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Organizations, agencies, assn.'s etc. Acoustic Rainbow - Get Your Music Heard. NSAI - It All Begins With A Song. About Us, Welcome to Dog Star Music - Amazing Info for Indie Artists and Songwriters! We are looking for top quality instrumental "Production Music" Dog Star Music now acts as an agent between you the composer and a well-known production music company.

Welcome to Dog Star Music - Amazing Info for Indie Artists and Songwriters!

All you need to do is send us a CD of your unpublished instrumental tracks; all styles will be considered. We will review them and, if they "make the cut", we will present them to this company with our recommendations. If they agree that your tracks are as good as we say they are, they will contact you directly to complete the deal. The Production Music industry puts together collections of instrumental music on CD's and makes them available to the film, TV, and media industry for easy, hassle free use. If you've ever wanted to know how to generate extra money through the internet, click here. How To Perform In Second Life. By: Jerry A.

How To Perform In Second Life

Greene A new opportunity is cropping up on the internet for musicians: the ability to play virtual concerts over the internet. The most popular place to find these concerts, is in the very popular game, "Second Life". Performing Options You can choose to perform live, or stream mp3 files ripped off your latest CD. Hosting The Stream Yourself The one main issue that you will have to deal with, is computing power, namely in the form of bandwidth. IceCast and ShoutCast. The Big Takeover. Resource for Independent Music, Film and Advertising Agencies. Get Your Songs Recorded & Find A Music Publisher: Tips from a music industry insider. 10 WAYS TO GET YOUR SONGS HEARD by John Braheny Now that you've got that great song written and demoed, it deserves to be recorded so you can start earning the compensation you so richly deserve.

In the broad scheme of things, there are two ways to get your songs recorded. Band With a Mission ~ A&R. Artist Signup. Create an Artist Profile. LP33: New Music - Discover, Enjoy, Share. Ubetoo - Entertainment Unsigned - Streaming Music and Video. What I would do with a pile of money to spend on an artist? This is my response to Eric Galen’s post titled “What would YOU do with freedom and a healthy budget to break a new artist?”

What I would do with a pile of money to spend on an artist?

Eric, To generate a return for your investors, you probably need 1,000,000 people to click their mouse three times. How hard can that be? In fact, every artist is just three clicks (times 100,000 or so people) away from financial independence. Here are the clicks: Click one is the click that leads to discovery of a song or artist. There are many ways to discover music that only require a single click; here’s one: when a receptive music consumer (one whom is open to, and an early adopter of unknown songs) clicks the ‘recommend’ button (attached to some music site or service) to obtain a recommended playlist of new songs. Click two is the easiest click to obtain; it’s simply the click of the play button. Click three is the hardest click to obtain; click three is the ‘meaningful’ click.

So you need meaningful clicks. But that doesn’t stop promoters from buying clicks… Free MP3 music download and much, much more. Julia Lucafo on™ Long Tail. An example of a power law graph showing popularity ranking. To the right (yellow) is the long tail; to the left (green) are the few that dominate. In this example, the areas of both regions are equal. In statistics, a long tail of some distributions of numbers is the portion of the distribution having a large number of occurrences far from the "head" or central part of the distribution. The distribution could involve popularities, random numbers of occurrences of events with various probabilities, etc.[1] A probability distribution is said to have a long tail, if a larger share of population rests within its tail than would under a normal distribution.

A long-tail distribution will arise with the inclusion of many values unusually far from the mean, which increase the magnitude of the skewness of the distribution.[2][3] A long-tailed distribution is a particular type of heavy-tailed distribution. Statistical meaning[edit] Chris Anderson and Clay Shirky[edit] Academic research[edit] Wholesale CD Music and Wholesale DVD Movies Distributor:

Songtrust. Songtrust. Digital Club Network. TuneCore : Digital Music Distribution – Sell Your Music Online. TuneCore : Digital Music Distribution – Sell Your Music Online. Musicians, promote & share your music to millions for free - rhythmshare. - Professional Mixing Services. Ioda: independent online distribution alliance. Concert Tickets, Reviews, Concert Tours and Live Music Shows. Go See Live Music > JamBase.

Management. Richard GottehrerFondateur & Directeur de la Création Richard Gottehrer est le cofondateur et le directeur de la création de The Orchard.


Il a commencé sa carrière dans la musique en tant parolier, signant quelques standards tels que “My Boyfriend’s Back” et “I Want Candy”, et a été membre du groupe The Strangeloves dans les années 60. En 1966, il cofonde le label indépendant Sire Records avec le fameux Seymour Stein. Plus tard, Richard s’impose comme un producteur certifié multi-platine dans le cadre de ses collaborations avec des groupes comme Blondie, The Go-Go’s, The Raveonettes et Joan Armatrading avant de cofonder The Orchard en 1997. Aujourd’hui, à la tête de Blue Horizon Records, l’un des labels phares de The Orchard, Richard supervise les enregistrements de The Black Angels, Scoundrels et Dion.

Il produit également The Dum Dum Girls pour Sub Pop. Distribute and Sell Your CD through, eStore or as Amazon MP3. About Us. The DIY team // indie co-op. CreateSpace: Self Publishing and Free Distribution for Books, CD, DVD.