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HorlickComm : #LoveThisClass #speechfinal ... Demonstration speech ala Underhill. HorlickComm : What I did in school today. ......... Facial Expressions Test. Drew Dudley: Everyday leadership. Urban Legends, Hoaxes And Scams Archives. Urban Legends Reference Pages Think a story or tip might be made up?

Urban Legends, Hoaxes And Scams Archives

Great Quotes. Debate Introduction. I. Why debate? To learn how to think! A. Debate, the art of reasonable discussion of controversial topics, will help us all become morally aware and will enhance our ability to think critically. We will be better able take the perspective of others, and make thoughtful moral decisions for ourselves. 5 Tips on How to Construct a Lincoln Douglas Debate Case. Edit Article. Home. What's Going On in This Picture? Photo Updated: Nov. 20, 2012 Students: After looking closely at the image above (or at the full-size image here), think about the following three questions:

What's Going On in This Picture?

Create. Beacon Lesson Plan Library. Beacon Lesson Plan Library Vicky NicholsBay District Schools Description Beginning and ending are two of the most important parts of a speech!

Beacon Lesson Plan Library

The middle is rather important also. Students check out the importance of organizing a speech. Standards. Sarah Kay: If I should have a daughter ... Drama Strategies to Use With Any Day's Times (Part 1) Can school performance be measured fairly?

Drama Strategies to Use With Any Day's Times (Part 1)

The Room for Debate blog asks nine experts this question, and we’ve suggested ways students can engage with it through role-playing. Go to related Room for Debate post » We’re declaring this week Drama Week on the Learning Network, and each day we’ll show you some easy ways that teachers across subject areas can use simple theater exercises to spur discussion and thinking about current events. We’ve asked David Kener, a teacher and former executive director of the American Place Theater Literature to Life Program, to help, and together we’ll bring you a technique or resource every day this week. Script-writing tips and real examples. Here are a few script-writing tips and examples of real BBC scripts which teachers might find use to models for writing TV and radio news.

Script-writing tips and real examples

The sample scripts are from BBC Radio News. Decide how long your entire programme should be. A typical radio news bulletin is between two and three minutes long. Having allocated the total length of your programme, decide on the length of each report. Most people speak at three words a second, so the script for a 30-second report contains about 90 words. Think about your audience and use appropriate language. Write as you speak. Keep reading your scripts out loud to check how they sound. Avoid repeating the same word too often. Write any words which are tricky to pronounce phonetically.

Persuasive Speaking Thesis Statements. What this handout is about This handout describes what a thesis statement is, how thesis statements work in your writing, and how you can craft or refine one for your draft.

Thesis Statements

Introduction Writing in college often takes the form of persuasion—convincing others that you have an interesting, logical point of view on the subject you are studying. Persuasion is a skill you practice regularly in your daily life. You persuade your roommate to clean up, your parents to let you borrow the car, your friend to vote for your favorite candidate or policy. What is a thesis statement? A thesis statement: tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper.directly answers the question asked of you.

How to Write an "I Am" Poem. SDTV: Public Speaking Transcript. Introduction If you're like most people, then speaking in public gives you the heebie-jeebies.

SDTV: Public Speaking Transcript

Well, we're going to show you how to conquer that fear, organize your speech, and deliver it with style. Listening to Themselves: Podcasting Takes Lessons Beyond the Classroom. Broadcasting Learning: Using Apple's GarageBand, Brent Coley records what his student Joey says into his headset for a ColeyCast, their classroom podcast.

Listening to Themselves: Podcasting Takes Lessons Beyond the Classroom

Brent Coley's fifth-grade students' eyes light up when they learn that their schoolwork can be heard in Apple iTunes, the program that allows them to compile their favorite artists' music. Teacher Resources: Using Mnemonics and Music in School for Curriculums. Profile Rhythm, Rhyme, Results, LLC (RRR, pronounced “Triple R”) is a music producer and distributor headquartered in Cambridge, MA.

Teacher Resources: Using Mnemonics and Music in School for Curriculums

Launched in 2006, RRR focuses on producing and distributing the most entertaining and effective educational music on the planet. The company has won two Parents' Choice Awards, one each for its Science and Language Arts albums (the only music it submitted), as well as 5 stars from Common Sense Media. RRR’s in-house team works collaboratively with a network of creative professionals, including lyricists, composers, vocalists, and producers. Many are graduates of Harvard University and the Berklee College of Music and reside in New York, Boston, Atlanta, and beyond. The company distributes music and worksheets directly via downloads, CDs, and its own streaming music service for teachers and schools. The Challenge.