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01.-Ebook_guide-to-choosing-a-new-kitten. What to Do (and NOT Do) If You Find a Newborn Kitten. During kitten season, it’s not unusual to discover a nest of unattended kittens or a single kitten seemingly abandoned by his/her mother.

What to Do (and NOT Do) If You Find a Newborn Kitten

(Photo by Ken Hanly) by Valerie Sicignano, NYC Feral Cat Initiative During high kitten season in the spring and summer, it’s not unusual to discover a nest of unattended kittens or a single kitten seemingly abandoned by the mother. You want to help, right? Before jumping to the rescue, consider these recommendations. First: Wait & Watch You might have come across the kittens while their mother is off searching for food, or is in the process of moving them to a different location.

To do this, stand far away from the kittens — 35 feet or more. If you need to leave before the mother cat comes back, carefully evaluate whether the kittens are in immediate danger: Is it raining or snowing? The mother cat offers her kittens’ best chance for survival, so wait and watch as long as you can. Thecatniptimes. 3 Amazing Ways To Honor A Cat That Has Passed Away - Saying goodbye to someone you love is one of the hardest things that you will ever deal with in life.

And that’s not just for humans, but also for our furry family members. Losing a cat many times leaves an irreplaceable hole in our heart, regardless of all the memories that you have of times cherished together. But thankfully, there are ways to commemorate and honor our best friends. And most importantly, we need to remember them for who they were and the endless joy and love they brought to our lives. Teddy. Romania TV. Animalist - 10 Reasons to Adopt a Black Cat. Gato malo. Under The Paw - Timeline Photos.

AnimalNova.Com - Photos du journal. Kitty Kan - Photos du journal. Photos du journal - Moodý Photography. Hitz 247 - Photos du journal. Photos du journal - C.A.A. - Cat Addicts Anony-mouse. Photos du journal - Mat Best MBest11x. Can Your Cat See Into Other Dimensions? 5 tips for pet photography - PetSpot. Proud parents are often looking for the perfect picture to capture their beloved pets, but it’s not always as simple as ‘hold and snap’.

5 tips for pet photography - PetSpot

Sometimes our pets can be difficult subjects, here are some tips to get them camera ready and camera friendly. My pet has died. How can I commemorate it? - PetSpot. Life without your beloved pet may seem impossible, even after they’ve passed away.

My pet has died. How can I commemorate it? - PetSpot

Here are some ways you can honour your pet’s life and help you and your family process the loss. The intense grief we feel at the loss of a pet can be paralysing the same way the loss of a close friend or family member can be. What plants are toxic for cats? - PetSpot. Plants or flowers often give that bright feeling to a home, but if you own a cat, that beautiful plant could become a dreary enemy.

What plants are toxic for cats? - PetSpot

Particular plants are toxic to cats and should be avoided at all times in your home. While in some cases, just parts of a plant might be poisonous, this common list of plants rules out the whole plant all together. Aloe Vera While great for soothing human burns, it’s not so nice for our furry friends causing vomiting, depression, diarrhoea, anorexia, tremors, and a urine colour change. Safe Holiday Reminder: Foods Toxic To Cats - CatTime. (Photo Credit: Cats Protection League) Cats have a reputation for being finicky, but some of them are willing to try anything.

Safe Holiday Reminder: Foods Toxic To Cats - CatTime

Cantaloupe, tomato sauce, and scrambled eggs are just a few feline favorites. Decipher Your Cat's Body Language With This Helpful Infographic. 11.4K 13ShareNew We've already covered decoding your dog's body language, but what about your cat?

Decipher Your Cat's Body Language With This Helpful Infographic

Black cats get a bad rap: one photographer is changing that. Black cats are sometimes associated with bad luck and evil omens but if you own a black cat you’ll know that’s all rubbish.

Black cats get a bad rap: one photographer is changing that

You’ll also know black cats are beautiful and majestic as heck. One photographer aims to change the bad rap black cats have had over the years by photographing them at the West L.A. animal shelter. Meet Casey Elise, a talented photographer who’s changing the way black cats are perceived throughout the LA community. We asked her a few questions about her awesome work with the West LA animal shelter (and how to snap the perfect pic of your pet!). When did you start photographing animals at the West Los Angeles animal shelter? FIV-Feline Immunodeficiency Virus: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment - CatTime. (Photo Credit: Shutterstock) Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) belongs to the family retroviridae.

FIV-Feline Immunodeficiency Virus: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment - CatTime

It is an infectious disease found in cats and is similar to the HIV virus found in humans. FIV weakens the immune system of the infected animal and makes it susceptible to infections and diseases that do not normally attack healthy cats. Why dead pets matter. The house feels quiet and empty, pulsing with that deafening silence specific to death.

Why dead pets matter

We are a family in mourning. Last Friday morning, five of us got into the car and drove away in the sad knowledge that only four of us would be coming home. We were taking a much loved family member to “Switzerland”, otherwise known as the vet (we hoped a little gallows humour might render the impending ordeal more bearable.) Sox, our cat, who had been diagnosed with cancer four months previously, was now in pain – the time had come to do the “kind” thing.

Fourteen years ago, our son, Oscar, and I chose Sox for Francesca, our daughter. 22 real cat struggles we all go through. Cats and Claws – Living Happily Ever After : Cats R Cool. Cat Mojo with Jackson GalaxyThis article originally appeared on, and was written by Jackson Galaxy and Holistic Veterinarian Dr.

Cats and Claws – Living Happily Ever After : Cats R Cool

Jean Hofve. Claws are a physically, socially, and emotionally vital part of every cat. Scratching, for a cat, is not only a natural act, but a necessary one as well. Here’s why. It removes the dead outer sheaths of nail, keeping it sharp and ready for action.It is an essential exercise technique which serves to stretch and strengthen their upper bodies.Cats mark their territory visually, especially in multi–cat households, as a way of determining rank.Between your cat’s toes are scent glands which leave her “signature” when she scratches.Scratching is an essential element of cats’ communication, problem-solving, health, and security issues. We’re left then with a re–phrasing of the popular question, “How do I get my cat to stop scratching?” The ‘Yes’ Techniques. - The Ultimate Site for CAT LOVERS. This is the world’s oldest living cat. Anyone who owns a cat knows how human-like they can be. They’re playful, inquisitive, they assert their dominance and get grumpy when not fed. This makes it easy to forget just how short their lives can be. On average, cats live around 15 years. If they’re lucky, they grow to be 20 or even 25. However just last week the Guinness Book of World Record’s named the world’s oldest cat. Courtesy: The Dodo Purchased in 1988 at just seven weeks old, Tiffany Two is the oldest cat known to ever live. Cat hazards - fact sheet. Kenny & Eric. Eric. Kenny.