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How to Need Less Sleep by Getting Better Sleep Every Night. Beat Insomnia with Blue Energy. Find Your Perfect Bedtime and Get the Right Amount of Sleep. @wechselrichter: So true.

Find Your Perfect Bedtime and Get the Right Amount of Sleep

Sleep: 8 hours Work: 9 hours (8 hours work + lunch) Get ready in the morning: 1 hour Commute: 1 hour (half hour each way from leaving my door till sitting at my desk) Exercise: 1 hour (could be 1.5 or 2) Supper: 1 hour That leaves 3 hours. Start to see the benefit of: -Exercising on the way to/from work (walk / bike to work) -Reading / watching TV shows while commuting on bus or train -Combining trips so you go to the gym or do errands on the way home from work to save a precious 15 minutes of time -Batch cooking Also see how much of a waste of time a couple hours of TV, or a couple hours aimlessly surfing the internet is. I would LOVE to bike or train to work, but I live 25 miles of highway away... in a town with abysmal public transportation. Yep, sounds about right. How to Need Less Sleep by Getting Better Sleep Every Night. 5 Reasons Why You Should Take a Nap Every Day. I am a habitual nap-taker.

5 Reasons Why You Should Take a Nap Every Day

I take one almost every day and have for years. I used to feel a little guilty about it—like I was slacking off or something. Then Sam Moore, my predecessor at Thomas Nelson, admitted to me he too was a napper. “Every day after lunch, I lie down on the sofa in my office,” he recounted. “I hold my car keys in my right hand and let my hand hang toward the floor. Napping Celebrities I then discovered many other successful people who were nappers: Leonardo da Vinci took multiple naps a day and slept less at night. Could these successful leaders know something you don’t? Are you ready to stop drifting and design a life you love? Napping Benefits I suggest you seriously consider taking a daily nap for the following five reasons: A nap restores alertness.

Napping Tips I typically take a twenty-minute nap right after lunch. While working in a motor shop in college, I would eat lunch in my car and then lie down in the back seat. Exercise: a requirement for sleep? Recently I have struggled to get to sleep at night.

Exercise: a requirement for sleep?

When I need to be up at 8 and working away on either my own projects or exciting client projects by 9 it is vital that I wake up refreshed and ready for a challenging day. So why am I having trouble sleeping? Busy lifestyle pushes exercise aside In the last few weeks I’ve found myself a lot busier than usual - client projects and multiple side projects of my own. As a result, I’ve not been exercising as much as I usually do. Tired? I’m mentally drained from the day’s work, but physically I have just been sat at a desk all day and I have too much energy to fall asleep.

Does exercise have an impact? After around a week and a half away from the gym, one evening I decided enough was enough and I went and swam 50 lengths. A simple search on Google reveals many results similar to this one: Exercise is important for a healthy life. Quality of sleep That point could easily be overlooked in that last quote. Creating a sleep ritual. My first post on this blog was one where I pondered whether exercise is a requirement for sleep.

Creating a sleep ritual

The post was actually triggered by my inability to sleep, and I wrote it in the middle of the night. Since then, I have made a number of adjustments and I now sleep much better, so I’d like to share what I’ve changed. Why create a sleep ritual? As an early stage startup founder, I’ve found the emotional ups and downs to be incredible. In my experience so far in building my latest startup, there have been many different events which have caused a huge amount of joyful moments, and there are undeniably times when you wonder how you are going to progress and how you are going to handle the sheer chaos in which you’ve chosen to live. In my experience, you have enough against you if you’re running a startup that feeling exhausted for the majority of every day is not a wise idea. What is a sleep ritual? I learned about rituals from The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwarz. How Much Sleep Do You Really Need to Work Productively?

How to Reboot Your Sleep Cycle and Get the Rest You Deserve.