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Self Development

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How To Be Motivated: 4 New Insights From Research. Sometimes there is not enough coffee in universe to get you going.

How To Be Motivated: 4 New Insights From Research

How to be motivated is something we all struggle with at some time or another. Or, um, daily. Motivation is such a mystery. It’s a feeling and we understand it so poorly it feels impossible to do anything about it. Is there anyone who can unravel the science of how motivation works and tell us what to do? Dan Pink wrote the book on motivation. He’s the New York Times bestselling author of Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. His books have sold more than 2 million copies. How To Motivate Yourself: 3 Steps Backed By Science. You make goals… but then you procrastinate.

How To Motivate Yourself: 3 Steps Backed By Science

You write a to-do list… but then you don’t follow through. And this happens again and again and again. Seriously, what’s the problem? How To Be Motivated: 4 New Insights From Research. How To Stop Being Lazy And Get More Done - 5 Expert Tips. Before we commence with the festivities, I wanted to thank everyone for helping my first book become a Wall Street Journal bestseller. To check it out, click here. Some days the to-do list seems bottomless. Just looking at it is exhausting. THE SCIENCE OF CHARACTER Periodic Table Poster – The Moxie Institute Film Studio. Marcus Aurelius Quotes (Author of Meditations) (page 4 of 19) 40 Quotes that Will Quiet Your Mind.

Post written by: Angel Chernoff Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work.

40 Quotes that Will Quiet Your Mind

12 Indispensable Mindful Living Tools. By Leo Babauta The focus of my life in recent months has been living mindfully, and while I don’t always remember to do that, I have learned a few things worth sharing.

12 Indispensable Mindful Living Tools

The first is a mindful life is worth the effort. It’s a life where we awaken from the dream state we’re most often submerged in — the state of having your mind anywhere but the present moment, locked in thoughts about what you’re going to do later, about something someone else said, about something you’re stressing about or angry about. 9-powerful-habits-for-getting-important-things-done-and-building-your-willpower- We all know that sinking feeling.


A deadline is drawing closer and you haven't even started yet. » 9 Mindfulness Rituals to Make Your Day Better. “Smile, breathe and go slowly.” - Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Buddhist monk Post written by Leo Babauta.

» 9 Mindfulness Rituals to Make Your Day Better

Are you simply moving through your day, without fully living? I did this for many years. » 9 Mindfulness Rituals to Make Your Day Better. Taming the Mammoth: Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think. We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline viewing.

Taming the Mammoth: Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think

Buy it here. Part 1: Meet Your Mammoth The first day I was in second grade, I came to school and noticed that there was a new, very pretty girl in the class—someone who hadn’t been there the previous two years. How to Beat Procrastination. This is Part 2.

How to Beat Procrastination

You won’t get Part 2 if you haven’t read Part 1 yet. Here’s Part 1. PDF: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline viewing. Buy it here. (Or see a preview.) The Habits Of Supremely Happy People. Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, theorizes that while 60 percent of happiness is determined by our genetics and environment, the remaining 40 percent is up to us.

The Habits Of Supremely Happy People

In his 2004 Ted Talk, Seligman describes three different kinds of happy lives: The pleasant life, in which you fill your life with as many pleasures as you can, the life of engagement, where you find a life in your work, parenting, love and leisure and the meaningful life, which “consists of knowing what your highest strengths are, and using them to belong to and in the service of something larger than you are.” After exploring what accounts for ultimate satisfaction, Seligman says he was surprised. The pursuit of pleasure, research determined, has hardly any contribution to a lasting fulfillment. Instead, pleasure is “the whipped cream and the cherry” that adds a certain sweetness to satisfactory lives founded by the simultaneous pursuit of meaning and engagement. They smile when they mean it. Why Having More Time Being Alone Makes You A Greater Person. “The best thinking has been done in solitude.” – Thomas Edison When was the last time you were alone?

Why Having More Time Being Alone Makes You A Greater Person

Not alone by today’s standards (Facebook and Twitter within arms reach, friends constantly buzzing your phone), but truly by yourself, with no outside influences providing data or information to your brain. Self Development. 7 Critical Skills That Predict Success. What skills do you really need to succeed? In school, they taught us history and algebra and if we got good SAT scores they said we'd succeed.

But are those the skills we really need? Developmental psychologist Susan Engel researched the skills that actually predicted success. I'll give you a hint--differential calculus isn't on the list. Here are the 7 skills that are critical for success. 1. Of course, you can read.