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Love and fear

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The Science Of Conquering Your Fears, by Carolyn Gregoire. Aristotle believed courage to be the most important quality in a man.

The Science Of Conquering Your Fears, by Carolyn Gregoire

“Courage is the first of human virtues because it makes all others possible," he wrote. Today, it's one of the more neglected areas of positive psychology, but recent research has begun to move toward an understanding of what courage is and how we might be able to cultivate the ability to face our fear and make decisions with greater fortitude. Neuroscientists recently determined just how courage works in the brain, finding that a region called the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (sgACC) is the driving force behind courageous acts -- a conclusion which could one day prove useful in treating anxiety disorders. So how can we train our minds to act more courageously in everyday life?

Other recent research on courage, which has shown that's it's not just about facing fear, but also about coping with risk and uncertainty (as Ernest Hemingway put it, courage is "grace under pressure. ") Prayer of Forgiveness. Loving kindness – it just takes practice. Want to meditate but don’t know how?

Loving kindness – it just takes practice.

Try these step-by-step instructions on “loving kindness meditation” from author Barbara Fredrickson. Flickr/Wiertz Sebastian. Some rights reserved. According to Barbara Fredrickson, exercises like loving kindness meditation can help to pull us out of self-absorption and see others in their full humanity, not as a means to an end. That’s the basis for non-exploitative relationships. Try This Meditation Practice: Loving Kindness. 20 Scientific Reasons to Start Meditating Today: New research shows meditation boosts your health, happiness, and success! - Emma Seppala Ph.D.

19Sep I started meditating soon after 9/11. I was living in Manhattan, an already chaotic place, at an extremely chaotic time. I realized I had no control over my external environment. But the one place I did have a say over was my mind, through meditation. What Inspires Me: The Power of Myth. The Unexpected Antidote to Procrastination, by Peter Bregman. A recent early morning hike in Malibu, California, led me to a beach, where I sat on a rock and watched surfers.

The Unexpected Antidote to Procrastination, by Peter Bregman

I marveled at these courageous men and women who woke before dawn, endured freezing water, paddled through barreling waves, and even risked shark attacks, all for the sake of, maybe, catching an epic ride. After about 15 minutes, it was easy to tell the surfers apart by their style of surfing, their handling of the board, their skill, and their playfulness. What really struck me though, was what they had in common. No matter how good, how experienced, how graceful they were on the wave, every surfer ended their ride in precisely the same way: By falling.

Some had fun with their fall, while others tried desperately to avoid it. But here's what I found most interesting: The only difference between a failure and a fizzle was the element of surprise. Chess compassion discipline. Declaration of principles. Spirit warriors. --by Dugu Choegyal ( Jun 03, 2013 ) There comes a time when all life on Earth is in danger.

spirit warriors

Great barbarian powers have arisen. Although these powers spend their wealth in preparations to annihilate one another, they have much in common: weapons of unfathomable destructive power, and technologies that lay waste our world. In this era, when the future of sentient life hangs by the frailest of threads, the Shambhala warriors appear. The warriors have no home. The Shambhala warriors are armed only with the weapons of compassion and insight. With that wisdom we see that the battle is not between "good guys" and "bad guys," because the line between good and evil runs through every human heart. Ladder to the Pleiades. The Good Fight. Listening and conflict. I was running late.

listening and conflict

My wife Eleanor and I had agreed to meet at the restaurant at seven o’clock and it was already half past. I had a good excuse in the form of a client meeting that ran over and I wasted no time getting to the dinner as fast as possible. When I arrived at the restaurant, I apologized and told her I didn’t mean to be late. She answered: “You never mean to be late.” “Sorry,” I retorted, “but it was unavoidable.” That dinner didn’t turn out to be our best.

Several weeks later, when I was describing the situation to a friend of mine, Ken Hardy, a professor of family therapy, he smiled. “You made a classic mistake,” he told me. Stressed look less attractive. Authors e-mail: Recent studies suggest that facial attractiveness indicates immune responsiveness in men and that this relationship is moderated by stress hormones which interact with testosterone levels.

Stressed look less attractive

However, studies testing whether facial attractiveness in women signals their immune responsiveness are lacking. Here, we photographed young Latvian women, vaccinated them against hepatitis B and measured the amount of specific antibodies produced, cortisol levels and percentage body fat. Latvian men rated the attractiveness of the women's faces. Our magic moment. The Science of Love. Ten Things You Might Not Know About Love.