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Protect yourself against internal radiation damage with calcium, selenium. 22 Signs That The Thin Veneer Of Civilization That We All Take For Granted Is Starting To Disappear. By Michael In order for a society to function, there has to be a certain level of trust. Each day when we leave our homes, we take for granted that most people are not going to attack us for no reason, that there will only be isolated incidents of theft in our community and that rioting and violence are not going to erupt in the streets. Whether we realize it or not, we depend on the fact that the vast majority of the people around us are going to act in a civilized manner. Unfortunately, the thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted is starting to disappear.

When I was growing up, I was taught that challenging times reveal our true character. Greed, corruption and extreme self-centeredness have deeply infected our society. Our nation is breaking down on every level. Unfortunately, as I write about nearly every day, there are a whole host of indications that our economy is about to get even worse. . #22 Be careful who you befriend online. 55 Preparedness Items - Modern Survival Blog – surviving uncertain times. July 31, 2013, by Ken Jorgustin There are countless survival preparedness items (preps) that you can store ahead of time (before potential disaster) for use during and after the emergency, disaster, or a SHTF collapse.

This list of 55 preparedness items (or categories) purposely avoids some of the preps that you might expect to see and is not intended to be a list of essentials or to be all-inclusive in any way. In fact, the list is intended to get you thinking ‘outside-the-box’ about your own needs for preps – to think of things beyond that of just rice-and-beans, bullets and band-aids. In no particular order… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 5-Gallon Gas Can Containers. Captain Dave's Survival Links. Latest Survival Links Survival Links Frugal Squirrel's Page for Survivalists and Patriots .

Captain Dave's Survival Links

A wealth of information for the survivalist. Ken Larson's Wild Foods, Foraging, Home steading, Self-Reliance, Disaster Preparedness and Survival Resources . Good information on these interesting topics. Nyerges School of Self Reliance . Triple Ought - A Novel . Thoughts on Being Prepared , a site by Fred, a frequent contributor to the Survival Talk bulletin Board Anthrax Biological Toxin FAQ, just what the doctor ordered when Saddam is threatening us with weapons of mass destruction. Terri's home page , with a wealth of links and resources on home schooling, self sufficiency and plenty more links.

Latest Earthquake Information. SURVIVAL AND SELF-SUFFICIENCY LINKS. Survival Seeds - The Survival Seed Bank Provides a Lifetime Food Solution for Families. Surviving The Economic Collapse 2009. Take The Red Or The Blue Pill Like El Toro: Your Choice . . .

Surviving The Economic Collapse 2009

Hi Toro: Quote: Originally Posted by Toro There is a lot of evidence right now that though the economy is still bad and perhaps getting a bit worse, there are many signs that the rate of decline is slowing or even beginning to improve a bit. No. Those people part of the ‘conspiracy,’ that you are ignoring, have paid Media LIARS to convince you that the rate of decline is slowing. Virtually everyone whom I talk to doesn't believe this. Stop trying to delude yourself and everyone else here. Survival! That's the opposite of what people thought 18 months ago, when everyone thought subprime would be a small issue and the global economy would keep growing. My sources have been warning about the coming U.S.

Thus, for the economy to plunge into what you think is the Greatest Depression ever, then what has to happen must be much, much greater than what has happened so far. No. Martial Law In Effect – New World Order Is Here Quote: Terral.