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Biggest Parent Communication Mistakes (plus how to fix them) I spend a lot of intentional time building relationships with my students’ parents, and I still get some flack.

Biggest Parent Communication Mistakes (plus how to fix them)

Angry messages from parents send a white heat through my body … what about you? It’s difficult to not take things personally in education. Communication has many moving parts and it’s easy to misstep, but you can minimize the damage. Aider tous les élèves à participer à l'oral. Est-ce que dans votre classe on retrouve parfois le schéma classique ?

Aider tous les élèves à participer à l'oral

Le maître / la maîtresse pose une questionAu mieux : Les élèves qui savent lèvent le doigt, vous les interrogez, ils répondentAu pire : Les élèves qui savent répondent plus vite que leur ombre, avant même que quiconque ait pu amorcer un levage de doigt (ou une quelconque réflexion)De temps en temps : Vous interrogez un élève "au hasard" (mais pas vraiment, puisque vous essayez de choisir celui qui risque de s'endormir) et 95% du temps il est incapable de répondre car son esprit était parti à 20 000 lieues de la classe. Si je récapitule, le nombre d'élèves réellement engagés dans le questionnement est souvent loin des 100%. Livret de la confiance en soi.pdf. J'ai confiance en moi !

Livret de la confiance en soi.pdf

Auxorigines (Mon prénom, sesorigines Mon animal totem et ses significations) Tuvas écrireune listedequalitésque l'on te reconnaît, 10 Classroom Procedures that Will Save Your Sanity - Teach 4 the Heart. Tear Down Your Behavior Chart! Tips For Taking Your Back to School Welcome Letter from Meh to Wow! It’s that time again, the steep summer slide into another new school year.

Tips For Taking Your Back to School Welcome Letter from Meh to Wow!

Time to purchase back-to-school supplies and get your learning space put back together. Checklist for Turning in Work: This Free Poster Will Stop Students From Rushing Through Their Work. Sometimes, classwork feels like a race among students, doesn’t it?

Checklist for Turning in Work: This Free Poster Will Stop Students From Rushing Through Their Work

They want to get through it quickly so they can move on to the next task. We feel your pain. Making Transitions Work for Students and Teachers. Rules and Routines in the Classroom. Follow Through Rules have consequences, and routines have reminders.

Rules and Routines in the Classroom

What worked for me was far fewer rules and many, many more routines and procedures. Once you make a rule, you have to stick with it. Students will expect a warning, a second warning, and then a consequence. Responding to Disruptive Students. “Behavior is communication. Why I Don’t Have Classroom Rules.

However, while I was clearing my credential, working with mentor teachers to reflect on my practice, and finding out how real students differed from theoretical ones, I also spent long hours after school with the speech and debate team reading philosophy and theory and talking about innovative alternatives for national defense, natural resource allocation, and, of course, education.

That led me to some uncomfortable conclusions. Although I encouraged my students to think critically and challenged myself to develop new methods of instruction, the actual conduct of the class seemed at odds with all that. I wanted my students to do more than just follow rules handed down to them. I wanted them to understand why those rules exist, and be willing to interrogate ones that didn’t seem valuable, meaningful, or useful.

Getting Started So I gradually abolished formal management protocols. To be honest, I was terrified. Créer une relation empathique et chaleureuse en classe : pourquoi ? comment ? Dans leur livre La discipline positive en classe, Jane Nelsen et Lynn Lott insistent sur les bienfaits d’une une atmosphère bienveillante en classe.

Créer une relation empathique et chaleureuse en classe : pourquoi ? comment ?

Développez l'empathie à  l'école et au collège. The Classroom Management Secret, and 45 Other Keys to a Well-Behaved Classroom by Michael Linsin. Miss Giraffe's Class: 25 Chatty Class Classroom Management Strategies for Overly Talkative Students. Have a chatty class?

Miss Giraffe's Class: 25 Chatty Class Classroom Management Strategies for Overly Talkative Students

Do your talkative students get louder and louder during small groups until it feels like chaos? Do they talk when you're talking then ask you what the directions were as soon as you finish? Don't worry. This is totally normal. And completely fixable. Here are some simple but effective classroom management strategies for taming talkative students and getting that side chatter under control! 1. This works like a charm. 2. Giving Students Think Time. How long do you think teachers pause, on average, after asking a question?

Several studies from the 1970s on have looked into the effect that the amount of time teachers pause after asking a question has on learners. In visiting many classrooms in the United States and other parts of the world, I’ve found that, with few exceptions, these studies are still accurate. For example, according to work done by Mary Budd Rowe in 1972 and Robert J. Stahl in 1994, pausing for three or more seconds showed a noticeable positive impact on learning. Yet the average length that teachers pause was found to be 0.9 seconds. Wow. Compétences sociales à l’école : apprendre à vivre ensemble ? Apprendre à vivre ensemble est considéré comme l’un des apprentissages prioritaires de l’école élémentaire.

Compétences sociales à l’école : apprendre à vivre ensemble ?

Cet objectif se poursuit dans le secondaire si l’on se réfère aux textes officiels, en particulier au socle commun de connaissances, de compétences et de culture [1] élaboré en 2015. Aujourd’hui, en France, le Diplôme National du Brevet vient sanctionner l’acquisition des compétences décrites dans le socle dont notamment les compétences sociales citées dans le domaine 3 qui visent la formation de la personne et du citoyen : « l’élève exprime ses sentiments et ses émotions en utilisant un vocabulaire précis. Mindfulness for Teachers - A Guide for Educators. Teaching is a juggling act.

Mindfulness for Teachers - A Guide for Educators

Days are filled with never-ending to-do lists of lessons, assessments, meetings, and more, not to mention the care and attention we give to dozens of children every day. With all of the demands of the job, it’s easy to see how teachers become exhausted and unbalanced. Classroom Rules Posters Featuring Lovable Puppies. When you want to make classroom rules fun, it’s time to cue the cute puppies! In honor of National Puppy Day (March 23), we created these classroom rules posters featuring some of the most lovable and huggable dogs and puppies. We made them all available as PDFs, so you can print them out and use them anywhere in your school or classroom. Just click on the download now link under each poster. They will look great on a 8.5×11 sheet. Checklist for Turning in Work: This Free Poster Will Stop Students From Rushing Through Their Work. Trois devises de la résistance non violente : comment la pratiquer face à des enfants opposants ? Why Restorative Justice Is About More Than Reducing Suspensions.

Safe Spaces Should Be a Part of Every Classroom, and Here's Why. Once Tiffany Lane created a safe space in her classroom, she knew she’d never go without one again. “The concept was introduced to me in my second year of teaching, and I’ve used it ever since,” she says. Take a look at this video to see the space in action in Lane’s classroom. Lane is a fourth and fifth grade teacher at the Faubion School in Portland, Oregon, and she is a big supporter of safe spaces in classrooms.

But what are safe spaces exactly? Lane describes them as designated areas where kids can choose to go to calm down, take time to process, or just be alone.