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26 Habits to live in a lighter and more sustainable way on the Planet. 22.

26 Habits to live in a lighter and more sustainable way on the Planet

Esteja na moda ecologicamente Todos os anos são produzidos globalmente mil milhões de peças de roupa, enquanto se gastam anualmente cerca de 500 mil milhões de euros em roupas que são pouco usadas e que raramente são recicladas. A cada segundo, o equivalente a um camião do lixo com têxteis é depositado num aterro ou queimado. Com base nas tendências atuais, em 2050 a indústria da moda irá usar um quarto do orçamento de carbono do Planeta. O confinamento fez com que muitos de nós deixássemos de lado a nossa obsessão por roupas, mas se quiser comprar roupas novas, evite a “moda rápida” e opte por itens de qualidade e produzidos de forma ética, feitos com materiais de baixo impacto. 23.

Devido à habitação humana, à pecuária e à agricultura, resta menos de 5% de uma Europa verdadeiramente selvagem. 24. O termo “e-lixo” não abrange apenas portáteis e smartphones – muitos dos nossos aparelhos domésticos também acabam por definhar em aterros sanitários. 25. 26. Appropedia. “It’s a Spectrum” Doesn’t Mean What You Think. Everyone knows that autism is a spectrum.

“It’s a Spectrum” Doesn’t Mean What You Think

People bring it up all the time. “My son is on the severe end of the autism spectrum.” “We’re all a little autistic– it’s a spectrum.” “I’m not autistic but I’m definitely ‘on the spectrum.'” If only people knew what a spectrum is… because they are talking about autism all wrong. Let’s use the visible spectrum as an example. As you can see, the various parts of the spectrum are noticeably different from each other. Red is not “more blue” than blue is. When people discuss colours, they don’t talk about how “far along” the spectrum a colour is. But when people talk about autism they talk as if it were a gradient, not a spectrum at all. People think you can be “a little autistic” or “extremely autistic,” the way a paint colour could be a little red or extremely red. But autism isn’t that simple.

Autism isn’t a set of defined symptoms that collectively worsen as you move “up” the spectrum. That’s because autism isn’t one condition. Person One. (3) Cohabitat TV. The High Price of Materialism. Sustainability is unhelpful: we need to think about regeneration. For 25 years, sustainable development has been held up as the solution to the world's problems.

Sustainability is unhelpful: we need to think about regeneration

But instead we have had ever more pollution, biodiversity loss and climate change. The concept of sustainability has been abused like few other terms in history. It is time to think not just about sustaining the world's badly damaged ecosystems and human communities, but about regenerating them instead. Sustainable development (SD) has been a global orthodoxy ever since it was agreed as a guiding principle for collective human action in the runup to the 1992 Rio Earth Summit.

The official definition is well known: "Sustainable development … meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. " SD is a concept to which few people would object; most of us would agree that we should not live as if there were no tomorrow. In the past 25 years, only lip-service has been paid to SD, particularly around the use of fossil fuels.

Worldwatch Institute. EARTH-BASED WISDOM: LEARNING THE ORIGINAL IDEA FROM THE LIVING EARTH. Posted Categories: Inspiration For custom Web design needs, call Tech Distress (Click Here)!


I found this article an interesting read, it looks at our modern society and at the traditional peoples we once were. These traditions “are what shaped us and caused us to be what we are now,” writes Jared Diamond in The World Until Yesterday. The modern lifestyle and comforts are "new" in the history of humans. We must relearn and reconnect, living in harmony with everything that surrounds us; with the people and the living planet which we are part of. 10 Practices Showing That "Sustainability" is More Than Just a Buzzword! Sustainability is the buzzword that’s making the world a better place!

10 Practices Showing That "Sustainability" is More Than Just a Buzzword!

You have probably realized that the way we manage our resources is gaining more space in the media and transforming our means of production and development. On the other hand, you may also have bought some products being advertised as sustainable and, later, discovered that certain stages of their production were contrary to this principle. A sustainable world. Image credit: Gabe McIntyre; CC 2.0 You may wonder if sustainability is just another marketing ploy or whether it is being seriously practiced. So, to better understand how individuals, designers, environmentalists, and communities are using this concept, you should read the following 10 practices that are among the most important examples of sustainability. 10.

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