like text effects, this collection is a great guide to create your own and learn some tips. There is no limitation of creativity in terms of presenting your own text effects or Typography. The creativity injected on text effects helps you deliver the message across and leaves solid impressions to the viewer.

It is not easy to design a good typography though the creativity is limitless in creating text effects. Here some of the best and most recent Tutorials on Text Effects in Photoshop that we found on the web to help you stay up to date on the latest trends and techniques.. How to Create an Abstract Wireframe Text Effect Create Creepy, Branch Based Typography. 70 Best Photoshop Photo Manipulation Tutorials | Tutorials. Creating photo manipulations using Photoshop isn’t as easy as you see here. But it’s a passion for many designers out here including me. One should have lots of patience and creativity to turn a simple photo into an amazing visual art.

Sky is the limit when you open image in a photo editing too. Just imagine a different world and put the character over there. You simply have to experiment and play with different effects by making use of huge free brushes and textures collection to create your own world. Here we tried to pick and showcase 70 best photo manipulation tutorials of all time. For those, who don’t know what is Adobe Photoshop? The next generation, representing two decades of excellence. You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts that our readers may find helpful. Don’t forget to and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. Best Photo Manipulation Tutorials of All Time 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 26 Brand New Adobe Photoshop CS6 Tutorials.

How To Learn Photoshop In 24 Hrs » Design Reviver. Quite a bold statement, Learn Photoshop in 24 hours. Its simple and you can. Stepping into Photoshop at first can be quite daunting, were do you start? With these 20 tutorials we have given you some direction, you will start of with some very basic techniques and build towards the more advanced. By the end of it you will be an expert. Tutorial 1:Combining Two Photos for New Effect – Basic Tutorial running time : 10 minutes. We’ll start with something basic. Tutorial 2:Grass Texture – Basic Tutorial running time : 15 minutes. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a nice-looking grass texture. Tutorial 3:Underwater Effect – Basic In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an underwater scene from scratch, using Gradients, Transform and Filters. Tutorial 4:2d Mirror Effect – Basic In this tutorial you will learn how to Duplicate, Flip Horizontally/Vertically, Feathering and Blending.

Tutorial 5:Sony Ericsson Logo – Basic Tutorial running time : 20 minutes. How To Make a Cool Cinemagraph Image in Photoshop. No doubt you’ll have heard of the term Cinemagraph since it exploded onto the Internets. Originally coined by Photographers Kevin Burg and Jamie Beck, a cinemagraph is a clever revival of the classic animated GIF. It combines features of video and photography to create a the illusion of a still image but with cool motion effects.

Let’s take a look at how to create your own animated GIF cinemagraph by playing around with Photoshop’s animation tools. Some of the best cinemagraph examples can be found on the creators’ own website. Their original cinemagraphs from New York Fashion Week capture moments just like an ordinary photograph, but also preserve that living moment in time to re-experience endlessly. As the popularity of the cinemagraph grew we began to see mobile apps such as Cinemagram emerge, which allows the easy creation of amateur cinemagraphs using the device’s built in camera. Use a tripod. Alternatively you could always play around with existing stock video footage.

Body Language Signals: Eye Directions, Pupils. Warning! Reading body language is like listening to someone. Listed here are the possible meanings of many different body language signs. To avoid getting it wrong, please start with the short section “How Can You Read What People Think?” At the bottom of this page. The Eyes (Part II) - Squint during a conversation –> showing interest - Looking away –> possibly shy –> curious about the surroundings (some people naturally observe their environment more than others) –> showing interest in your other movements.

Otherwise, it may be a sign that this person is attracted to you… Basically, looking at other parts of your body is part of the unconscious assessment people make about how suitable you are as a mate… Whether you like it or not, we all do this. How To Read Eye Directions Without going too deep into neuroscience, let’s look at how a person’s eye directions can tell you what they are actually thinking. You have probably heard that there are two main parts to the brain: How can you use this? Why? The Lost Art of Eye Contact. We’ve stopped seeing each other. You and me.

All of us. Our eyes may indeed be windows to our soul, but with our necks craned downward and our eyes focused on tiny handheld screens, who can tell? We hardly make an effort to look at the person we’re talking to anymore. Younger people, in general, find it challenging to maintain eye contact with adults. Video conferencing complicates things further. When nearly every personal and business interaction uses a screen as an intermediary, it’s difficult to develop and maintain meaningful relationships with employees, customers and partners. Speak with Your Eyes We communicate so much with a simple look. Listen to Their Eyes Without looking directly into someone’s eyes, you’ll miss millions of visual clues as to what’s going on inside their head. Look for the “Tell” In poker, it’s called the “tell”: the habitual signal your opponent makes that betrays whether he or she is holding a full house or a hand full of nothing.

Be Shifty-Eyed. 18 Ways to Improve Your Body Language. There is no specific advice on how to use your body language. What you do might be interpreted in several ways, depending on the setting and who you are talking to. You’ll probably want to use your body language differently when talking to your boss compared to when you talk to a girl/guy you’re interested in. These are some common interpretations of body language and often more effective ways to communicate with your body.

First, to change your body language you must be aware of your body language. Notice how you sit, how you stand, how you use you hands and legs, what you do while talking to someone. You might want to practice in front of a mirror. Another tip is to close your eyes and visualize how you would stand and sit to feel confident, open and relaxed or whatever you want to communicate. You might also want observe friends, role models, movie stars or other people you think has good body language. Some of these tips might seem like you are faking something. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Body Language Signals: Eye Directions, Pupils. How to Detect Lies - body language, reactions, speech patterns. Interesting Info -> Lying Index -> How to Detect Lies Become a Human Lie Detector (Part 1) Warning: sometimes ignorance is bliss.

After gaining this knowledge, you may be hurt when it is obvious that someone is lying to you. The following deception detection techniques are used by police, forensic psychologists, security experts and other investigators. Introduction to Detecting Lies: This knowledge is also useful for managers, employers, and for anyone to use in everyday situations where telling the truth from a lie can help prevent you from being a victim of fraud/scams and other deceptions. This is just a basic run down of physical (body language) gestures and verbal cues that may indicate someone is being untruthful. If you got here from somewhere else, be sure to check out our Lie Detection index page for more info including new research in the field of forensic psychology.

Signs of Deception: Body Language of Lies: • A person who is lying to you will avoid making eye contact. Bored? How to Detect Lies - body language, reactions, speech patterns. Detect Lies. Matchmaker and Dating Expert This article was co-authored by Maria Avgitidis. Maria Avgitidis is the CEO & Matchmaker of Agape Match, a matchmaking service based out of New York City. For over a decade, she has successfully combined four generations of family matchmaking tradition with modern relationship psychology and search techniques to ensure her professional clientele are introduced to their ultimate match.

Maria and Agape Match have been featured in The New York Times, The Financial Times, Fast Company, CNN, Esquire, Elle, Reuters, Vice, and Thrillist. Co-authors: 252 Updated: June 4, 2020 Views: 4,240,713 Article SummaryX To detect if someone is lying, watch to see if they touch their nose or cover their mouth while they're talking, which could be a sign that they're not telling the truth. Did this summary help you? How to Read Body Language More Effectively. What Is Your Body Language Saying? The 4 Ways You Can Use Body Language To Influence Success. Read the body, Read the mind. BD. Body Language Basics. Emotional Intelligence Quiz. How to Read Body Language More Effectively. Memory Gym Series | :: BrainTrain - Changing the Way People Think :: Train-working-memory.

Body Language. University Consortium. Learn by Doing - Code School. Transforming Thinkers Into Creators | General Assembly. Sign up | Tumblr. Anybody can learn |

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