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Writing Clojure With Vim In 2013 - It’s now 2013.

Writing Clojure With Vim In 2013 -

Vim is still my favorite text editor, and Clojure has become my favorite programming language. A couple of recent plugins have made writing Clojure in Vim an absolute joy. vim-clojure-static vim-clojure-static by Sung Pae is an extraction of the excellent VimClojure plugin. But it does a few things better. This sets up a great base for editing Clojure. Writing Clojure in Vim. (defn say-hello ([] (println "Hello there")) ([name] (println (str "Hello " name)))) Assume we want to remove our single argument variation of this function, and instead just leave the version with no arguments, resulting in a function that looks like this: (defn say-hello [] (println "Hello there"))

Writing Clojure in Vim

Usevim. Reloading tmux config. Tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet. Tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet start new: tmux start new with session name: tmux new -s myname attach: tmux a # (or at, or attach) attach to named: tmux a -t myname list sessions: tmux ls kill session: tmux kill-session -t myname Kill all the tmux sessions: tmux ls | grep : | cut -d.

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

In tmux, hit the prefix ctrl+b (my modified prefix is ctrl+a) and then: Sessions :new<CR> new session s list sessions $ name session Windows (tabs) c create window w list windows n next window p previous window f find window , name window & kill window Panes (splits) % vertical split " horizontal split o swap panes q show pane numbers x kill pane + break pane into window (e.g. to select text by mouse to copy) - restore pane from window ⍽ space - toggle between layouts <prefix> q (Show pane numbers, when the numbers show up type the key to goto that pane) <prefix> { (Move the current pane left) <prefix> } (Move the current pane right) <prefix> z toggle pane zoom Sync Panes :setw synchronize-panes Resizing Panes Copy mode: Misc Notes:

Cygwin Cheat Sheet - The Cygwin Console (i.e. the Cygwin Bash Shell) is where you will execute all your HTK/Julius commands and scripts, and your VoxForge scripts.

Cygwin Cheat Sheet -

It provides a Linux-like environment to execute your commands Starting Cygwin Open your Cygwin Console by clicking: Start>All Programs>Cygwin>Cygwin Bash Shell. Working with Directories. Christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator. Vim + tmux: A Perfect Match. Tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen. tmux may be detached from a screen and continue running in the background, then later reattached. – tmux manpage When I first heard of tmux I just assumed it was a beefed up version of screen.

vim + tmux: A Perfect Match

I had used screen many years ago in order to keep an IRC client logged in even if I was not connected to my shell. At the time I didn’t see much benefit in adding a tool like this to my development environment. For a long time I heard developers singing the praise of vim and tmux. Hearing about the release of iTerm2 2.0 and it’s integration with tmux sparked my interest in tmux and vim once again.

I have been using vim+tmux together for a couple of weeks now and there’s no looking back. Prerequisites brew install tmuxbrew install macvim --override-system-vim Download and install iTerm2 (optional) Out of the Box Create a session $ tmux new -s gaslight-blog Detach session Ctrl-b d. A First Vim Tutorial. Vim Cheat Sheet - English.