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Idle No More

Idle No More
Related:  Vzdělávání

Mozaiky o.s. Platform Dialog - O nás Y je nezisková organizace založená v roce 2005. Usiluje o vytvoření dialogu mezi lidmi různých ras, národností, náboženství a názorů, kteří mají zájem o dosažení společných cílů. Cílů, na jejichž základě můžeme pomáhat vytvořit lepší budoucnost, z níž bude možné jednou vysílat poselství porozumění, tolerance a pochopení pro všechny. Cílem naší iniciativy je odstranit „nedostatek povědomí a vzájemného porozumění mezi lidmi z odlišných kulturních základů a světonázorů vytvářejících konflikty, teror a války.“ Tato myšlenka nás dovedla až k vytvoření MOZAIKY, která, jak věříme, přispěje svým dílem a pomůže napravit některé neduhy, jež v současnosti ohrožují mír na zemi. Posláním MOZAIKY je konfrontovat co nejvíce lidí s odlišnými názory a vykořenit zažité předsudky a iracionální nenávist vůči ostatním kulturám. Vize MOZAIKY je svět bez krveprolití, což předpokládá vyřešit konflikty mezi lidmi; svět, kde se budou lidé zabývat předměty své touhy bez obav, ale s respektem a láskou k „druhým“.

Crise d'Oka : la pinède s'enflamme Date de diffusion : 16 mai 1990 Le 16 mai 1990, il y a plus de 60 jours qu'un groupe de Mohawks de Kanesatake occupe le golf d'Oka attenant aux terres qu'ils revendiquent. John Ciaccia, le ministre délégué aux Affaires autochtones du Québec, demande alors au conseil municipal d'Oka de suspendre indéfiniment l'agrandissement du terrain de golf. Au Téléjournal du soir, le journaliste Alain Picard montre les réactions des Mohawks et du ministre Ciaccia face à la décision du conseil municipal d'Oka d'aller de l'avant dans ce projet. En 1989, les Amérindiens de Kanesatake tentent de suspendre le projet d'agrandissement du terrain de golf, mais sans succès. Comme moyen de revendication de leurs terres ancestrales, ils décident de bloquer une route. En mai 1990, les Mohawks construisent une seconde barricade avec l'aide de warriors d'Akwesasne, une réserve se trouvant aux frontières des États-Unis, de l'Ontario et du Québec. Impasse totale

Idle No More Background[edit] After the May 2, 2011 Canadian Federal election, the federal government led by Stephen Harper proposed a number of omnibus bills introducing numerous legislative changes. While omnibus bills had been presented to parliament by previous governments, the perceived ideological nature of the changes proposed in Bill C-45 played to fears of a right-wing agenda held by the Conservatives, particularly concerning the removal of the term "absolute surrender" in Section 208, among others. A number of these measures drew fire from environmental and First Nations groups. Many bills affecting First Nations people have failed to be passed. Vision and Goals[edit] The founders of Idle No More outlined the vision and goals of the movement in a January 10, 2013 press release as follows: The press release also notes that "As a grassroots movement, clearly no political organization speaks for Idle No More".Furthermore, this is not just an Aboriginal Canadian movement. History[edit]

Hydraulic Fracturing of Oil & Gas Wells Drilled in Shale What is Hydraulic Fracturing? Hydraulic fracturing is a procedure that can increase the flow of oil or gas from a well. It is done by pumping liquids down a well into subsurface rock units under pressures that are high enough to fracture the rock. Hydraulic fracturing combined with horizontal drilling has turned previously unproductive organic-rich shales into the largest natural gas fields in the world. How Long Has Hydraulic Fracturing Been Used? The first use of hydraulic fracturing to stimulate oil and natural gas wells in the United States was done over 60 years ago. Successful Use of Hydraulic Fracturing in Shale In the early 1990s Mitchel Energy began using hydraulic fracturing to stimulate the production of natural gas from wells drilled into the Barnett Shale of Texas. Mitchel Energy realized that gas in the Barnett Shale was trapped in tiny pore spaces that were not interconnected. Hydraulic Fracturing in Other Shale Plays Fracturing Fluids Proppants Environmental Concerns

Revendications territoriales En général, il existe deux types de « revendications territoriales » par les Autochtones au Canada : les revendications globales et les revendications particulières. Les revendications globales concernent toujours des terres, mais les revendications particulières peuvent porter sur d'autres sujets. Revendications globales Les revendications globales portent sur la conclusion des traités qui n'est pas encore terminée au Canada. Revendications particulières Les revendications particulières portent sur des anciens griefs des Premières nations concernant les obligations du Canada en vertu de traités historiques ou la manière dont il a géré les fonds et les autres biens des Premières nations. Négociations Le Canada a établi pour la première fois des politiques sur les revendications autochtones en 1973, en même temps que les processus et le financement nécessaires aux négociations visant le règlement des revendications. Renseignements disponibles

Od vedomostí a činov k hodnotám a späť | Globálne vzdelá Vzdelávanie v súčasnosti čelí mnohým výzvam a viacerí odborníci na vzdelávanie volajú nie po evolúcii vzdelávania ale revolúcii vo vzdelávaní. Jedným z nich je aj Ken Robinson, ktorý tvrdí, že vzdelávať mladých ľudí v dnešnej globalizovanej dobe spôsobom, ktorý bol vytvorený v časoch osvietenstva a priemyselnej revolúcie nie je možné. Cieľom súčasného vzdelávacieho systému je klásť dôraz na intelekt, ktorý by mal byť využitý na ekonomické záujmy krajiny. Školský systém ako taký má veľa spoločného s výrobnými linkami, ktoré môžete nájsť v továrňach. Sú tam vopred predpísané prestávky, samostatne vyučované predmety ako jednotlivé prevádzky v továrni a existuje kategorizácia na základe veku, ako by sa jednalo o výrobky s rovnakým dátumom výroby. Do tohto systému sa snaží začleniť globálne vzdelávanie, ktoré svojimi princípmi má čo robiť, aby sa dokázalo vtesnať do kurikul. Od rozvojového ku globálnemu vzdelávaniu a ešte ďalej Miesto kritického myslenia v globálnom vzdelávaní Bibliografia:

l'Encyclopédie Canadienne Le Projet de la baie James, lancé en 1971 par Hydro-Québec et le gouvernement du Québec, est un gigantesque aménagement hydroélectrique sur la côte Est de la Baie James. Huit centrales sont construites en deux phases. Le Projet de la baie James, lancé en 1971 par Hydro-Québec et le gouvernement du Québec, est un gigantesque aménagement hydroélectrique sur la côte Est de la Baie James. Huit centrales sont construites en deux phases. Phase 1 La phase 1 du projet est réalisée au coût de 13,7 milliards et nécessite d’énormes captages d’eau des rivières Eastmain, Opinaca et Caniapiscau vers des réservoirs artificiels sur la Rivière la Grande. Les effets du projet de la baie James sur les peuples autochtones et l’environnement soulèvent une controverse. Phase 2 La phase 2 du projet commence en 1989 avec l’aménagement de LG-1 à l’embouchure de la rivière La Grande, à l’endroit où celle-ci se jette dans la baie James. Prochaine étape

Movements for civil rights Movements for civil rights were a worldwide series of political movements for equality before the law that peaked in the 1960s. In many situations it took the form of campaigns of civil resistance aimed at achieving change through nonviolent forms of resistance. In some situations it was accompanied, or followed, by civil unrest and armed rebellion. The process was long and tenuous in many countries, and many of these movements did not fully achieve their goals, although the efforts of these movements did lead to improvements in the legal rights of previously oppressed groups of people. The main aim of the movements for civil rights included ensuring that the rights of all people are equally protected by the law, including the rights of minorities, women's rights, and LGBT rights. Movement for civil rights in Northern Ireland NICRA originally had five main demands: Civil rights activists all over Northern Ireland soon launched a campaign of civil resistance. Canada's Quiet Revolution

Why the Pipeline Is an Environmental Disaster Waiting to Happen | Yan Roberts TransCanada Corp announced their "Energy East Pipeline" proposal this week, which would involve converting their existing 50-year-old natural gas mainline that runs across Northern Ontario into an oil pipeline that pumps an astronomical volume -- 850,000 barrels per day -- of tar sands oil East. Of course, this pipeline traverses many rivers and runs adjacent to many lakes across Northern Ontario -- it even runs through the drinking water supply for major cities. In North Bay for example, the pipeline runs right through the Trout Lake watershed (and actually crosses on the east-end of the lake), which is the source for the municipal drinking water that services 54,000 people. The environmental regulations -- as well as the municipal and land owner approvals that were required in the 1950s to build this natural gas pipeline -- should not be transferable to allow TransCanada to switch services and having this potentially become the largest oil pipeline in North America. Loading Slideshow

CSIA-Nitassinan African-American Civil Rights Movement (1954–68) The African-American Civil Rights Movement or 1960s Civil Rights Movement encompasses social movements in the United States whose goals were to end racial segregation and discrimination against black Americans and to secure legal recognition and federal protection of the citizenship rights enumerated in the Constitution and federal law. This article covers the phase of the movement between 1954 and 1968, particularly in the South. A wave of inner city riots in black communities from 1964 through 1970 undercut support from the white community. The emergence of the Black Power movement, which lasted from about 1966 to 1975, challenged the established black leadership for its cooperative attitude and its nonviolence, and instead demanded political and economic self-sufficiency. During the same time as African Americans were being disenfranchised, white Democrats imposed racial segregation by law. Characteristics of the post-Reconstruction period: Racial segregation.

What’s the Condition of the Pipeline Beneath the Straits of Mackinac: VIDEO from Wildlife Promise Enbridge markers for the 60-year-old pipelines located at the Straits of Mackinac. This past July, NWF conducted a diving expedition to obtain footage of aging oil pipelines strung across one of the most sensitive locations in the Great Lakes, and possibly the world: the Straits of Mackinac. Footage of these pipelines has never been released to the public until now. The Straits of Mackinac pipelines, owned by Enbridge Energy, are 60-years-old and considered one of the greatest threats to the Great Lakes because of their age, location, and the hazardous products they transport – including tar sands derived oil. For nearly two years, NWF has been pressing pipeline regulators and Enbridge to release information about the integrity of these pipelines, including inspection videos showing how the pipelines cross the Straits of Mackinac. Heightening our concern around this pipeline and the company that owns it: despite having cleared our dive work with the U.S.

Global Issues in English Language Learning

we think this web page is accurate because it informs us about the problems in the native societies. this website tells us what problems are more important than others because they organise protest for them. by lamarresebire Oct 8

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